The great fear for Americans and the West in regards to illegal immigration is that if "the rules don't matter", and politicians/police don't care...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
...what makes anyone confident in believing they will care about the rules when operating against U.S citizens?

Take it from a Canadian who has experienced the most egregious abuses by the Security Industrial Complex. Once rules don't matter, and/or accountability doesn't exist, anyone and everyone is a potential target. Any methods or violations can and will occur. Your Constitution will have zero value just as Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't have value here.

This is the "broken windows theory" as applied to government agencies and politicians.
...what makes anyone confident in believing they will care about the rules when operating against U.S citizens?

Take it from a Canadian who has experienced the most egregious abuses by the Security Industrial Complex. Once rules don't matter, and/or accountability doesn't exist, anyone and everyone is a potential target. Any methods or violations can and will occur. Your Constitution will have zero value just as Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't have value here.

This is the "broken windows theory" as applied to government agencies and politicians.
Then revolution should ensue.
...what makes anyone confident in believing they will care about the rules when operating against U.S citizens?

Take it from a Canadian who has experienced the most egregious abuses by the Security Industrial Complex. Once rules don't matter, and/or accountability doesn't exist, anyone and everyone is a potential target. Any methods or violations can and will occur. Your Constitution will have zero value just as Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't have value here.

This is the "broken windows theory" as applied to government agencies and politicians.
Right you are sir, the US government has been urinating on the US Constitution for decades at least. The most blatant example of that IMO is the 20 year old Unpatriot Act, parts of which are renewed every few years by succeeding whores assembled in DC
...what makes anyone confident in believing they will care about the rules when operating against U.S citizens?

Take it from a Canadian who has experienced the most egregious abuses by the Security Industrial Complex. Once rules don't matter, and/or accountability doesn't exist, anyone and everyone is a potential target. Any methods or violations can and will occur. Your Constitution will have zero value just as Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't have value here.

This is the "broken windows theory" as applied to government agencies and politicians.

Didn't Trump and Republicans have the power to fix this when they were in charge?

Does the US have to take refugees?

Yes. Not only does the US have an international legal obligation to do so, based on the requirement of complying with the object and purpose of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and implementing legal obligations in good faith, it has an obligation to do so under its own domestic law.

Why does the US have to accept refugees?

Alongside robust humanitarian aid and diplomacy, resettlement helps promote stability in regions experiencing crisis, demonstrates U.S. responsibility-sharing with affected countries, and facilitates U.S. negotiations on improved humanitarian conditions with host countries – such as granting access to legal work,
Didn't Trump and Republicans have the power to fix this when they were in charge?

Does the US have to take refugees?

Yes. Not only does the US have an international legal obligation to do so, based on the requirement of complying with the object and purpose of the 1951 Refugee Convention, and implementing legal obligations in good faith, it has an obligation to do so under its own domestic law.

Why does the US have to accept refugees?

Alongside robust humanitarian aid and diplomacy, resettlement helps promote stability in regions experiencing crisis, demonstrates U.S. responsibility-sharing with affected countries, and facilitates U.S. negotiations on improved humanitarian conditions with host countries – such as granting access to legal work,

As usual, the Devil is in the Details. How is refugee defined? The hordes coming across now are not refugees IMO
As usual, the Devil is in the Details. How is refugee defined? The hordes coming across now are not refugees IMO
This is why they want to redefine it as "irregular immigration". It is a soft term to suggest, "it is immigration, just not regular in nature". When in fact it is illegal entry and misrepresentation, unless all of these citizen fear for their lives or abuses of their government. If this is the case than America should stop trading with Mexico et al.

Of course this is not the case, they are heading to America to work under the table. Imagine all of the legal Mexican applicants who want to enter America properly. Hard working, ambitious, educated and high performers, but instead America takes unskilled manual labour in the millions.

It doesn't make sense.
This is why they want to redefine it as "irregular immigration". It is a soft term to suggest, "it is immigration, just not regular in nature". When in fact it is illegal entry and misrepresentation, unless all of these citizen fear for their lives or abuses of their government. If this is the case than America should stop trading with Mexico et al.

Of course this is not the case, they are heading to America to work under the table. Imagine all of the legal Mexican applicants who want to enter America properly. Hard working, ambitious, educated and high performers, but instead America takes unskilled manual labour in the millions.

It doesn't make sense.
It makes perfect sense if one understands that it is an inside job, deliberate and well planned with NGOs and other dirty players making money from it, likely also some child and sex trafficking.
As usual, the Devil is in the Details. How is refugee defined? The hordes coming across now are not refugees IMO
I try not to be so partisan I see everything the Democrats way. I want this to stop too. I'm sure Biden is working with S. American countries to try to figure out how to make this stop. Without having to build a wall and man it 24/7. I'm even open to manning the border 24/7. I just don't think a wall is necessary. Especially if we are seeing them coming and telling them in once they reach the wall.

So do we start turning them all away? I'd be open to that too. Maybe only let men with kids in. IDK. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than we know but if it's liberal groups who refuse to go along with a solution, it's not going to help them next year. So liberals and Democrats better get to solving this problem.

I suspect like Inflation, they will solve this.

But a part of me wants to do what Trump would do. Just tell them to turn around and go home. Or stay in Mexico. I don't understand why we have to take them. Same thing Europe should be telling Turkey. I hear most Muslims who want to go to Europe enter through Turkey, a muslim nation. Why don't they just stay in Turkey?
I try not to be so partisan I see everything the Democrats way. I want this to stop too. I'm sure Biden is working with S. American countries to try to figure out how to make this stop. Without having to build a wall and man it 24/7. I'm even open to manning the border 24/7. I just don't think a wall is necessary. Especially if we are seeing them coming and telling them in once they reach the wall.

So do we start turning them all away? I'd be open to that too. Maybe only let men with kids in. IDK. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than we know but if it's liberal groups who refuse to go along with a solution, it's not going to help them next year. So liberals and Democrats better get to solving this problem.

I suspect like Inflation, they will solve this.

But a part of me wants to do what Trump would do. Just tell them to turn around and go home. Or stay in Mexico. I don't understand why we have to take them.

Business wants the employees and consumers.
I try not to be so partisan I see everything the Democrats way. I want this to stop too. I'm sure Biden is working with S. American countries to try to figure out how to make this stop. Without having to build a wall and man it 24/7. I'm even open to manning the border 24/7. I just don't think a wall is necessary. Especially if we are seeing them coming and telling them in once they reach the wall.

So do we start turning them all away? I'd be open to that too. Maybe only let men with kids in. IDK. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than we know but if it's liberal groups who refuse to go along with a solution, it's not going to help them next year. So liberals and Democrats better get to solving this problem.

I suspect like Inflation, they will solve this.

But a part of me wants to do what Trump would do. Just tell them to turn around and go home. Or stay in Mexico. I don't understand why we have to take them. Same thing Europe should be telling Turkey. I hear most Muslims who want to go to Europe enter through Turkey, a muslim nation. Why don't they just stay in Turkey?

As I've mentioned, the only way it all makes sense is to play Devil's Advocate. The only way it all makes sense is to understand that it very much IS an inside job. That is, the administrative state is making it happen. Behind the scenes somebody is making money, and there is considerable evidence that child trafficking is being facilitated by this insane policy.
Business wants the employees and consumers.
I want them too because social security is going bankrupt the year I turn 62. I need payroll taxes going into the system. We have 10 million unfilled jobs.

I love my buddies idea. Because of automation and AI, in the future there won't be enough jobs for everyone. Everyone has to work 18-24. 13% of the population. Young people. Some work some go into the military. Some will never work again after age 24 and they will receive a basic income for the rest of their lives. But it'd be like living on social security and medicare. Basics.

Then you would have business owners, people who got to college, engineers, computer programmers, people who want to stay in the military beyond 24. Hell, you might even be someone who wants to work beyond 24 but you are only a low level worker. That's fine. You can double your income and be middle class if you do that. Or save the money you make. Invest it. Whatever you want. Babysit, give massages, work for a small business owner. But jobs will be rare because automation can do it cheaper.

But it would be great for humans if you only had to go to school for 13 years and work for 7. Enjoy your life. It's short. This seems like the best ISM. Capitalism, socialism, communism. This would be a hybrid.
As I've mentioned, the only way it all makes sense is to play Devil's Advocate. The only way it all makes sense is to understand that it very much IS an inside job. That is, the administrative state is making it happen. Behind the scenes somebody is making money, and there is considerable evidence that child trafficking is being facilitated by this insane policy.

But it's unpopular politically. Even legal Hispanic immigrants don't like illegals coming here. They had to jump through hoops and they just get in? That's fucked up. So it's not even winning liberals votes.

I think it's probably diplomatically necessary. If we reject them, I wonder what happens next? I really do. Or if we just mowed everyone down and said don't come to our border because it's got landmines. If you want in, go to our embassy in your fucking country.
This is why they want to redefine it as "irregular immigration". It is a soft term to suggest, "it is immigration, just not regular in nature". When in fact it is illegal entry and misrepresentation, unless all of these citizen fear for their lives or abuses of their government. If this is the case than America should stop trading with Mexico et al.

Of course this is not the case, they are heading to America to work under the table. Imagine all of the legal Mexican applicants who want to enter America properly. Hard working, ambitious, educated and high performers, but instead America takes unskilled manual labour in the millions.

It doesn't make sense.
Imagine if Canadian employers started hiring illegal workers from South America.

That's the only reason they don't cross over to Canada from the Windsor Tunnel or bridge.
Imagine if Canadian employers started hiring illegal workers from South America.

That's the only reason they don't cross over to Canada from the Windsor Tunnel or bridge.
No, they don't want to come to Canada as we are cold and the East Germany to your West Germany. We hire under the table also trust me
No, they don't want to come to Canada as we are cold and the East Germany to your West Germany. We hire under the table also trust me
Canada does not have an illegal immigrant problem because Canadian employers don't hire illegals.

It's cold in Detroit too. They come here. Actually we are more north than Canada.

While it's not directly north of Canada, it is located further north than a large part of southern Canada. The simple answer is Detroit, Michigan, which lies directly north of It's Canadian counterpart, Windsor, Ontario, on the other side of the Detroit River.

The Hispanic population now accounts for 3.3 per cent of the total population in Canada

19% USA.

Let's call it 20% to 3%.
Canada does not have an illegal immigrant problem because Canadian employers don't hire illegals.

It's cold in Detroit too. They come here. Actually we are more north than Canada.

While it's not directly north of Canada, it is located further north than a large part of southern Canada. The simple answer is Detroit, Michigan, which lies directly north of It's Canadian counterpart, Windsor, Ontario, on the other side of the Detroit River.

The Hispanic population now accounts for 3.3 per cent of the total population in Canada

19% USA.

Let's call it 20% to 3%.
Canada doesn't have an economy sir that supports so many illegals.
Canada doesn't have an economy sir that supports so many illegals.
That's right

And all this started with Reagan

Before him we didn't have a problem. He (Republicans) signaled to employers they wouldn't be going after them if they hire illegals. Unions warned but corporations were about to go to war with them.

Then Bush took it to a whole new level

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."

So Clinton went after 400 and Bush went after 4.

You know how I know you know I'm right? You hate Republicans too


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