The government we deserve


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Every nation gets the government it deserves.- Joseph de Maistre 1753-1821

As long as Republicans and Democrats cling to their little sound bites below, America will sink further and further into gridlock and a ever spiraling national debt that will cause an economic crisis of massive proportions. And don't blame our lawmakers for this folks...whether you're Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi they're only doing what their supporters tell them to. Unless voters on both sides send a strong signal to their lawmakers to work across the aisle and get things done, America will be in a very bad way....soon!

Trump Supporters philosophy: Democrats are all Godless Liberals, who never work,, lie around on couches all day, smoke pot, want free stuff, support open borders, and hate America. - Stupid!

Democrat philosophy: Trump supporters are all white trailer trash hypocritical Christians, hellbent on polluting America with industrial waste, support the KKK, hate education, and want retarded people to own guns. Equally Stupid!

A house divided against itself will not stand: Matthew 12:22-28
It isn't fun saying it, but the poor level of U.S. government is a result of the poor level of voter involvement and participation. The gangsters who take advantage of the situation are awful, but the voters are, fundamentally, to blame for allowing it to happen and continue.
More and more, it looks as if we really need a new movement or party to have significant change.
American Revolution Party?
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Now, this is fucking hilarious.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Now, this is fucking hilarious.
Go back to sleep or better yet wake up to the fact that we in America abhorred Trumpian style politics since WW2 for a very good reason.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Now, this is fucking hilarious.
Go back to sleep or better yet wake up to the fact that we in America abhorred Trumpian style politics since WW2 for a very good reason.
I didn't vote for Trump, but you and your ilk are not awake to anything in life so far up your asses are your heads.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Now, this is fucking hilarious.
Go back to sleep or better yet wake up to the fact that we in America abhorred Trumpian style politics since WW2 for a very good reason.
I didn't vote for Trump, but you and your ilk are not awake to anything in life so far up your asses are your heads.

I don't care who you voted for.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Correct – the notion that Democrats and Republicans are the ‘same’ fails as a false comparison fallacy.

But the fundamental premise is spot on: the people are solely responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

And the problem isn’t going to be fixed with top down ‘solutions’ – nonsense such as term limits, balanced budget amendments, or creating a third party.

Real change will only come about when citizens get involved at the very local level – unfortunately the people have become too apathetic and complacent to become involved.
Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Correct – the notion that Democrats and Republicans are the ‘same’ fails as a false comparison fallacy.

But the fundamental premise is spot on: the people are solely responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

And the problem isn’t going to be fixed with top down ‘solutions’ – nonsense such as term limits, balanced budget amendments, or creating a third party.

Real change will only come about when citizens get involved at the very local level – unfortunately the people have become too apathetic and complacent to become involved.

There are no choices, there is no voice , any grassroot bottom up approach falls on it's face.

The elites own the media, military ,congress ,domestic and foreign policies follow suit

Big $$$ talks.....the rest of us walk

Lose the false equivalency. We have a nationalist authoritarian in power doing some very unprecedented and dangerous things. What do we have on the left? At worst we have people pushing for very popular things the other democratic nations of the world have been doing for decades. The right has gone so far to the right that coming back to the middle would get us back to Reagan style republicanism that no one really wants.
Correct – the notion that Democrats and Republicans are the ‘same’ fails as a false comparison fallacy.

But the fundamental premise is spot on: the people are solely responsible for the good – or bad – government they get.

And the problem isn’t going to be fixed with top down ‘solutions’ – nonsense such as term limits, balanced budget amendments, or creating a third party.

Real change will only come about when citizens get involved at the very local level – unfortunately the people have become too apathetic and complacent to become involved.

There are no choices, there is no voice , any grassroot bottom up approach falls on it's face.

The elites own the media, military ,congress ,domestic and foreign policies follow suit

Big $$$ talks.....the rest of us walk

Money is entirely too important, it's true.

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