The ham sandwich indictment

He didn’t lie. He thought, as did tens of millions of voters, that the Democrats cheated to a win.

To be fair I suppose, if anyone knows cheating, it's Trump. He has done it his entire life.
The election was very close. He lost by several thousand or so ballots in swing states that were trucked in in the middle of the night, after the Dems executed their Plan B to halt the count, send Republicans home, and then begin again in the morning with all the last-minute mail-in ballots that, IMPOSSIBLY, went for Biden at a rate of 98%.

Biden 306
Trump 232

What Trump, himself declared to be a landslide when it was in his favor

Trump lost FIVE STATES that he won in 2016 and lost the popular vote by over seven million

For his followers to believe he actually won under those conditions shows how gullible they are. Your trotting out election lies and debunked stories shows how gullible you are
We ALL know none of this nonsense would be happening if Trump weren't running. This IS a political witch-hunt
We ALL know none of this nonsense would be happening if Trump weren't running. This IS a political witch-hunt

While possible, that wouldn't mean none of it is justifiable. I wish I could say this was a first step in holding people accountable but not likely.

I see it as Trump having got away with cheating and screwing people over his entire life and karma has finally caught up to him.
Trump will never see prison. The majority of the country recognizes this is political persecution by the weaponized government of the man likely to displace Biden and the left’s agenda, and to put him in prison would mean a sweeping win for Republicans.
I doubt if Trump will go to Prison when he is convicted
There is no way to ensure his safety in a prison environment.

They will probably work out some house arrest for his prison term.
It will not be Mara Lago where he gets to play golf every day.
Trump is a Crybaby Loser
He never admits he was wrong, never admits he lost

His followers are too stupid to see that he always does this

To claim you won an election that wasn’t even close shows his contempt for the stupidity of his followers

Wow! I'm impressed by how profound you thought you sounded saying that.

No wonder you believe that you're an award winning writer.

Cool post.

. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Biden used his position as VP to create a $50 million legacy for his family. The real criminal is occupying the White House.

I've never argued in defense of Biden. I've noted both are absolutely lousy choices so try again?
He’s getting worse. The panic is setting in that the political persecution of Trump will assure him of the nomination, and that he very likely can beat the demented old man who needs to be helped off stage.

They're absolutely terrified, aren't they?

Nothing you see on the corporate media says "confidence", does it?


of Donald Trump. A judge assigned the case before the grand jury meant. This is from 2020 and being acted on until now and at break neck speed. The reason being of course if they indicted in 2021 or 2022 after getting a conviction which would have been thrown out on appeal before the 2024 election was well underway. By waiting that twerp DA and the Stalinist Demrats won't have to worry about a worthless conviction being thrown out until after 2024.
Thanks for admitting that you will loose first time out.
What new evidence is Trump going to show on appeal that he doesn't have now...
Neither did Trump. He told people to peacefully protest.
He arranged the rally...

He told people to fight like hell...

He had many on that stage who said a lot worse.. Trump organised the event and placed people on the stage who called for violence, he takes some responsibility for what they said especially if he didn't correct them..

And he not getting indicted for that...
He arranged the rally...

He told people to fight like hell...

He had many on that stage who said a lot worse.. Trump organised the event and placed people on the stage who called for violence, he takes some responsibility for what they said especially if he didn't correct them..

And he not getting indicted for that...

Prove it.

You can't

Of course it was. It was a matter of the swing states, in which Trump was ahead when I went to bed around 11 pm. They halted the count n those states and trucked in enough harvested ballots to reverse it.

Ballots were cured to the advantage of Biden…..unfolded mail-ins were counted…..signatures didn’t have to match. NO WAY that six swing states halt the count, simultaneously, without this have being a planned Plan B.

More lies. You're aiding and abetting a traitor. Putin loves you.

They're absolutely terrified, aren't they?

Nothing you see on the corporate media says "confidence", does it?

And it won’t work. This persecution of the Democrats’ main political opponent, conducted with Biden’s approval, is something one sees in Communist countries - and the majority of Americans know it.

They will vote against it.
And it won’t work. This persecution of the Democrats’ main political opponent, conducted with Biden’s approval, is something one sees in Communist countries - and the majority of Americans know it.

They will vote against it.

Absolutely true, and they are too ignorant to see that the blowback is coming.


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