The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

we don't have enough volunteers to work the polling places with the few we do have on election day....expanding polling places is what we need instead the country, (Republican legislators) have been consolidating them, making fewer, and making it harder to Vote in cities with much longer wait times and lines to stand in....

democrats believe Republicans have done this on purpose, t o diminish the Democratic leaning voters who reside in cities, to disenfranchise them. It's done in many ways, also by putting fewer voting machines per voters in cities, vs rural areas with leaning Republican voters, who never have long lines....
Voting hours being cut, not expanded as well.

Yep, 7pm shutdown of all voting is ridiculous, people can't get to the polling place near their home after work easily....this is all directed towards limiting Democratic voters.... Blue collar, the labor worker....

Anyway, to combat Republican legislators moves to make it harder for citizens who were being disenfranchised of their constitutional right to vote, Democratic legislators when in power, expanded voting days...Early Voting, and absentee ballot make it easier for citizens working odd hours, or with kids in tow, or who do not drive, etc etc....easier to vote.
I’m just wondering, and maybe you have an answer for me, do people with odd working hours, kids or don’t drive make it to doctor appointment’s on time? And if they do do they bring their ID and insurance info with them?

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only​
- No “drive-up registration”​
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election​
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day​
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register​
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only​
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

Yes, yes. As usual, everyone must pay for the GOP’s own incompetence. :cuckoo:
Why not have only one hour to vote then?

If you really want to vote you can make it...right?
Limiting it to an hour would be just as stupid as extending it for a month. Making a ridiculously stupid statement like that isn’t making a valid point.
Without the ability to conduct a legit audit after? Anything goes.

there were R in place in 2020 hotly contested swing states who would not or could not do anything about ATL late night secret vote count or 100K 3AM spikes in other states. Some R actually worked hard to stop any meaningful Audit. Boyer in AZ? Rigita-Genta in AZ? Porker & Voss in WI? Kemp & RATT?
Limiting it to an hour would be just as stupid as extending it for a month. Making a ridiculously stupid statement like that isn’t making a valid point.
What’s the problem with limiting voting to one hour?

What can I tell you?

Repubs are basically honest and not as good at cheating as the dems are

We can learn

but what kind of a nation will we all be forced to live in after the race to the bottom?
Republicans are very good at cheating. Republican have corrupted our elections. They haver corrupted state and federal judges who are participating in rigging elections.

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only​
- No “drive-up registration”​
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election​
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day​
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register​
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only​
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

While we are at it, let's make sure only white people can vote!

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