The GOP is Officially Democrat. We Have a 1 Party System!

The only way our elected representatives can stop this out of control spending and enormous burden of regulation is to stop funding (i.e. "shut down the government") or repeal all the stupid big spending bills and regulations.

Nobody has the courage to do either one of those things so we are going to continue with this disastrous burden of government.

Our government is past the point of being able to be fixed.
"The GOP is Officially Democrat. We Have a 1 Party System!"


But this might help some on the right come to realize that the vast majority of Americans want nothing to do with the extreme rightwing agenda, and that 2014 was in no way 'representative' of the whole of the American people.

If Congressional republicans are going to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, expect more of the same.

You do have a point. The entire population (in general) has done a pretty major shift in the wrong direction -- or to the "left" if you prefer. We have the public fool system; the mainstream media; and the infiltration of the GOP by "Neo-Cons" and RINOS to thank for it. Masterfully done, I must say.

Yeah man! You've got an answer for everything. Americans are uneducated, gullible and caught unaware by RINOS! That's it! Yeah....that's the ticket!!
You're catching on!! But they have been "educated" ... or brainwashed.

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