The GOP has no choice they too must "cheat"

They must start playing the LETS BUY A VOTE game.
Winner! ^^^ Dems lose on every issue and have become so desperate they have resorted to blatant BRIBES and BUY A VOTE schemes. Biden RIGGED the GA senate run off elections in 2020 by offering GA voters $2,000 each for their vote. Then Biden went national this year with a $20,000 to $30,000 student loan vote buying scheme, raking in millions of votes to RIG the mid terms.

2024 Vote Republican and government will pay off your boat or RV loan.
Winner! ^^^ Dems lose on every issue and have become so desperate they have resorted to blatant BRIBES and BUY A VOTE schemes. Biden RIGGED the GA senate run off elections in 2020 by offering GA voters $2,000 each for their vote. Then Biden went national this year with a $20,000 to $30,000 student loan vote buying scheme, raking in millions of votes to RIG the mid terms.

2024 Vote Republican and government will pay off your boat or RV loan.
Know anyone who got this $2000 for their vote?
You're losing the black vote progressively each cycle so suck on that.

And a harvested vote is a vote that was begged for in person at an individuals place of residence
Lol pew determined that in this cycle 70 percent said they would vote Democrat, 24 was unsure and 6 said they would vote Republican. Not entirely sure champagne is in order for the GOP. Key facts about Black eligible voters in 2022 Especially because early exit polls seem to indicate that Roe v Wade has activated young women for the Democrats. A constituency that usually doesn't vote.

As for your definition of ballot harvesting. It sound conspicuously as trying to convince people that a certain candidate is worthy of their vote. Something that is the whole point of the exercise if I'm not mistaken.
They must start playing the LETS BUY A VOTE game. Unless they can get vote harvesting & mass mail in voting banned in all states what choice do they have?
The Democrats have mastered the ability of getting morons who have no knowledge about anything to vote Democrat. Like it or not that strategy is paying dividends big time.

I don't want to stoop to this LOW LEVEL to win but what choice do we have? You cam not beat millions of harvested uninformed votes with a message or an agenda.
Once the left noticed they were losing their grip on the BROWN vote they realized they needed a new strategy.

Unless and until we get a grip on these two slimy election practices we either join them or go the way of the dinosaur.
Just need to make sure ballot harvesting laws are followed.
No, just no.

Expose the cheating and hang the traitors is more in line with American ideals.
It is…..but you see the tact the Dems are taking. Anyone who attempts to expose the cheating is labeled a traitor by the U.S. President, and he is hiring an army of 87,000 IRS agents to harass and threaten them.
It is…..but you see the tact the Dems are taking. Anyone who attempts to expose the cheating is labeled a traitor by the U.S. President, and he is hiring an army of 87,000 IRS agents to harass and threaten them.
The eighty seven thousand pencil pushers are to do the backlog Trump created.
You're losing the black vote progressively each cycle so suck on that.

And a harvested vote is a vote that was begged for in person at an individuals place of residence
…and they go around to the dumbest areas of a city and manipulate ignorant voters to pick D.

Political activists aren’t allowed to approach voters waiting on line to cast their ballot, so why are they allowed to go directly to idiots’ apartments and lie to them about how Republicans will kill their children at the point of completing their ballot?
A harvested vote is one that regular people are allowed to collect from dumb people and bring it to a mailbox.

You're my hero, the way you patiently try to teach the leftist vermin what it means to be human. Thanks and keep at it!

The eighty seven thousand pencil pushers are to do the backlog Trump created.
Since when do pencil pushers have to be armed and willing to use deadly force on their fellow Americans?

We can get rid of ant backlog by just requiring IRS staff to do their jobs. I know one guy who ”works” for the IRS, earning $135,000 a year. He goes in one day a week - which he complains about - and the rest of the week he is tending to his two rental properties.

Five people like that is equivalent to ONE FTE. They can increase their workload ability by 5x by just requiring current workers to…..ya know….work.
…and they go around to the dumbest areas of a city and manipulate ignorant voters to pick D.

Political activists aren’t allowed to approach voters waiting on line to cast their ballot, so why are they allowed to go directly to idiots’ apartments and lie to them about how Republicans will kill their children at the point of completing their ballot?

Weren't we just having a private conversation about how unethical people target the aged for their scams? Harvesting ballots in elder care homes is a thing. We saw the videos after 2020.

Since when do pencil pushers have to be armed and willing to use deadly force on their fellow Americans?

We can get rid of ant backlog by just requiring IRS staff to do their jobs. I know one guy who ”works” for the IRS, earning $135,000 a year. He goes in one day a week - which he complains about - and the rest of the week he is tending to his two rental properties.

Five people like that is equivalent to ONE FTE. They can increase their workload ability by 5x by just requiring current workers to…..ya know….work.


You just used the most obscene word in the English language, to leftist vermin....................................

Do yous guys cry like this everytime over everything?
Do you moon everyone you come across, like a five-yeae-old?

My nephew did that to his mother (in my presence) when she told him he couldn’t have a cookie because dinner was in 30 minutes. He turned around, pulled down his britches, and wagged his little tushie at her. Little tushie got a couple of hard slaps, and he never did THAT again.

Oh, yeah….he was 4.

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