The GOP Continues Their War On The Poor & Elderly, Passes Bill To Gut Food Assistance

I disagree. Defunding Obamacare is a definite winner for the jobless (and everyone else).

Bullshit. Corporations who used Obamacare as an excuse to cut employee benefits would keep those cuts in place if Obamacare was somehow repealed. Because they're greedy sacks of shit who only care about their profit. But Obamacare isn't going to be repealed or defunded. The House and the Tea Party are fucking delusional if they think the Senate or Obama are going to play their game. Let them shut down the gov't over it. They may as well resign if they do it, because they'll be out of a job come 2014.

Have you ever run a corporation before? How do you know what their tendencies are? It may not be repealed or defunded, but just about everyone it covers will ask for an exemption. So essentially that has the same effect.

I've worked for big corporations for the last 17 years. I know what their "tendencies" are..and I've sat in on board meetings, town halls and everything in between.

Feel free..fill us in.

Here we go again with the right wingers declaring war on those that are most at need, but won't touch a penny to get their corporate cronies to pay their fair share,..

Funny, you are far from being in need, BL. Not poor, starving, or needy. You have all you need to live and survive, yet when it boils down to it, you don't care about pity, you care about politics. The less fortunate are nothing but political pawns in a political game, a weapon to slay your enemies with.

If you truly cared about them, you would get those who are able bodied a job. If there is a true breadwinner in every family, no telling how well that family might prosper. But alas, you whine about them losing their welfare checks, which come to think of it, does nothing to ensure their welfare. Food stamps? Sure, if they had a job, the could buy the food with their own money instead of my tax dollars.

You disgust me.

absolutely...just like Blacks, homosexuals, and now they are going to make Hispanics their pawn...they are disgusting and can't win if they don't spread lies, (like the title of this thread)
hate and fearmongering....The Gop is going to starve granny and the CHILDREEEEEEEEEEEEN

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