The hell democrats have to look forward to

If the truth be know, I have no warmth or love for you, Christian or otherwise. You might think that by invoking Alinsky's fourth rule of "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules" is going to give you some points, but nobody's playing your stupid game anymore. That only works when your enemy doesn't believe they're in a war with you, but instead believes in the rules of fairness and inclusion.

Fairness, inclusion, and moral code be damned. You will get no quarter.
BULLSHIT has always been full of shit.
If the truth be know, I have no warmth or love for you, Christian or otherwise. You might think that by invoking Alinsky's fourth rule of "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules" is going to give you some points, but nobody's playing your stupid game anymore. That only works when your enemy doesn't believe they're in a war with you, but instead believes in the rules of fairness and inclusion.

Fairness, inclusion, and moral code be damned. You will get no quarter.
We can discuss this Alinsky guy, or rules of fairness and inclusion if you want, but I was only considering the tenants of Christianity that you and Mikey often claim. I'm not aware of any statements by Jesus that say compassion, forgiveness, love, and humility can be ignored if someone doesn't support trump, but I'm guessing you would know more about that than me.
We can discuss this Alinsky guy, or rules of fairness and inclusion if you want, but I was only considering the tenants of Christianity that you and Mikey often claim. I'm not aware of any statements by Jesus that say compassion, forgiveness, love, and humility can be ignored if someone doesn't support trump, but I'm guessing you would know more about that than me.
You can exclude social masochism.
The Epistles demand punishment for unsocial behavior.
WWJH Who would Jesus hate?

Probably scoundrels like yourself, whose last refuge is religion. He probably would have kicked over your table and whipped your ass with a knotted cord.

And you would have begged for more, because it sexually-aroused you.
Probably scoundrels like yourself, whose last refuge is religion. He probably would have kicked over your table and whipped your ass with a knotted cord.

And you would have begged for more, because it sexually-aroused you.
Did Jesus often participate in sexual bondage?
And you, as with all filthy faggot vermin, are a lying piece of shit. No go suck off all of iran you lying bastard.
Which brings me back to my original post, which is getting you some medication for that fucked up head of yours. Your fascination with sucking cock is duly noted.
Which brings me back to my original post, which is getting you some medication for that fucked up head of yours. Your fascination with sucking cock is duly noted.
Your fascination with men is troubling. Don't get on any muzzlum roofs.
not per se

but when political parties promote things like baby killing and allowing thugs and criminals to break laws (like crashing a nation's border) ...
Bulldyke agrees with all of that...
You should probably seek medical help.
no, it was likely just words, which allegedly do not hurt people...

wheras it was directed toward someone who likely believes in murdering children in the womb, something that DOES indicate medical help... asap
Any political affiliation that carries out the wholesale murder of unborn children, condones sexual perversion, pedophilia, homosexuality, transsexualism, and worships the government as their "god", is hellbound for sure.
Let it be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (paraphrase of the Lord's Prayer)

Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven... (I'm sure there is no injustice in Heaven, as there is in dc)

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