The Grammy Awards Shows Us What Democrats Have Become

Yeah, you were wrong. :D

About what?

That I did not enter your domain of stupidity, the flame zone, and that you wandered out into the adult board? How was I wrong, exactly? Are you not out here in the adult boards, performing all your flame zone stupidity?

What the hell are you talking about, you crazy old man? I hardly never post in the Flame Zone. :lol: Take your medicine, will you? Pretty soon, you're going to be calling us all communists again. :tongue:
If you are a libtard you are a commie.

Oh my, that is some impressive skills of deduction there. :lol:
Not too hard to figure out, I have known for years libs are commies. The communist party usa has backed the democratic party since the 60's.
Yeah, you were wrong. :D

About what?

That I did not enter your domain of stupidity, the flame zone, and that you wandered out into the adult board? How was I wrong, exactly? Are you not out here in the adult boards, performing all your flame zone stupidity?

What the hell are you talking about, you crazy old man? I hardly never post in the Flame Zone. :lol: Take your medicine, will you? Pretty soon, you're going to be calling us all communists again. :tongue:
If you are a libtard you are a commie.

Oh my, that is some impressive skills of deduction there. :lol:
Not too hard to figure out, I have known for years libs are commies. The communist party usa has backed the democratic party since the 60's.
I have my hammer flag...where is yours?

Yeah, you were wrong. :D

About what?

That I did not enter your domain of stupidity, the flame zone, and that you wandered out into the adult board? How was I wrong, exactly? Are you not out here in the adult boards, performing all your flame zone stupidity?

What the hell are you talking about, you crazy old man? I hardly never post in the Flame Zone. :lol: Take your medicine, will you? Pretty soon, you're going to be calling us all communists again. :tongue:
If you are a libtard you are a commie.

Oh my, that is some impressive skills of deduction there. :lol:
Not too hard to figure out, I have known for years libs are commies. The communist party usa has backed the democratic party since the 60's.

That guy calls EVERYONE a commie. Lol. I'm not a member of any stupid party.
It's the grammy awards ceremony. It has nothing to do with communism. Lol. It's all just supposed to be fun, I'm pretty sure.
How does someone who can't find their teeth act? :lmao:

Like you.

You would know, I guess. Have you posted a picture of your ugly mug yet?

I've spent much of the day poking you with a stick, so I guess I would know...

Yes, my picture is on the board. I doubt you have the intelligence to find it, though...
How does someone who can't find their teeth act? :lmao:

Like you.

You would know, I guess. Have you posted a picture of your ugly mug yet?

I've spent much of the day poking you with a stick, so I guess I would know...

Yes, my picture is on the board. I doubt you have the intelligence to find it, though...

:lol: Takes intelligence to find your picture? I wonder if you realize just how stupid you sound most of the time, eh commie? Why don't you give us a link so we can see how young and vibrant you are?
This thread shows us that Conservatives are willing to politize everything. Is it desperation? Is it their inability to voice their message as anything but a case of Nixonian paranoia? Is it because they constantly lag behind history and popular culture? Is it because they think Ted Nugent is still a Rock and Roll star and not an utter idiot and nutcase?

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society

Fishing wire and super glue....alrighty.
This thread shows us that Conservatives are willing to politize everything. Is it desperation? Is it their inability to voice their message as anything but a case of Nixonian paranoia? Is it because they constantly lag behind history and popular culture? Is it because they think Ted Nugent is still a Rock and Roll star and not an utter idiot and nutcase?

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.

This thread shows us that Conservatives are willing to politize everything. Is it desperation? Is it their inability to voice their message as anything but a case of Nixonian paranoia? Is it because they constantly lag behind history and popular culture? Is it because they think Ted Nugent is still a Rock and Roll star and not an utter idiot and nutcase?

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society
Candy why should I have to pay for crappy ass drivers?

When I have not filed a claim in 30 years?

Candy why should I have to pay for fat ass people who choose that life style


I am 49 years old, 5'9" 150 lbs soaking wet, I dont take chances no more so candy why do I have to pay for everyones else reckless choices in life

Why candy


You're paying for that now....who do you think funds the County hospital?
When your neighbor has insurance...they don't go to County; the insurance pays (in part) for their healthcare.
I really hate to say this, and I am sure to receive a lot of angry and insulting replies, but I am going to say it anyway.

What we are seeing is the ni66erization of our culture. Note, ni66ers come in all colors.

You know,when you start a sentence "I really hate to say this..." you should probably stop right there.
Somehow you have decided to pretend that because people pooped and barfed in the 50's, comedy shows were obligated to depict it.

I don't know, Joe, there's nothing I can say to you. You'll defend the constant lowering of societal standards and our general decay forever.

Whatever works for you.

Guy, you put forth a premise that there was some horrible flood of feces and vomit apparently being put all over television and movies. I'll be darned if I've seen it.

I should also point out that I think the first time they portrayed vomit on the big screen was 1973's The Exorcist, which was well over 40 years ago. I don't think the fad has caught on.

My own thought is these are part of the human existence, and probably if they are relevent to the story being told, I don't see a big problem with them.

Look, back in the 1950's they thought that saying Lucy was pregnant (HT SeaWytch) and Elvis gyrating his hips was the end of society as we knew it. Every generation thinks the next one is going to hell in a handbasket.

The sign when you get old is when you stop saying, "You don't understand my music" and starting saying, "What the hell is this garbage!!!"
This thread shows us that Conservatives are willing to politize everything. Is it desperation? Is it their inability to voice their message as anything but a case of Nixonian paranoia? Is it because they constantly lag behind history and popular culture? Is it because they think Ted Nugent is still a Rock and Roll star and not an utter idiot and nutcase?

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society
Candy why should I have to pay for crappy ass drivers?

When I have not filed a claim in 30 years?

Candy why should I have to pay for fat ass people who choose that life style


I am 49 years old, 5'9" 150 lbs soaking wet, I dont take chances no more so candy why do I have to pay for everyones else reckless choices in life

Why candy


You're paying for that now....who do you think funds the County hospital?
When your neighbor has insurance...they don't go to County; the insurance pays (in part) for their healthcare.
Candy you dont know the rules in South Carolina, the state Garnish wages for hospital/ E.R. Vists
This thread shows us that Conservatives are willing to politize everything. Is it desperation? Is it their inability to voice their message as anything but a case of Nixonian paranoia? Is it because they constantly lag behind history and popular culture? Is it because they think Ted Nugent is still a Rock and Roll star and not an utter idiot and nutcase?

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society

Fishing wire and super glue....alrighty.
Why would I lie? Pulled one of my back tooth out, that hurted for a year with my leather man multi tool and vodka,I cant remember when i last took a asprin.
Last edited:
I hate doctors candy, will never go to one ever again, I said this before, ever since 19 years ago the specialist up in Chicago advised my now deceased wife we should abort our now healthy 18 year old college bound daughter abort her when she was in the womb

Never been to a doctor or ER since except for company drug tests

I will never ever go
Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.

We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society
Candy why should I have to pay for crappy ass drivers?

When I have not filed a claim in 30 years?

Candy why should I have to pay for fat ass people who choose that life style


I am 49 years old, 5'9" 150 lbs soaking wet, I dont take chances no more so candy why do I have to pay for everyones else reckless choices in life

Why candy


You're paying for that now....who do you think funds the County hospital?
When your neighbor has insurance...they don't go to County; the insurance pays (in part) for their healthcare.
Candy you dont know the rules in South Carolina, the state Garnish wages for hospital/ E.R. Vists

And if those people are unemployed (that tends to happen)
Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society

Fishing wire and super glue....alrighty.
Why would I lie? Pulled one of my back tooth out, that hurted for a year with my leather man multi tool and vodka,I cant remember when i last took a asprin.

Never said you were lying.

I sort of hoped you were since using fishing line and super glue is pretty idiotic.

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