The GOP is About to Collapse

You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.

That milquetoast asshole couldn't even take his home state. :laughing0301:

Look at the timeline and then look at his credentials. He's got 30 IQ points on Trump and far more education..
Trump had the worst average Presidential Approval Rating in 100 years!!! Even Great Depression Hoover likely beat Trump!
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The GOP is About to Collapse
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.

Wow, talk about mental masturbation!
  • The GOP is in the process of reforming stronger, better than ever around Trump, the LAST thing you ever wanted to hear.
  • Biden couldn't slide much lower in the public's eye 'cept for if they just started to refer to him as "The Old Man."
  • Covid appears on its heels because of Present Trump and Op. Warp Speed, but after a year of telling us Trump was a failure and how all the other countries were the proof it seems now they are going backwards with lockdowns in increased numbers! As usual, it looks that if anything, the USA under Trump fared best over all in the long run by staying calm and sticking to reason.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.
Of course, if only we would dump the policies of President Trump that brought manufacturing jobs back our country, NOT starting any new stupid wars overseas, and reject socialism.

If only we would just follow people like Liz Cheney, or other McCain types that want us in the Middle East for 70 years. If only we’d follow the sellouts to China, or someone who supports open borders to allow more exploitation of cheap brown labor.

Sorry, but we aren’t ever going down that path.

We have MORE job growth now than before Covid. Have you seen the numbers? There are no open borders, drama queen.. China is now buying ALL their soybeans from Brazil and coal mining jobs are still in decline.. Remember, Trump gets bored very easily. Fixing healthcare was too difficult for him.
LOL of course we would have record job growth, because it was an artificial collapse when businesses were forced to shut down. Reopening is going to be big for the economy, but we aren’t anywhere near the employment numbers pre-WuFlu. So don’t kid yourself and you’re not fooling anyone in believing it has something to do with Biden or Dems.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...
And you're too much of a dumb fuck to recognize that neocon shitburgers who run the Lincoln Project are the ones who gave us Trump.

Go ahead, keep pretending like those assholes have any stroke with the GOP.
So first you dumb fucking repugs cram citizens United down our throats telling us corporations are people to. Then you tell us corporations and billionaires should not be taxed. Then the corporations don't like you flat cheating by trying to prevent Americans from voting in big cities. So now corporations should be taxed for exercising free speech as punishment When the democrats have already been trying to tax them to pay their fair share and pay down national debt. The good news is ya we will tax them not as punishment but because it is the right thing to do and we will get those deep state elites yall talk about making over 400k per house hold and add on the wealth tax for over what ever millions it is proposed at and we will get what we wanted the whole time while all of you attack free speech, flip flop on everything you claim to hold near and dear and prove you are all bat shit crazy. Ok we are for it you have my support. Hillarious
I'm not a republican and yours is the party of tax dodging corporatist bazillionaires, dickweed.

So the joke's on you.

Like Trump ..He bragged that he was so smart that he didn't pay taxes in the US for ten years.
xiden looks like an asshole right now, leaving AMERICAs borders wide open, inviting the chinese flu in
Covid is finally losing, TRUMP got the vaccine in record time...TRUMP VACCINE---hope all you demonRATS like your -TRUMP VACCINE!!!
The economy is about to re-open and boom because the governors are sick of the demonRAT shut downs, therefore ignoring xiden, and fake-i
demonRATS have contributed nothing but stupidity, and what the republicans already proposed last year. you remember, when PIG-lousi refused to help the AMERICAN people AND they have scum like PIG-lousi and kum-inme harris and xiden still leading the way.(LOL) with barrag-o behind the curtain
I think the Dems are going to implode due to stupidity, scandal, and the anti-AMERICA mentality
here comes hunter wunters laptop...hahaha
So first you dumb fucking repugs cram citizens United down our throats

I speech is just awful.

No one should be allowed to criticize Hillary!!!
Lol. I support the taxes not the rest of you batshit crazy shit. You relpugs get more hillarious by the day. I ALSO SUPPORT YOU FLIP FLOPPING AND PROVING HOW BAT SHIT CRAZY YALL ARE

Flip flopping?
I've always been in favor of criticizing Hillary.
Lol, way to change the subject dumb fuck. Hillarious When in doubt your dumb fucki g ass ignores the subject and criticizes some one out of politics.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...
And you're too much of a dumb fuck to recognize that neocon shitburgers who run the Lincoln Project are the ones who gave us Trump.

Go ahead, keep pretending like those assholes have any stroke with the GOP.
So first you dumb fucking repugs cram citizens United down our throats telling us corporations are people to. Then you tell us corporations and billionaires should not be taxed. Then the corporations don't like you flat cheating by trying to prevent Americans from voting in big cities. So now corporations should be taxed for exercising free speech as punishment When the democrats have already been trying to tax them to pay their fair share and pay down national debt. The good news is ya we will tax them not as punishment but because it is the right thing to do and we will get those deep state elites yall talk about making over 400k per house hold and add on the wealth tax for over what ever millions it is proposed at and we will get what we wanted the whole time while all of you attack free speech, flip flop on everything you claim to hold near and dear and prove you are all bat shit crazy. Ok we are for it you have my support. Hillarious
I'm not a republican and yours is the party of tax dodging corporatist bazillionaires, dickweed.

So the joke's on you.

Like Trump ..He bragged that he was so smart that he didn't pay taxes in the US for ten years.
These idiots get more hillarious by the day.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.

That milquetoast asshole couldn't even take his home state. :laughing0301:

Look at the timeline and then look at his credentials. He's got 30 IQ points on Trump and far more education..
I look at results...McMullin ia a total loser.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.

That milquetoast asshole couldn't even take his home state. :laughing0301:

Look at the timeline and then look at his credentials. He's got 30 IQ points on Trump and far more education..
I look at results...McMullin ia a total loser.

Did you finish HS?
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.

That milquetoast asshole couldn't even take his home state. :laughing0301:

Look at the timeline and then look at his credentials. He's got 30 IQ points on Trump and far more education..
I look at results...McMullin ia a total loser.

Did you finish HS?
What does me finishing HS have to do with McMullin being a no-results loser?
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

If the GOPQ keeps embracing both trump and QAnon they will die a painful death at the hands of voters who don't fall prey to the lies and conspiracy theories of the Liar in Chief and his criminal cohorts. Hopefully, soon Vance and others will bring charges against the giant orange POS.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

If the GOPQ keeps embracing both trump and QAnon they will die a painful death at the hands of voters who don't fall prey to the lies and conspiracy theories of the Liar in Chief and his criminal cohorts. Hopefully, soon Vance and others will bring charges against the giant orange POS.

Sorry, but Trump woke REAL Americans out of their Neocon slumber.
Biden looks real good right now and is doing great.
Covid is finally losing because of Biden's leadership.
The economy is about to re-open and boom at a grand scale with Biden's stimulus.
Republicans have contributed nothing to this recovery at all, AND they have scum like Gaetz and Majorie Greene, and Trump still leading the way.
I think the Dems are going to really outperform while the GOP implodes due to stupidity and scandal. I look for big Dem gains next election because the country will be very very strong.

he's fking up the country FAST---look at the BORDER--DUH

Nobody gives a flying fuck about the border except you wackos. The border is meaningless if the economy is booming.

My estimation of your IQ is dropping with each post you make.
You dumb fucks represent the pizza-gate, QANON, Majorie Taylor Greene wing of your failed party. You wackos are going to lead your party of failure into the ground, while Biden just knocks it out of the park.

It is so obvious, the economy is about the boom on an incredible scale because of Biden.

The Dems are going to crush the mid terms because of it. All you have is Gaetz, Trump, and a bunch of brainwashed lemming liars. The GOP has made no contribution to America's boom.

You people are totally fucked and you don't realize it yet...

They really need to dump Trump and all those weirdos and concentrate on a candidate who is intelligent and ethical. Someone like Evan McMullen. He has lots of experience and he's the right stuff.
Of course, if only we would dump the policies of President Trump that brought manufacturing jobs back our country, NOT starting any new stupid wars overseas, and reject socialism.

If only we would just follow people like Liz Cheney, or other McCain types that want us in the Middle East for 70 years. If only we’d follow the sellouts to China, or someone who supports open borders to allow more exploitation of cheap brown labor.

Sorry, but we aren’t ever going down that path.

We have MORE job growth now than before Covid. Have you seen the numbers? There are no open borders, drama queen.. China is now buying ALL their soybeans from Brazil and coal mining jobs are still in decline.. Remember, Trump gets bored very easily. Fixing healthcare was too difficult for him.
LOL of course we would have record job growth, because it was an artificial collapse when businesses were forced to shut down. Reopening is going to be big for the economy, but we aren’t anywhere near the employment numbers pre-WuFlu. So don’t kid yourself and you’re not fooling anyone in believing it has something to do with Biden or Dems.
It is all Biden.
Trump had his shot at covid and failed miserably.
Biden changed that, then Biden passed covid relief. Now the Biden boom is in full effect and all you can do is cry and whine, like you've been doing.

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