The Grammy Awards Shows Us What Democrats Have Become

Conservatives are generally unhappy people and the only way to "get even" is to try to make everyone else as bitter as they are. Don't believe me? The OP says he didn't watch the telecast but felt compelled to comment on it anyway. What an empty life he must have.
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society

Fishing wire and super glue....alrighty.
Why would I lie? Pulled one of my back tooth out, that hurted for a year with my leather man multi tool and vodka,I cant remember when i last took a asprin.
How many tooths do you have left?
We are bitter candy?
Nope I love my life,
Sounds like it.
just hate more taxes,
Good thing the President proposed a tax break for working families.
being forced to buy something I Don't want
Such insurance? What do you expect...the rest of the world to pay your bills?
and a leader of a president to be a damn pussy to the world
Now you're just being silly (not to mention illiterate) to OBL about it; oh can't.

You guys are the ones who are poor as hell and want to tax more,
Poor as hell? Not really...hell "we" had an award celebration last night from what I heard...."we" had one a few weeks back and "we" will have another one on the 22nd. Hardly "poor as hell"

That's all i hear from liberals on these sites, tax tax tax....
That is because you do not listen....but don't let facts stand in the way of your demagoguery.

Why Don't you at least send me some grease why you fuck me some more :)
Must be more evidence of that "happy" life you say you lead.
Not going line item candy, what are you going to pay for? I have not been to a quack in 25 years, 49 years old , if I need stiches to sew up a wound I will do it my self , fishing wire and super glue works fine candy, tuff as they come.

I love my middle class life in South Carolina
Leave me the hell alone for Trying to tax me to death for the freeloaders on society

Fishing wire and super glue....alrighty.
Why would I lie? Pulled one of my back tooth out, that hurted for a year with my leather man multi tool and vodka,I cant remember when i last took a asprin.

Never said you were lying.

I sort of hoped you were since using fishing line and super glue is pretty idiotic.
It works as long as you clean the wound with alcohol/soap keep a eye on it so it don't get infected. Change the bandage , +shrugs+ did it a few times in my life.
How many teeth I have left?

What is there 32 teeth in a human body?

Just missing two of my back teeth and one decaying All is good don't need dentures yet

Thanks for asking
These award shows are transparent and phony.

Just a bunch of White Communist/Progressive wankers prancing around handing each other awards. My prediction for the Oscars is, the wankers will snub 'American Sniper' and give it to any other film besides it. White Communists/Progressives absolutely despise White Christians, the Military, and America. Buncha kooks. 'American Sniper' has virtually no chance to win.
Maybe next year, but then again, Alfred Hitchcock never won an Oscar...

I'll be absolutely shocked if the White Communist idiots give Oscars to 'American Sniper.' It goes against everything they stand for. I mean, White Christians, the Military, and love for America. All things White Communists hate.
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
These award shows are transparent and phony.

Just a bunch of White Communist/Progressive wankers prancing around handing each other awards. My prediction for the Oscars is, the wankers will snub 'American Sniper' and give it to any other film besides it. White Communists/Progressives absolutely despise White Christians, the Military, and America. Buncha kooks. 'American Sniper' has virtually no chance to win.
Maybe next year, but then again, Alfred Hitchcock never won an Oscar...

I'll be absolutely shocked if the White Communist idiots give Oscars to 'American Sniper.' It goes against everything they stand for. I mean, White Christians, the Military, and love for America. All things White Communists hate.
The movie was released before the voting...
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
Not a bad ass at that......
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
Not a bad ass at that......

Ha, figured you were one of those dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas worshipping her old lame ass. You dummies are way too easily entertained.
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
Not a bad ass at that......

Ha, figured you were one of those dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas worshipping her old ass. You dummies are way too easily entertained.
I like ass no matter which woman it belongs to...except Bertha Butt
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
Not a bad ass at that......

Ha, figured you were one of those dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas worshipping her old ass. You dummies are way too easily entertained.
I like ass no matter which woman it belongs to...except Bertha Butt

We know, you were glued to your TV. And you probably vote too. Scary shite. God help America.
Yay, the world got to see an old washed up skank's ass! Always interesting seeing what excites dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas. They fell all over themselves worshipping Madonna's old ass. What a buncha morons.
Not a bad ass at that......

Ha, figured you were one of those dumb white Communist/Progressive wankas worshipping her old ass. You dummies are way too easily entertained.
I like ass no matter which woman it belongs to...except Bertha Butt

We know, you were glued to your TV. And you probably vote too. Scary shite. God help America.
My shite don't stink..Have not watched the Grammy's or the Oscars since the mid seventies....
To sum it up... Just a bunch of rich white Communist/Progressive degenerates handing each other awards. The dummies actually got excited over seeing Madonna's decrepit ole stanky ass. Just think, these morons and their followers actually vote. Way to dumb it down America. Nice job. :thup:
To sum it up... Just a bunch of rich white Communist/Progressive degenerates handing each other awards. The dummies actually got excited over seeing Madonna's decrepit ole stanky ass. Just think, these morons and their followers actually vote. Way to dumb it down America. Nice job. :thup:
I can see what you mean about those country artists being communistic, it's all over the videos they produce....
To sum it up... Just a bunch of rich white Communist/Progressive degenerates handing each other awards. The dummies actually got excited over seeing Madonna's decrepit ole stanky ass. Just think, these morons and their followers actually vote. Way to dumb it down America. Nice job. :thup:
I can see what you mean about those country artists being communistic, it's all over the videos they produce....

Most white Communists/Progressives actually despise Country Music. They feel it represents everything they despise most... White Christians, the Military, and a love for America. They give awards to Country Music artists very begrudgingly. They'd rather not. That's for sure.
I really hate to say this, and I am sure to receive a lot of angry and insulting replies, but I am going to say it anyway.

What we are seeing is the ni66erization of our culture. Note, ni66ers come in all colors.

You know,when you start a sentence "I really hate to say this..." you should probably stop right there.

nope, what I said is true, but the truth is something that is very hard for liberals to deal with.

the ni66erization of our culture is real. It is destroying our country.
I really hate to say this, and I am sure to receive a lot of angry and insulting replies, but I am going to say it anyway.

What we are seeing is the ni66erization of our culture. Note, ni66ers come in all colors.

You know,when you start a sentence "I really hate to say this..." you should probably stop right there.

nope, what I said is true, but the truth is something that is very hard for liberals to deal with.

the ni66erization of our culture is real. It is destroying our country.

It's destroying "your" version of neck and racist. Good.

You're not popular unless you're putting your hands up or acting like Kanye West who went on a rant about Beck winning an award instead of Beyonce'. Is this the way Democrat voters think they should act?

I didn't watch it, but I kept seeing updates on the net. From what I could see, it was a zoo. Madonna literally showed her ass, Kanye tried to steal another award, every black performer there wanted to protest Ferguson, and Obama stuck his nose in yet another event. Sorry if the ratings for this one couldn't come close to matching the 49 that the Super Bowl got last week.

I really hope this isn't what this country is becoming, because what was seen at the Grammys was a reminder of just how out of touch with reality the left is these days.

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Kim Kardashian Kanye West Probably Not Obama s Favorite Couple Calls Rapper A Talented Jackass Radar Online

I really hate to say this, and I am sure to receive a lot of angry and insulting replies, but I am going to say it anyway.

What we are seeing is the ni66erization of our culture. Note, ni66ers come in all colors.

You know,when you start a sentence "I really hate to say this..." you should probably stop right there.

nope, what I said is true, but the truth is something that is very hard for liberals to deal with.

the ni66erization of our culture is real. It is destroying our country.

I have been telling people for years that it isn't about black, christian or gay. They use these wedge issues to divide us.

What we've seen since Bush 2000 is that to the rich, all us poor and middle class people are ni66ers.

I agree it isn't good the white kids are wearing the baggy pants and speaking in eubonics either but the fact is, this isn't destroying our country. Republicans are. Stop giving the CEO all the profits and start profit sharing with the employees and see maybe we won't act like such ni66ers.
The Grammy Awards Shows Us What Democrats Have Become

-and i thought it was democrats showing us what musicians have become....
but ... i'm a musician... soooo...

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