The hardest challenge right wing media has ever faced


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!
gripping? More like griping.....Bunch of bullshit progressives who stole the election from the people, lied about it to our faces, and then do a cover up...

Their day is coming.

When you have to say "left wing media and right wing media" it projects one fact: there is no media.

Media is supposed to be objective. So are "investigations", "hearings" and the like.

It's not 1950. Americans aren't similar to Canadians. You ask questions and seek answers from multiple sources if you feel that one source isn't on the level or is too clearly biased you aren't just going to eat a narrative.

Citizens will consider the issues that matter most to them and they will decide how important, truthful, relevant, unbiased or otherwise the speakers are, or, the process as a whole.

Illegal immigration, the pandemic, your economy, China, the loss of industries, the debt, crime in your communities, election protection, career pursuits etc. Is this Hearing more important to them than these issues?

If not, media can say all they'd like, citizens will decide for themselves what matters most and what source is most in line with their considerations.
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Says who?

Under our Constitution the media is free to be as partisan as the rest of us.

Then they should never claim to be "Responsible", "Truthful", "UnBiased" or "In ANY way Accurate" news sources.

They can say what they want, ...It's that claim that bothers me.
It's like Cigarette boxes have to have a warning on them....ALL Leftist Media Broadcasts would be required to display that warning before EVERY BROADCAST if I was in charge.

Too bad we have so many stupid people who actually belive the garbage spewed from CNN, NBC, MSLSD etc

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!
What is "right wing media?" Here's a hint, it is not CNN. Also, Piglosi's gestapo are not police. Police don't murder unarmed trespassers.

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!
So where is the video backing up these claims?
Everyone had cellphones up recording everywhere.

These guys claim they were called the “n-word”. Yet there is no proof. At the same time Democrats say nothing about Antifa faggots screaming profanities at black police officers.

No one is buying your bullshit, except yourselves. So have fun shoveling your crap into each other’s mouths.

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!

These are the same cops who killed the unarmed protester, right?
Then they should never claim to be "Responsible", "Truthful", "UnBiased" or "In ANY way Accurate" news sources.

They can say what they want, ...It's that claim that bothers me.
It's like Cigarette boxes have to have a warning on them....ALL Leftist Media Broadcasts would be required to display that warning before EVERY BROADCAST if I was in charge.

Too bad we have so many stupid people who actually belive the garbage spewed from CNN, NBC, MSLSD etc

As if the "Fair and Balanced" slogan was either, or the EIB network is in anyway excellent, my partisan little human unit.

Defending Trump from the shellacking he took today will be a nightmare for Fox News and their copycats. They have the enviable task of turning the four Capital Police Officers who testified today into liars and exaggerators. Somehow they have to shift the blame from Trump to Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi. They run the risk of showing their true colors, that they could care less about the police and law enforcement. Their advertising revenue runs through Trump, and that's a cash cow they aren't willing to give up, at least willingly!

Good luck with that, but, they will try their damndest. They exist only to protect Trump and spread his lies, and now they are under pressure like never before. Bigly!!!
Next time you see someone like AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters or any other progressives asshole, just do what Maxine told you to do. Get in their face and tell them we dont want them here anymore, and then go low like Eric Holder said. Bring them down and demand they leave this country...


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