The hate Trump club mission statement

And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see know, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

That’s because Obama is a decent human being and not a loud mouth bullshit artist like your St Trumpy.
Are you trying top say that a decent human being would rent his Daughter to Harvey Weinstein for a whole summer?
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.
Because you said so. Then it must be true. We all know that a "Party of the Rump" always tells the truth and only deals in proven facts. Cue the Music.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.

Sorry, but the site has stated concisely what you vermin are doing everyday.
And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see know, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

That’s because Obama is a decent human being and not a loud mouth bullshit artist like your St Trumpy.

Obama was the consummate bullshit artist. He just lacked the testicles to be a loud mouth. Michelle had them in her purse.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.
Because you said so. Then it must be true. We all know that a "Party of the Rump" always tells the truth and only deals in proven facts. Cue the Music.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.

Sorry, but the site has stated concisely what you vermin are doing everyday.

You people cannot refute one thing they say. All you are doing in trolling this thread because that's what you filth do.
And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see know, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

This is worse than fucking hysterical. You right wingers literally have Selective Memory Disorder. From the moment Obama was elected, the right wing in this country collectively lost their shit! Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. But I've never seen a President subjected to that much hatred, bile, bigotry, conspiracy theories, and outright lies. Honestly, just stop with this bullshit. Trump makes ALL of his own problems. His bad press is entirely his fault. It's why you don't elect an amateur reality game show host as President.

Respectful? I didn't hear anyone yell the word 'LIAR!!" during Trump's STOU. So you stick whatever "They're being mean to Trump" argument you'd like.
Yo, this thread is not about President Obama, it's about what you people are trying to do to this country to get Trump. End of story. You cannot refute one thing the OP states because that is what you are doing, exactly what it says. As far as your "Obama crying", here:

Let's see now, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.
And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see know, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

This is worse than fucking hysterical. You right wingers literally have Selective Memory Disorder. From the moment Obama was elected, the right wing in this country collectively lost their shit! Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. But I've never seen a President subjected to that much hatred, bile, bigotry, conspiracy theories, and outright lies. Honestly, just stop with this bullshit. Trump makes ALL of his own problems. His bad press is entirely his fault. It's why you don't elect an amateur reality game show host as President.

Respectful? I didn't hear anyone yell the word 'LIAR!!" during Trump's STOU. So you stick whatever "They're being mean to Trump" argument you'd like.
Yo, this thread is not about President Obama, it's about what you people are trying to do to this country to get Trump. End of story. You cannot refute one thing the OP states because that is what you are doing, exactly what it says. As far as your "Obama crying", here:

Let's see now, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

You mention Obama twice in the post I replied to. What's your problem? Your OP is the screed of an alt-right website that I'm not going to give an ounce of credibility to. It's just more Trump supporter butthurt. If you don't want Obama brought into it, don't mention him. Trump makes his own problems. It's not my fault you support a fraud.
And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see know, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

This is worse than fucking hysterical. You right wingers literally have Selective Memory Disorder. From the moment Obama was elected, the right wing in this country collectively lost their shit! Obama ran a clean ship for 8 years. But I've never seen a President subjected to that much hatred, bile, bigotry, conspiracy theories, and outright lies. Honestly, just stop with this bullshit. Trump makes ALL of his own problems. His bad press is entirely his fault. It's why you don't elect an amateur reality game show host as President.

Respectful? I didn't hear anyone yell the word 'LIAR!!" during Trump's STOU. So you stick whatever "They're being mean to Trump" argument you'd like.
Yo, this thread is not about President Obama, it's about what you people are trying to do to this country to get Trump. End of story. You cannot refute one thing the OP states because that is what you are doing, exactly what it says. As far as your "Obama crying", here:

Let's see now, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

You mention Obama twice in the post I replied to. What's your problem? Your OP is the screed of an alt-right website that I'm not going to give an ounce of credibility to. It's just more Trump supporter butthurt. If you don't want Obama brought into it, don't mention him. Trump makes his own problems. It's not my fault you support a fraud.
Still can't refute a thing the OP says can you. That's because the OP is 100 percent spot on. And this thread is not about Obama, it's about what you vermin have been proven to be doing everyday.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.
putting people who live in the extremes and/or others on the top of the approval list with less abilities is a death knell for nations. NASA's current "hidden figures" are white guys shoved into the basement. By the time we launch a manned rocket this year it will be a decade since the last. And this is with private companies doing the building and managing according to specs.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.
Because you said so. Then it must be true. We all know that a "Party of the Rump" always tells the truth and only deals in proven facts. Cue the Music.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.

Sorry, but the site has stated concisely what you vermin are doing everyday.

You people cannot refute one thing they say. All you are doing in trolling this thread because that's what you filth do.

Refute a list made up for political reasons by a Party of the Rump? How about getting your hands on a list made by the DNC? Just because you say so doesn't make it all true.

BTW, I never did go for the idiocy of the Impeachment knowing that things would happen in the Senate exactly the way it played out. While you are confident that you gained seats in the Senate, in reality, you are losing seats. I won't say the Republican Party (it's pretty well dead right now) but the Party of the Rump was on trial and you failed. But I do want to see all the information lain out for November and that has just started now.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.
Because you said so. Then it must be true. We all know that a "Party of the Rump" always tells the truth and only deals in proven facts. Cue the Music.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.

Sorry, but the site has stated concisely what you vermin are doing everyday.

You people cannot refute one thing they say. All you are doing in trolling this thread because that's what you filth do.

Refute a list made up for political reasons by a Party of the Rump? How about getting your hands on a list made by the DNC? Just because you say so doesn't make it all true.

BTW, I never did go for the idiocy of the Impeachment knowing that things would happen in the Senate exactly the way it played out. While you are confident that you gained seats in the Senate, in reality, you are losing seats. I won't say the Republican Party (it's pretty well dead right now) but the Party of the Rump was on trial and you failed. But I do want to see all the information lain out for November and that has just started now.

So, you got nothing then, just as I thought.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

And now we know it was comey, brennan who used information from Russia, in the Steele dossier, paid for by the DNC and hilary.....they actually were the ones colluding with Russia to attack and spy on the Trump campaign....
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Snowflake land and the head snowflake miketx!
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Snowflake land and the head snowflake miketx!
Where is congress traitor? On vacation, while the country falls apart. No, there is an attack on this country and the president going on right now, and vile scum like you are part of it! You offer nothing but lies and attacks.
And especially when republicans were so respectful of Obama.
Let's see now, I don't recall an eight year long witch hunt trying to tie Obama to Russia, or a failed impeachment with another one threatened, nor do I recall the media driven frenzy to lock down the country over a virus (we get pandemics all the time) and destroy the economy, jobs, and businesses. Also I don't recall republicans shooting democrats at ball games, confronting them and their families at home and in public, nor do I recall a nonstop media blitz with lies, half truths and made up crap replayed everyday against President Obama. Fail.

That's because you ONLY watch/try to read FAKE NEWS, like the American Thinker, or Gateway Pundit, or Hannity or that skanky Ingraham.
Where is congress traitor? On vacation, while the country falls apart. No, there is an attack on this country and the president going on right now, and vile scum like you are part of it! You offer nothing but lies and attacks.

Lies and attacks huh?

During this time, Trump played golf on Jan. 18 and 19, Feb. 1 and 15, and March 7 and 8, according to the Trump Golf Count website.

He hosted rallies on Jan. 9 (Toledo, Ohio); 14 (Milwaukee), 28 (Wildwood, N.J.) and 30 (Des Moines, Iowa), as well as Feb. 10 (Manchester, N.H.), 19 (Phoenix), 20 (Colorado Springs), 21 (Las Vegas) and 28 (Charleston, S.C.).

Do nothing POTUS. lol.
Tell me again who is on Vacation.
Hey bluzman61
I know you are here, you just disliked 12 of my posts.
So how about discussing ANY of the many challenges I gave you?
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

Let's take a look at the site for factchecking. Sheesh. This needs to be moved into the Conspiracy section.

American Thinker



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Conspiracy, Propaganda, Lack of Ownership Transparency
Fake news. Democrat scum are and have been doing exactly what the link states. Shills like you can't stand to be exposed.
Because you said so. Then it must be true. We all know that a "Party of the Rump" always tells the truth and only deals in proven facts. Cue the Music.

You got bagged presenting a conspiracy site to make a point. If that is all you got, enjoy November.

Sorry, but the site has stated concisely what you vermin are doing everyday.

You people cannot refute one thing they say. All you are doing in trolling this thread because that's what you filth do.

Refute a list made up for political reasons by a Party of the Rump? How about getting your hands on a list made by the DNC? Just because you say so doesn't make it all true.

BTW, I never did go for the idiocy of the Impeachment knowing that things would happen in the Senate exactly the way it played out. While you are confident that you gained seats in the Senate, in reality, you are losing seats. I won't say the Republican Party (it's pretty well dead right now) but the Party of the Rump was on trial and you failed. But I do want to see all the information lain out for November and that has just started now.

So, you got nothing then, just as I thought.

I don't have to have a thing. You and the other Party of Rumpsters have just worn out your welcome.
This pretty much sums up what the terrorist traitor democrats and their zombies are doing, and how they have failed miserably.

April 18, 2020
The Hate-Trump Club mission statement
By Patricia McCarthy
We are the left.
The sole reason for our existence is to see Donald Trump removed from office. We also intend to bring about his and his family’s total personal destruction. He must be demolished. He is a man of the people, not one of us. He dwells not in our swamp.
The goals of our mission and the story of our execution of our mission are as follows:
  1. We will fabricate any lie, any false narrative, to infect the minds of the American people to the degree they will not support President Donald Trump.
  2. We endeavor to use the media to achieve our ends. As members in good standing, they will distort, edit, and dissemble any truths or facts that may reflect well on the president. They will disseminate the talking points we distribute to them.
  3. We will enlist an array of billionaires to fund our overt and covert organizations aligned with our purpose: George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Tom Steyer, SPLC, etc. They have all been on board since the day the president announced his candidacy and have committed their fortunes to our cause.
  4. We will embrace the aid and comfort of the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, despite our historic animus against them. The president has foiled our efforts there to a certain degree, but we carry on. We thought we had him with our carefully-planned frame-up that he had colluded with Russia to win the election. That failed and it was a mighty expensive failure. Hillary Clinton paid millions of Clinton Foundation dollars to Christopher Steele for his phony, propaganda-infested dossier and hired a large group of like-minded members of our club to execute the deed, starting with Fusion GPS. She also aligned with James Comey, James Brennan, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the whiteshoe lawyers of Perkins-Coie, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates, and a host of other former members in good standing. They failed in their mission and can no longer be members in good standing in the club.
  5. We attempted to impeach Trump with that phone call to the president of Ukraine but House Democrats Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi royally messed up that plan. Schiff too has been removed from our membership roster for now, though he is trying to get back in. He made us all look bad, as did Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his incompetent team. What is it about a frame-up they failed to grasp? We had Michael Atkinson, the intelligence community's inspector general, also a member in good standing, on our side. Now he’s been fired.
  6. To our delight, COVID-19 has appeared on the scene. Damn if Trump wasn’t on top of it from day one. We had to alter that perception from the outset. Joe Biden, who is too far gone mentally to be an authentic member our organization, caused a setback when he declared the president a xenophobic racist for banning those flights from China. But we got back on track; if only Dr. Anthony Fauci and the left-media were not minimizing the virus, too. And in fact, it hasn’t killed as many people as the 2009-2010 H1N1 flu. President Obama barely gave a thought to all those hospitalizations and deaths...
You can read the rest of it here:

You poor snowflake
Sorry bug but snowflake is a common action of a melting leftist

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