The GOPs New Star: Jindal

ok, YOU are a fucking MORON
thats just another LIAR blog

Ahh what else is new, Dive calling someone a moron and calling a source that he doesn't like a liar.

Because you happen to be the beacon of no partisan hackery?

...:eusa_eh:...:eusa_eh:...:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :eusa_angel:

4 links and still no rebuttle link. But you are good at calling names.


The first is particularly funny, after insisting he was right and showing a clip of an earlier program of him saying Jindal was lying, he admits Jindal didn't lie, and before again claiming he did.

No he didn’t. You better look again. When he said the story was true he was referring to what Jindal’s office said.

Cenk Uygur, RULES
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4 links and still no rebuttle link. But you are good at calling names.


The first is particularly funny, after insisting he was right and showing a clip of an earlier program of him saying Jindal was lying, he admits Jindal didn't lie, and before again claiming he did.

No he didn’t. You better look again. When he said the story was true he was referring to what Jindal’s office said.
because yopur OWN LINKS dont back your story
you are a fucking MORON

4 links and still no rebuttle link. But you are good at calling names.


The first is particularly funny, after insisting he was right and showing a clip of an earlier program of him saying Jindal was lying, he admits Jindal didn't lie, and before again claiming he did.

No he didn’t. You better look again. When he said the story was true he was referring to what Jindal’s office said.
because yopur OWN LINKS dont back your story
you are a fucking MORON

The links I provided say Jindal's story wasn't as he presented it. You better learn how to read.:cuckoo:
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fuck off you naive punk

Cry some more, I can make a drink similar to this if you give me enough:


Hell, you've already made me quite rich with the amount of tears you've shed since Obama won. :eusa_whistle:

Thanks for the neg by the way, only continues to show how much of a whiny bitch you are. :tongue:

4 links and still no rebuttle link. But you are good at calling names.


No he didn’t. You better look again. When he said the story was true he was referring to what Jindal’s office said.
because yopur OWN LINKS dont back your story
you are a fucking MORON

The links I provided say Jindal's story wasn't as he presented it. You better learn how to read.:cuckoo:
moron, i read it
it doesnt back your take on it
telling a naive punk to fuck off, is not crying you moron

Just a helpful tip: You didn't need the , in your sentence. Unless you stop in the middle of all your sentences and then finish it.

I'm a punk now though? :lol:

What's next? Going to tell me I'm a whippersnapper and to get off your lawn?

It's saturday Dive, what stick do you got jammed up your ass? :lol:



P.S: Yes, you were crying.
telling a naive punk to fuck off, is not crying you moron

Just a helpful tip: You didn't need the , in your sentence. Unless you stop in the middle of all your sentences and then finish it.

I'm a punk now though? :lol:

What's next? Going to tell me I'm a whippersnapper and to get off your lawn?

It's saturday Dive, what stick do you got jammed up your ass? :lol:


P.S: Yes, you were crying.
you have a lot of growing up to do
its too bad you are hung up on the bullshit you are

btw, its quite immature you post silly youtube videos that you do

and no, not matter how much you want to claim it is, it isnt crying
LOL what a fucking moron you have turned into
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you have a lot of growing up to do
its too bad you are hung up on the bullshit you are

btw, its quite immature you post silly youtube videos that you do

Odd, you act more immature than me on a regular basis then I have in my entire time on here.

I was merely posting a happy days video since it's the weekend. Again, get that stick out of your ass negative nancy. :lol:

Then the capper: With Jindal's office now satisfied with the third iteration of its story -- a version that clearly acknowledged that the first version, told Tuesday night to millions, was false -- Teepell went back to Smith with the following comment:

"This is liberal blogger B.S. The story is clear."

And Smith, in yet another update, published it.
Good work all round!

The above taken from here -

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Jindal's Office Tries To Spin Katrina Story, Digs Itself In Deeper

According to you this must mean that Jindal's story, told Tuesday night to millions, was true.
Boy now that’s some spin.:eek:
says an 18 year old punk that doesnt have a clue what maturity is

I do know one thing at the very least, it's certainly not the way you act around here.

I've seen more maturity from the primates at Roger Williams Park Zoo then you all the time on here.
says an 18 year old punk that doesnt have a clue what maturity is

says an 18 year old punk that doesnt have a clue what maturity is

I do know one thing at the very least, it's certainly not the way you act around here.

I've seen more maturity from the primates at Roger Williams Park Zoo then you all the time on here.

Could you guys confine your bickering to one thread at a time please? :lol:
Then the capper: With Jindal's office now satisfied with the third iteration of its story -- a version that clearly acknowledged that the first version, told Tuesday night to millions, was false -- Teepell went back to Smith with the following comment:

"This is liberal blogger B.S. The story is clear."

And Smith, in yet another update, published it.
Good work all round!

The above taken from here -

TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Jindal's Office Tries To Spin Katrina Story, Digs Itself In Deeper

According to you this must mean that Jindal's story, told Tuesday night to millions, was true.
Boy now that’s some spin.:eek:
Jindal didnt say it the way you guys are spinning it
thus it is you assholes that are lying
again, fuck off

No thanks, besides aren't your hands busy with others at the moment anyway? :lol:

C'mon Dive, you got to offer more of a challenge here. Pissing you off is like shooting fish in a barrel; hell I wasn't even trying to do so and I somehow did it.

Wait a minute...Dive! I've found the cartoon version of you!


I'm going to call you Daffy from now on, that alright with you? :D

Well actually..


You'd make a good Donald too since you and Donald make just about as much sense. :tongue:
I’m not lying! I just provided links about Jindal's story, told Tuesday night to millions. I guess you still don’t have any real rebuttal except calling names. I would like to know the truth.

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