The GOP just can't win

The elephant in the room is that no one ever talks about ending welfare and subsidies to corporate power, Wall Stree, and the "job creator" class.

The Libertarians and other Constitutionalists HAVE ANSWERED that Fenton Lum

it's called: Enforcing the Constitution and stopping corporate and political abuse of govt outside its normal limits.

I have shared ideas among Greens and Libertarians about taking this a step further: not only calling the limits on the corporate abuses,
AGAINST THE DEBTS. Instead of charging this to the taxpayers'
welfare rolls, setting up credits and notes through the Federal Reserve,
make the wrongdoers pay the debts (plus interest and legal fees)
for unconstitutional policies they profited from, and use those
credits to finance programs in sustainable reforms, paying for
programs correctly, and shifting social controls back to people
parties and states to manage democratically instead of fighting
for dominance through the federal level monopolized by corporate interests.

And yet nothing ever comes to pass does it.
Obama's approval rating now over 53%. Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by double digits in the polls, The GOP is poised to lose control of the Senate. Republicans....your dear leaders tactic of attack, attack, attack is wearing thin with the voting public. It's time to accept the fact that you'll be saying "Madam President" this fall. :bang3:

Maybe. And we can kiss this country goodbye. Congratulations, You ISIS supporters will have successfully destroyed what is left of America. Your Mom and Dad, and your Forebears must be SO proud of you. Welcome to the new Soviet Union.

You guys said we could kiss the country goodbye if Obama got elected
The elephant in the room is that no one ever talks about ending welfare and subsidies to corporate power, Wall Stree, and the "job creator" class.

Voters vote on the unemployment rate and the price of gas

Unemployment rate will be around 4.5% and the price of gas will be around $1.75 come November

Hard for Trump to run on the economy

Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"
The elephant in the room is that no one ever talks about ending welfare and subsidies to corporate power, Wall Stree, and the "job creator" class.

Voters vote on the unemployment rate and the price of gas

Unemployment rate will be around 4.5% and the price of gas will be around $1.75 come November

Hard for Trump to run on the economy

Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?
The elephant in the room is that no one ever talks about ending welfare and subsidies to corporate power, Wall Stree, and the "job creator" class.

Voters vote on the unemployment rate and the price of gas

Unemployment rate will be around 4.5% and the price of gas will be around $1.75 come November

Hard for Trump to run on the economy

Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent
The elephant in the room is that no one ever talks about ending welfare and subsidies to corporate power, Wall Stree, and the "job creator" class.

Voters vote on the unemployment rate and the price of gas

Unemployment rate will be around 4.5% and the price of gas will be around $1.75 come November

Hard for Trump to run on the economy

Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very well paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.
Last edited:
Voters vote on the unemployment rate and the price of gas

Unemployment rate will be around 4.5% and the price of gas will be around $1.75 come November

Hard for Trump to run on the economy

Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts
Unemployment will be 4.5 and gas will be $1.75

You are a fucking clueless fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate is around 11% (100 million have given up looking for work - so they no longer count in your ficticious bullshit) and gas is slowly working it's way up closer to $3.00 a gallon.

Stop being such a goddamned mouthpiece of lies.

Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.
Yea...go with explaining U3 vs U6 unemployment and your lies about 100 million "looking for work"

Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
Obama's approval rating now over 53%. Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by double digits in the polls, The GOP is poised to lose control of the Senate. Republicans....your dear leaders tactic of attack, attack, attack is wearing thin with the voting public. It's time to accept the fact that you'll be saying "Madam President" this fall. :bang3:

Sorry to tell you but douchebag in the WH is a lame duck so his ratings really don't mean shit.

I tend to think Trump is doing much better than you hope he is doing.

The poll shows that Hillary Clinton and conservative businessman Donald Trump are tied… and Trump would be leading if not for the libertarian candidate:

Read more:

If Hitlery were anywhere near as good as YOU think she is then she would be a clear winner in every way.

You can always hope though. Hopedoesspringseternal.
The numbers don't lie, so what you think really does not matter. I don't think Hillary is good at all, but she will beat down Donald like a pancake if we don't get a good GOP candidate out of Cleveland.
Aren't you the user with that that cushy government contract?
If you are, do you actually think everyone else is making your salary?

I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?
I am a renowned paid messageboard compensation package (which includes dental) places me in the one percent

Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
Nope...I remember you bragging that you were a very paid contractor working for some government agency, which, of course, must be true because you're not denying it.
And now you're living off of some fantasy that 98% of Americans making less than 15K/year is a good thing.

Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
<SARCASM>And we all know Hillary has a LONG history of wanting to correct this</SARCASM>.
Not everyone can enter the glamorous field of paid messageboard poster

It takes years of study not to mention the prospect of having to read through thousands of inane posts

Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
<SARCASM>And we all know Hillary has a LONG history of wanting to correct this</SARCASM>.

Glad you brought it up

Hillary's policies increase taxes on the wealthy while decreasing costs of education and healthcare for working Americans. She also supports substantial minimum wage increases
Thank you for admitting you're a hypocrite when it comes to conflating employment with compensation.

When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
<SARCASM>And we all know Hillary has a LONG history of wanting to correct this</SARCASM>.

Glad you brought it up

Hillary's policies increase taxes on the wealthy while decreasing costs of education and healthcare for working Americans. She also supports substantial minimum wage increases

She also supports more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
Universal Healthcare and the Minimum Wage would be rendered obsolete by Tariffing MNCs back to the US.
The cost of education is a mute point when MNCs can dictate to Congress that all Americans are idiots and we need more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
You're intelligent enough to know that.
When have I made that case?

Do tell
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
<SARCASM>And we all know Hillary has a LONG history of wanting to correct this</SARCASM>.

Glad you brought it up

Hillary's policies increase taxes on the wealthy while decreasing costs of education and healthcare for working Americans. She also supports substantial minimum wage increases

She also supports more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
Universal Healthcare and the Minimum Wage would be rendered obsolete by Tariffing MNCs back to the US.
The cost of education is a mute point when MNCs can dictate to Congress that all Americans are idiots and we need more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
You're intelligent enough to know that.

It's MOOT not MUTE
How many times have you orgasmed over Obama's low employment rate when most of these jobs pay way less than 20K/y?
Do you even pay attention to what you post?

If you bother to read my exceptional posts, you will also find I have repeatedly bemoaned our current wage structure that has been in place since we sold our soul to Supply Side Economics
<SARCASM>And we all know Hillary has a LONG history of wanting to correct this</SARCASM>.

Glad you brought it up

Hillary's policies increase taxes on the wealthy while decreasing costs of education and healthcare for working Americans. She also supports substantial minimum wage increases

She also supports more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
Universal Healthcare and the Minimum Wage would be rendered obsolete by Tariffing MNCs back to the US.
The cost of education is a mute point when MNCs can dictate to Congress that all Americans are idiots and we need more Off-Shoring and Business Visas.
You're intelligent enough to know that.

It's MOOT not MUTE
I sit corrected.
Obama's approval rating now over 53%. Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by double digits in the polls, The GOP is poised to lose control of the Senate. Republicans....your dear leaders tactic of attack, attack, attack is wearing thin with the voting public. It's time to accept the fact that you'll be saying "Madam President" this fall. :bang3:
Don't quit your day job.

If this is it ...You're fired!

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