The GOP Sure Has A Winning Governor In Maine!!

From your link.

"What is relevant is the cost to state taxpayers for welfare and the emotional costs for these kids who are born as a result of involvement with drug traffickers. His heart goes out to these kids because he had a difficult childhood, too. We need to stop the drug traffickers from coming into our state."

LePage is known for speaking his mind, and it sometimes gets him into trouble. He said on the campaign trail that he'd tell President Barack Obama to "go to hell," and then soon after he was elected to his first term he told the Portland chapter of the NAACP to "kiss my butt."

It appears he doesn't like Democrat Party shills and race baiters....:lol:
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But apparently it's a-OK if out-of-state drug dealers are impregnating young black/Indian/Asian girls.

But apparently it's a-OK if out-of-state drug dealers are impregnating young black/Indian/Asian girls.


I have a feeling Bill Clinton will be shopping for a lodge on a lake in Maine...
MEH... there's... what?... like... 17 Blacks and Latinos in Maine? More media-generated faux angst. Offended? Tough shit. Phukk off. Funny stuff, though...
'LePage, talking about Maine's heroin epidemic, described out-of-state drug dealers as "guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty" and said "half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave."

LePage, who's white, didn't describe the races of the drug dealers on Wednesday during a town meeting in Bridgton, and a spokesman said Thursday he wasn't making a comment about race.

But moderate Republican and LePage critic Lance Dutson, who called attention to the remark, said the governor was playing to people's racial fears.'


As is typical of most republicans, adhering to their politics of fear, where the GOP has nothing of merit to contribute, nothing of substance to offer the American people – just lies, fear-mongering, and personal attacks.
Progs simply cannot tolerate any dissent, that's why they're history's most prolific mass murderers
One Ebola death on US soil & Repubtards are still shitting their panties!
The drug war is LOST and those of you who believe we must continue to fight it are backwards. Legalize it all. If someone chooses to toxify themselves then so be it. Its over people. Use the money to help our vets who are fighting unwinnable battles.
The drug war is LOST and those of you who believe we must continue to fight it are backwards. Legalize it all. If someone chooses to toxify themselves then so be it. Its over people. Use the money to help our vets who are fighting unwinnable battles.
No its far from over. Its just that pussy footing doesn't work. Death Penalty for drug pushers,1st offender users get rehab,2nd offense 10 years hard labor,3rd offense death penalty
Maybe Trump will add him to the ticket. The RW Loons will go crazy!

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