The GOP's 'Nazi Problem' Comes to California With anti-Semitic Holocaust Denier Candidate


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
He wants all Jews out, and spitting on their flag is an embarrassment to the GOP who will not support him

What a idiot, hateful man

When neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier Arthur Jones became the GOP nominee for a House seat in March after winning an uncontested primary in Illinois, many Republicans dismissed his candidacy as a fluke that happened as a result of a bureaucratic snafu.

Similarly, racist and anti-Semitic Republican candidate Paul Nehlen– in the running for Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin congressional seat after the house speaker announced his retirement from politics – has been condemned by everyone from his state party to far-right website Breitbart News.

The GOP's 'Nazi problem' comes to California with anti-Semitic Holocaust denier candidate
Oh no, feelings are hurt again...

My prediction is that the guy won't win in commiefornia.

Which is great for those living outside the state, we will all have example of what happens when the left takes over.
You can complain all you want about the GOP having actual nazis making it into races, but when is the last time you saw the party as a whole welcome or condone it? Meanwhile, the other major party is welcoming their extreme fringes in droves. People who think abortion of 8 month gestated babies is acceptable. People that want gender-neutral bathrooms. People that want to repeal the 2nd amendment. People who don't believe in the first amendment via their support for hate speech laws. People who unabashedly stump for socialism. People who practice the most open racism and sexism in today's politics by painting a certain race (whites) and gender (men) with a broad brush at just about each and every turn.
You can complain all you want about the GOP having actual nazis making it into races, but when is the last time you saw the party as a whole welcome or condone it? Meanwhile, the other major party is welcoming their extreme fringes in droves. People who think abortion of 8 month gestated babies is acceptable. People that want gender-neutral bathrooms. People that want to repeal the 2nd amendment. People who don't believe in the first amendment via their support for hate speech laws. People who unabashedly stump for socialism. People who practice the most open racism and sexism in today's politics by painting a certain race (whites) and gender (men) with a broad brush at just about each and every turn.
Show me anyone who kills a baby at 8 months you moron.
Show me anyone who kills a baby at 8 months you moron.
Legal abortion up to the birth of the baby. Democrats have fought tooth and nail to allow babies to be aborted at any time during pregnancy. You're right, it happens in very small numbers but democrats are the ones who fight any law that would propose that abortion be illegal beyond so many weeks of gestation.
He wants all Jews out, and spitting on their flag is an embarrassment to the GOP who will not support him

What a idiot, hateful man

When neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier Arthur Jones became the GOP nominee for a House seat in March after winning an uncontested primary in Illinois, many Republicans dismissed his candidacy as a fluke that happened as a result of a bureaucratic snafu.

Similarly, racist and anti-Semitic Republican candidate Paul Nehlen– in the running for Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin congressional seat after the house speaker announced his retirement from politics – has been condemned by everyone from his state party to far-right website Breitbart News.

The GOP's 'Nazi problem' comes to California with anti-Semitic Holocaust denier candidate

The GOP kicked him out.

Thread fail
Show me anyone who kills a baby at 8 months you moron.
Legal abortion up to the birth of the baby. Democrats have fought tooth and nail to allow babies to be aborted at any time during pregnancy. You're right, it happens in very small numbers but democrats are the ones who fight any law that would propose that abortion be illegal beyond so many weeks of gestation.

Fail..I don't see a lied

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