The “Grim Reaper” of the Senate Strikes Again

The “Grim Reaper” of the Senate Strikes Again

Everyone knows Moscow Mitch doesn’t have an ounce of shame in his body. In accordance with this serious character flaw, he’s demanding the next coronavirus relief package include liability protection for companies that reopen during the pandemic -- ensuring that they won’t be held accountable for failing to ensure safe conditions for their workers. (Naturally, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics agree with Moscow Mitch, fully.)

Moscow Mitch celebrated being called the “Grim Reaper” of the Senate for refusing to call for a vote on any of the House-passed legislation to protect our healthcare, tackle the climate crisis, and enact common-sense gun safety reform.

Moscow Mitch is now hinging aid to state and local governments on the needs of his special interest donors. So, in the midst of a historic pandemic -- when millions of Americans are facing real hardship and need real help -- he’s still playing partisan games to insure the billionaire class and Big Business are able to exploit the pandemic for maximum profits. (And maximum COVID-19 fatalities to thin the herd of useless members.)

But, on the up side of Moscow Mitch’s corruption, the segment of the public he is most endangering are the lives of his and the impeached president trump’s voting base. Employees who are, traditionally, of low-skills or possess only a single-skill, which are at the meager level needed for workers in the affected plants and factories.

Since all people attempting to end Moscow Mitch’s and the impeached president trump’s reign of corruption have been pushed aside to this date, it is assured there will be no one able to prevent their utilizing COVID-19 to kill off their own voters. (And don't shoot the messenger for bringing you these facts, which have been all over the news and the Internet for weeks.)

A virus that kills elderly white men first, and is hitting the USA the hardest. It’s like God Himself wants to rid the world of Trump voters. And it happened right after Republicans refused to impeach him.

Actually, it kills more minorities if you check your facts.
Dragonlady has never met fact.
The “Grim Reaper” of the Senate Strikes Again

Everyone knows Moscow Mitch doesn’t have an ounce of shame in his body. In accordance with this serious character flaw, he’s demanding the next coronavirus relief package include liability protection for companies that reopen during the pandemic -- ensuring that they won’t be held accountable for failing to ensure safe conditions for their workers. (Naturally, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics agree with Moscow Mitch, fully.)

Moscow Mitch celebrated being called the “Grim Reaper” of the Senate for refusing to call for a vote on any of the House-passed legislation to protect our healthcare, tackle the climate crisis, and enact common-sense gun safety reform.

Moscow Mitch is now hinging aid to state and local governments on the needs of his special interest donors. So, in the midst of a historic pandemic -- when millions of Americans are facing real hardship and need real help -- he’s still playing partisan games to insure the billionaire class and Big Business are able to exploit the pandemic for maximum profits. (And maximum COVID-19 fatalities to thin the herd of useless members.)

But, on the up side of Moscow Mitch’s corruption, the segment of the public he is most endangering are the lives of his and the impeached president trump’s voting base. Employees who are, traditionally, of low-skills or possess only a single-skill, which are at the meager level needed for workers in the affected plants and factories.

Since all people attempting to end Moscow Mitch’s and the impeached president trump’s reign of corruption have been pushed aside to this date, it is assured there will be no one able to prevent their utilizing COVID-19 to kill off their own voters. (And don't shoot the messenger for bringing you these facts, which have been all over the news and the Internet for weeks.)

A virus that kills elderly white men first, and is hitting the USA the hardest. It’s like God Himself wants to rid the world of Trump voters. And it happened right after Republicans refused to impeach him.

Actually, it kills more minorities if you check your facts.
Dragonlady has never met fact.
She’s a jealous old dipshit who’s never met a brain cell.
Boy, you guys certainly hate the truth. But, reasonable people have come to expect that, just as everyone expects your constant conservative denial of reality.

So, keep criticizing, you consistently reaffirm these facts about yourselves. You can do nothing else.

Here's the link. All it will do is further pi$$ off you righties with more truth you will be forced to deny.


Letting States who spent (bribed their way into financial oblivion) GO Bankrupt is a just outcome. The people who were fool enough to finance their spending prolificacy will take the hit.

Take Illinois---particularly Chicago---that rotting city.

They are broke and they were broke long before we ever heard of the Wuhan Virus.


Corrupt Democratic Apparachits have been bribing Unions, particularly Teachers and Public Employees, for years and years with fabulous pension packages...financially ruinous to the city and state.

Bankruptcy would let them sort it out among themselves--hell, a retired teacher might have to settle for a $90,000 a year pension...instead of the $110,000 they are currently entitled to. So be it.

The Democratic plan is instead it to use this Wuhan Virus Excuse to hang all of AMERICA with the bill for Chicago's FRAUD.

Good for Mitch McConnell for saying HELL NO, We ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT.


Let's see a link to your retirement for a teacher.

Fuck your own research. I know you have previously whined about your wife. Is she in Chicago?

But, here is a little something for you. I live in a state with good financial responsibility. Should we pay for this shit---just because your wife was a teacher?

I have no idea what you are blabbering about.

I asked a simple question. Your figures seemed high and they were.

My wife works for a cable company. I am a retired teacher myself, and I get nowhere close to those figures.

Why do you lie? Your link says the average TRS is $73,300, not $110.00.

OK--$73,000 is fucking outrageous. With full Medical too, I'm sure, so add what $10,000?

But, it's OK with me, as long as your state pays for it---not mine. And that is what Pelosi-Antoinette and Schumer are cooking up. Inflate the cost of the China Flu to fund these ridiculous pensions for bureaucrats who support Democrats.

I remember how you whine when Teacher pensions are an issue. Thought it was for your wife---didn't realize it was for you. Slop at the public trough all you want---just don't ask me to pay for it.

I guess your are getting your Social Security along with your fat state pension. What do you call your boat--"Fuck the Taxpayer"?

We don't get SS with state retirement dumbass!

My pension? $405 a month is fat?

Are you ever pulled your head out of your ass?

Where did I say that I wanted your state to bail my state out? My Senator is Mitch McConnell. I support his views.


Most of your opinions, until it comes to you having been a teacher, are reasonable.

So, I don't really care to argue with you---and we really may not disagree too much even on Teacher's Unions---unless you are from Bankrupt Illinois---which was specifically the point of my post to which you took umbrage.

In Illinois, and some other liberal states, Teachers and Public Employee Unions have thrown in with Democratic Politicians and made this corrupt deal:

The Democratic politicians will get our full support, our votes, dead or alive, our money, the works--full support.

IN Exchange for Benefits. We know you can't keep raising taxes to give us all we want right now--the Public would Howl, but you can VEST us with magnificent Retirement Benefits which won't come due while you are in office. Yes, there will be Hell to Pay eventually, but not for many years---not on your watch.

That's the Game, and if you are in on it, Shame....but it sounds like you are in a more honest and sane State than Illinois.

Now that the bill is coming due and Chicago and Illinois are BROKE, Democrats hope to get the massive debt they have accumulated paid off while the Federal Government is printing Money like it is toilet tissue because of The Chinese Virus---and Mitch McConnell has said HELL NO--and I applaud him for it.

That's all I was saying, but I will ad that I think Public Unions ought to be outlawed. Regular Unions have served a good purpose. They started out in stopping the Robber Barons of the Northeast from turning their workers into Serfs.....because of GREED.

But, Public Employees work for Taxpayers, who are not like the Robber Barons...the citizens of America are not "collectively" greedy, which means Public Unions can serve no other purpose than a corrupt one---teaming up with corrupt politicians---always Democrats---to shake down the TaxPayer.


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