The Growing Sickness On The Left

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
What kind of a sick mind feels that a call from the President of The United States to provide sympathy during a time of grief is insensitive?

Considering the fact that this woman boycotted Trump's inauguration and obviously despises him, I really don't think any words of consolation would convince her that he was grieving over the death of a soldier.
"Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it" - Edmund Burke

Democrats should listen to this carefully
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
The real slight of hand trick is they divide the nation while convincing others that it is the other side that is doing it.

That is what happens when they don't give factual stats about cops killing poor blacks. They convince ignorant millionaire morons that is a great epidemic. Regardless of the FACT that a cop is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black person than it is for a cop to "murder" a black guy. Those are the types of facts ignored by the agenda driven treasonous American hating media. Cops kill blacks about 1 percent of the time. ONE PERCENT.

Same reason why when the colors don't fit the narrative with cops killing blacks that they do not HYPE the name or image of that cop. However, when the cops color and a black guy shot, well now it is time for the mass hype.

That is how they do it. The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks, still actually believe that fat thug was murdered by a white cop. The media with the democrats did their job. Stoked the flames nice and high. Regardless of the actual facts, they report it so that millionaire negro football players attack the anthem and flag while sabotaging American football. Another part of American culture the left wing is relentlessly attacking.

That along with many other reasons is why I think that they are traitors (all of them) worthy of a traitors death. Especially ALL of them in the media.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene

Say, anyone ask this dumb slut why she voted against anything that would be good for veterans or make it more easy NOT to die over in the needless wars? No, I bet not. Matter of fact, the real question that should be getting asked is, why the fuck were these guys in Africa? Some are asking, but the news and 90% of the voting zombies are fixated on a rich Jewish chomo, some stupid congress slut, and Russia, or is Russia officially old news now?
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Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.

So this woman got shot 5 times by a black dude and her daughter was pistol whipped so ferociously that it shattered her cheek bone. Kid was 14. The car jacketers tried to stuff the kid back in the car, but a neighbor ran the animals off. So since you did not come out against it, you are for it by way of your silence. ypu have not come out against Harvy W either, so then you through your silence support sexual assault. Works both ways.
Last edited:
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
The real slight of hand trick is they divide the nation while convincing others that it is the other side that is doing it.

That is what happens when they don't give factual stats about cops killing poor blacks. They convince ignorant millionaire morons that is a great epidemic. Regardless of the FACT that a cop is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black person than it is for a cop to "murder" a black guy. Those are the types of facts ignored by the agenda driven treasonous American hating media. Cops kill blacks about 1 percent of the time. ONE PERCENT.

Same reason why when the colors don't fit the narrative with cops killing blacks that they do not HYPE the name or image of that cop. However, when the cops color and a black guy shot, well now it is time for the mass hype.

That is how they do it. The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks, still actually believe that fat thug was murdered by a white cop. The media with the democrats did their job. Stoked the flames nice and high. Regardless of the actual facts, they report it so that millionaire negro football players attack the anthem and flag while sabotaging American football. Another part of American culture the left wing is relentlessly attacking.

That along with many other reasons is why I think that they are traitors (all of them) worthy of a traitors death. Especially ALL of them in the media.
The most unfortunate thing is the number of Americans willingly accepting what they are told by a propagandist left wing media. How they can continue to believe the shit they are told, is beyond me.

Many in the media are certainly traitorous. They are the fifth column.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Hatred and malice from every reply here
a sick mind

Wilson is despicable.

The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks

that fat thug

this dumb slut
Just a taste
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
I can see why you're a Democrat......because you cannot be honest.
Wilson looks like an idiot wearing a cowboy hat.
Also, Trump didn't say it's OK to grab women.....he said they would let him do it simply because he's rich and famous. He never said he did it.

But then again you're a Democrat. And the reason you are is because honesty offends you.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Hatred and malice from every reply here
a sick mind

Wilson is despicable.

The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks

that fat thug

this dumb slut
Just a taste

It's bad taste to support rape. Do not attempt to deflect your guilt on me. Be an adult and owne it.
Lets never forget who the left is: the party of slavery, segregation, 2 world wars, korean war, vietnam war, dropped 2 nuclear bombs on innocent citizens and on and on. The left continues this abominable trek today through nihilistic behavior, death, abortion, and complete destruction of morals through division in ethnicities, race and so on.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Hatred and malice from every reply here
a sick mind

Wilson is despicable.

The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks

that fat thug

this dumb slut
Just a taste
Being honest offends you.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
The real slight of hand trick is they divide the nation while convincing others that it is the other side that is doing it.

That is what happens when they don't give factual stats about cops killing poor blacks. They convince ignorant millionaire morons that is a great epidemic. Regardless of the FACT that a cop is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black person than it is for a cop to "murder" a black guy. Those are the types of facts ignored by the agenda driven treasonous American hating media. Cops kill blacks about 1 percent of the time. ONE PERCENT.

Same reason why when the colors don't fit the narrative with cops killing blacks that they do not HYPE the name or image of that cop. However, when the cops color and a black guy shot, well now it is time for the mass hype.

That is how they do it. The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks, still actually believe that fat thug was murdered by a white cop. The media with the democrats did their job. Stoked the flames nice and high. Regardless of the actual facts, they report it so that millionaire negro football players attack the anthem and flag while sabotaging American football. Another part of American culture the left wing is relentlessly attacking.

That along with many other reasons is why I think that they are traitors (all of them) worthy of a traitors death. Especially ALL of them in the media.
The most unfortunate thing is the number of Americans willingly accepting what they are told by a propagandist left wing media. How they can continue to believe the shit they are told, is beyond me.

Many in the media are certainly traitorous. They are the fifth column.
Which is why the left are clearly winning the culture war. They control the three most important aspects of communication.


Regardless of who or what party controls the seats, they are all held hostage by those three entities. The tribulations are around the corner. We will all live to see it. Scary times.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
I can see why you're a Democrat......because you cannot be honest.
Wilson looks like an idiot wearing a cowboy hat.
Also, Trump didn't say it's OK to grab women.....he said they would let him do it simply because he's rich and famous. He never said he did it.
Lol playing word games. But Ok lets just assume your right.He sure as hell did say he walked into beauty pageants dressing rooms. But I guess you know that since you aren't honest enough to admit to anything. Oh so you feel she looks ridiculous? So it's perfectly Ok the say she looks like a rodeo clown and a pimp? The premise of this OP is that you feel the left is wrong for insulting Trump. But you are not to be held to the same standards?
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Hatred and malice from every reply here
a sick mind

Wilson is despicable.

The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks

that fat thug

this dumb slut
Just a taste
Being honest offends you.
Being a hypocrite offends me.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Mudwhistle, do you realize the irony of lamenting the hatred and the malice of the left when at the same time citing articles that say this?
Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft
You also claim the left uses false narratives. When even your articles premise is that Trump lies, because the left has made telling the truth obscene. As an excuse that's completely ridiculous. Because it both admits to Trump being a liar and tries to put the blame for it on his opponents. I try to not broad brush anything. But when it takes you days to condemn people who scream "Jews will not replace us" while at the same time equating those who protest against them as just as bad. Labels will be put on your behavior. If you get caught on tape saying it's Ok to grab woman by the pussy, and its Ok to walk into woman's dressing rooms, you will be labeled a pig. If you don't just lie but tell obvious lies you will get called a pathological liar. Etc. You might not like it, but it stems from actions, which is more then I can say for the claim that Obama was a Kenyan. Something that was propagated by the same president you now call foul for when the narrative gets negative.
Hatred and malice from every reply here
a sick mind

Wilson is despicable.

The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks

that fat thug

this dumb slut
Just a taste

It's bad taste to support rape. Do not attempt to deflect your guilt on me. Be an adult and owne it.
Point to the post where I support rape and I'll gladly own up to it.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
The real slight of hand trick is they divide the nation while convincing others that it is the other side that is doing it.

That is what happens when they don't give factual stats about cops killing poor blacks. They convince ignorant millionaire morons that is a great epidemic. Regardless of the FACT that a cop is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black person than it is for a cop to "murder" a black guy. Those are the types of facts ignored by the agenda driven treasonous American hating media. Cops kill blacks about 1 percent of the time. ONE PERCENT.

Same reason why when the colors don't fit the narrative with cops killing blacks that they do not HYPE the name or image of that cop. However, when the cops color and a black guy shot, well now it is time for the mass hype.

That is how they do it. The left wing slaves, better known as left wing blacks, still actually believe that fat thug was murdered by a white cop. The media with the democrats did their job. Stoked the flames nice and high. Regardless of the actual facts, they report it so that millionaire negro football players attack the anthem and flag while sabotaging American football. Another part of American culture the left wing is relentlessly attacking.

That along with many other reasons is why I think that they are traitors (all of them) worthy of a traitors death. Especially ALL of them in the media.
The most unfortunate thing is the number of Americans willingly accepting what they are told by a propagandist left wing media. How they can continue to believe the shit they are told, is beyond me.

Many in the media are certainly traitorous. They are the fifth column.
Which is why the left are clearly winning the culture war. They control the three most important aspects of communication.


Regardless of who or what party controls the seats, they are all held hostage by those three entities. The tribulations are around the corner. We will all live to see it. Scary times.
They control them and they have totally corrupted them.
This is what happens when Democrats take anything over.
You get Snowflakes, Antifa, Blacklivesmatter, and Harvey Weinstein.
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