The GOP Upside of a Hillary Win in 2016

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Currently the Democratic party is or has disappeared in most of the south and the farmbelt. The major effect of this movement is to ensure that the few democrats that are elected in their gerrymandered districts are highly radical. This is currently happening in 30 states. A Hillary election will lead closer to the limit of 37 states.

If she sticks with Obamacare that 37 state limit is likely to be reached and she has no hope of election or reelection without that stance. That in turn means that there is no hope of nominating anyone who appeals to anyone outside of the Blue wall. More importantly overrides of vetoes will be more or less on automatic pilot.

So, why is anyone other than Democrats opposed to such an outcome?
William, that makes no sense. Are you saying a Hillary election will radicalize the purple states back to red? If so, there will have to a lot of them.
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William, that makes no sense. Are you saying a Hillary electin will radicalize the purple states back to red? If so, there will have to a lot of them.
there are seven actual purple states. After 2020 there will be even fewer. The metric that matters is eligible voters and given the Democratic party's war on Asians not to mention siding with blacks against Hispanics in the Zimmerman and other cases the message that brown and yellow lives do not matter is spreading. As in all south Asian governors are R and in statewide elections Hispanics are trending R. Outside of Hawaii East Asians are trending the same way. Obama has been great for the Rs and Hillary will be even better.
Hispanics in national elections are trending towars the Dems, strongly. Trust the wingos on the far right to play diversionary politics.Hispanics and blacks distrust whites more than each other, so you better come up with another game plan.

The biggest player is of course women.

So we need to reach out to women and minorities where they are at, not worry about the Dems screwing it up, but for us to win it.
Hispanics in national elections are trending towars the Dems, strongly. Trust the wingos on the far right to play diversionary politics.Hispanics and blacks distrust whites more than each other, so you better come up with another game plan.

The biggest player is of course women.

So we need to reach out to women and minorities where they are at, not worry about the Dems screwing it up, but for us to win it.

but to the Rs in statewide elections and that is the trend to watch.
Yes, in bi-terms, the GOP hold the advantage, for now.

The demographic change to women and minorities will eventually change that.
"The Democratic party has disappeared from the south." Good let the South lay in the beds they've made for a while. Dems have pretty much locked up the electoral college if Hillary runs so I don't know why you're so excited. The GOP has no path to 270 no matter who they run thanks to their nutters.

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