The Height of Ridiculous

Hanging can be done easily and with a minimum of fuss.

Use the scientifically designed charts for height, weight, tensile and thickness of rope.

Guaranteed immediate broken neck (no pain with a severed spinal column) and just a couple of minutes of twitching. Do put a restrictive ring on the penis if a male and a diaper on both.
More evidence of the barbaric and authoritarian nature common to most conservatives, as well as the disdain most conservatives have for due process.

You're a big believer in "Love the rapist, hate the victim," aren't you Saul?

Did you rape and murder a 16 year old? Better call Saul!

Return to Paradise movie on YT

Vince Vaughn
Anne Heche
Joaquin Phoenix

1hr 33m 24 sec along [click on and drag video timer at bottom of video screen] ...Louis' execution...from cell to outdoor death chamber.
All torture, including in the court just before.

I have some really great advice on how not to be executed.

Don't rape and murder 16 year old girls....
He's unconscious. He can't suffer mental torture because he's not aware.

The mental torture of being walked, or dragged kicking and screaming, into the chamber of death...then being tied up, then stuck with the needle of death for extermination...after being on death row for ten years, waiting for the day the govt man will arrive for the kill.
Sure looks like torture to me.

Same deal as in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand etc.

Yeah, well he should of thought of that before he raped and murdered that poor woman.
He ignored her rights so I really don't have too much sympathy for him.

It's not about's about what the state is doing.

He killed her...the state killed him.
Makes the state the same as him...many people believe.
.45 +P JHP to the base of the skull works. Rifle round would be a bit more expensive, but any supersonic round entering the brain creates a sonic 'pop' disrupting neural functioning resulting in instant death.

If you wanna ensure instant death with zero chance of survivability, guillotine's tried n true. Decapitation works but I've always wondered how long the brain keeps working even after the head comes away from the body. :) Arguement to be made even a second or two of 'perceiving' your head falling to the ground would be 'cruel and unusual.' :) ...What can I say, those old Bugs Bunny cartoons warped my fragile little brain. :)
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Let's bring back the firing squad or the electric chair or public hanging. So they want a “humane execution”? Get it over quick – and in public.

More evidence of the barbaric and authoritarian nature common to most conservatives, as well as the disdain most conservatives have for due process.

^^^^More evidence of the liberal belief that there is no such thing as unacceptable behavior....all should be forgiven.
If the convict was unconscious how can it be torture? The first drug put him to sleep. The second drug took a long time to kill him but so what...HE wasn't there to feel any pain, or suffer any agony. He was asleep!

That being said, I don't like the death penalty. In certain rare instances I think it is justified, but they are very rare.

Mental torture.

For who?
Mental torture.

He's unconscious. He can't suffer mental torture because he's not aware.

The mental torture of being walked, or dragged kicking and screaming, into the chamber of death...then being tied up, then stuck with the needle of death for extermination...after being on death row for ten years, waiting for the day the govt man will arrive for the kill.
Sure looks like torture to me.

Same deal as in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand etc.

You do realize they drug them before they even get started right?
Anyone who believes that what he did and what the state did to him are even comparable is an idiot. The product of American public schools, no doubt.

The 8th Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual" punishment. Consider that the guillotine was considered quite progressive in its day for its quick and humane killing, was in existence at the time of the passage of the 8th amendment, and would have been perfectly fine for the Founding Fathers, had anyone asked them. And BTW, we have yet to invent anything better for quick, painless executions.

The death penalty in the 20th and 21st centuries is a classic illustration of Liberalism in action.

Throughout the life of this Republic, the majority of citizens have strongly supported the death penalty, as a final and definitive punishment for those who commit the most heinous crimes. Furthermore, the Constitution specifically condones the death penalty in at least two places, where it refers to citizens being deprived of life legitimately by the state.

But Liberals (and Progressives, if there is any difference) don't like the Constitution when it disagrees with their own omnipotent wisdom, and couldn't care less about the Will of the Majority, whom they hold in perpetual contempt. Nor do they give a fig about the laws of the United States and/or the 50 individual states, when those laws are offensive to Them.

Knowing that they could never in a Brazillion years gather up the public support to abolish the DP by Constitutional Amendment, either at the federal level or in more than a few queer, unusual states, they have mounted a decades long campaign to thwart the DP in the Courts, where you don't need a majority, and don't require - unfortunately - either the laws or the Constitution to back you. You just make your fucking ruling and take 50 or a 100 pages writing an "opinion" that justifies turning the laws, the constitution, the decision of the trial court, and the will of the people on their respective ears.

The infamous and idious justices Brennan and Marshal frequently wrote in their opinions that if they had their choice they would simply abolish the DP by judicial fiat! Fuck the Constitution. Fuck the laws. Fuck the judges and juries who put their hearts and souls into reaching the conclusion they did.

WE DON'T LIKE IT, therefore, we will do whatever it takes to prevent it.

What was the great State of Ohio doing experimenting with a new execution drug? Trying to work around the liberal assholes who had placed countless obstacles in front of the state, trying to prevent it from doing what it is legally, constitutionally, morally, ethically, and by popular will entitled to do!

And if the survivors of this human piece of excrement can find a Liberal judge to present their civil case to, they can suck a few million more from the taxpayers of Ohio, making this even more of a cluster fuck than it already is.


There ought to be a "season" on 'em, like deer and blackbears.
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The mental torture of being walked, or dragged kicking and screaming, into the chamber of death...then being tied up, then stuck with the needle of death for extermination...after being on death row for ten years, waiting for the day the govt man will arrive for the kill.
Sure looks like torture to me.

Same deal as in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand etc.

Yeah, well he should of thought of that before he raped and murdered that poor woman.
He ignored her rights so I really don't have too much sympathy for him.

It's not about's about what the state is doing.

He killed her...the state killed him.
Makes the state the same as him...many people believe.

Well isnt that a simplistic view.
Singapore has the 'long drop' method...your head is ripped off the rest of your body.
Don't think that's painless.

Uhhh...wouldnt that sever your spinal cord? Dont imagine you'd feel a damn thing at that point.

You imagine incorrectly.

Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System - Pain and Spinal Cord Injury

LOL....This is so stupid I'm not sure how to respond.
So you rip a dudes head off and he still feels pain?:eusa_eh: Somehow I doubt it.

I'm all for letting them pick their own method. That way there wont be any complaints...well at least they'll be short ones.
Let's bring back the firing squad or the electric chair or public hanging. So they want a “humane execution”? Get it over quick – and in public.

More evidence of the barbaric and authoritarian nature common to most conservatives, as well as the disdain most conservatives have for due process.

How would this violate due process if it happened after a "fair" trial?
Let's bring back the firing squad or the electric chair or public hanging. So they want a “humane execution”? Get it over quick – and in public.

More evidence of the barbaric and authoritarian nature common to most conservatives, as well as the disdain most conservatives have for due process.
Let's put them in a room with you and they'll probably hang themselves within a few weeks.

Problem solved.

I would kill him before I hung myself.

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