The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

Like Bush's invasion of Iraq? Or Sabra and Shatilla or the bombing of the US Marine barracks..
Yes, we are fully aware that obama/Biden, the democrats got our Ambassador to libya murdered in one of the most dangerous places on earth.

Now Biden is faced with military decisions which forced the democrats run away from Afghanistan leaving behind all our weapons. Billions of dollars worth.

How afraid are the democrats to have such a cowardly foreign policy.

Next the democrats will ask Putin to negotiate with Iran for us. Oops, that already happened.
They only use terms like "communism" and "commie" because the terms are used on them by MAGA media to scare them. I've asked them dozens of times to provide the specific definition and they can't. Or won't.

So either they know what communism actually is and refuse to provide the definition because it would make them look foolish, or, they really don't know what communism actually is and are so ignorant they look foolish.
The basic truth here is that many of our "trusted" government officials are doing BIG business with the most powerful communist nation in the world, slowly enabling and then making powerful to impose their communism on us. That IS a real threat. And it's one that the short-sighted will not see until it's too late. Someday our republic will cease to exist if it continues. Eventually (you know who I'm talking about: CHINA) may not only be the most powerful communist country in the world, but also the most powerful country in the world PERIOD. It has moved steadily I. That direction since Nixon opened trade with them over 50 years ago... and people like Bush, Obama and Biden have perpetuated it ever since. There have been and will continue to be milestones in that ongoing relationship that are extremely difficult to reverse. The ones getting rich from that in this country will eventually sell us out to that entirely. It just takes time.
See Mac1958 ! What scruffy is doing is relying on the Great Taboo. "Don't you DARE try to talk about socialism or communism or we'll make sure you get intimidated to shut you up and stop the discussion before it starts!"

And here is something really interesting for you to watch for. These anti-lefties and anti-communists are so frigging dumb that they will usually refer to "communism" when meaning communist ideology, and when meaning communist society, as though ideology and society are the same! They will often bounce back and forth between the two and never realize what they're doing, and sometimes in the same damned sentence!!!! (Communism is communism, right?)

Communist ideology strives to follow strategies, analyses, and methods that are derived from Marx's writings. They tend to be ruthless and violent in their efforts to create socialism.

Socialist are a bit more creative and try to avoid violence in creating socialism. So both have the same goal with different methods of getting there.

But what about communist society? "Communism", meaning communist society, cannot be imposed on a nation by force. Communism, as it is intended, means Marx's idea of communism. (BTW, Marx referred to "lower communism" and to "higher communism". His "lower communism" is what we call "socialism" while his "higher communism" is what we call "communism".)

So why can't communism be imposed by force? Simply because Marx's idea was/is that after a few generations of life under a stable, functioning socialist system, people will become accustomed to interacting without exploitation being allowed, with cooperation being reinforced, with natural fellowship being the norm, with the sociopathic impulse of capitalists to exploit and to own a business to exploit workers and accumulate a private profit for themselves being outlawed, laws of the state (the state's purpose is to manage the class struggle for the ruling class) will be needed less and less as time passes under socialism. Thus, the state will "wither away" as Marx termed it. And eventually it can be safely abolished when its job is done and it has withered to a pointless bureaucracy doing little to nothing.

That will, as I said, take generations. And for it to happen it will be necessary for classes to also wither away. So what is "class" which must wither away? It would be class consciousness, class interests, class goals, class intentions, class expectations, class preferences, class objections, and class dreams to name a few. How long do you think it would take for such class characteristics to wither away? And could the end of any of them be ordered, legislated, required, policed, and eliminated by force? OF COURSE NOT. Therefore, communist classless, stateless society cannot be imposed by force.

(Now watch some Prize Dope pop up to tell us this isn't true and that of course communist ideology can be imposed by force. LOL!!!)
You can talk about communism all you want, I ain't stopping you.

I'm just not ready to fall for any bullshit troll games today. If anyone doesn't know what communism is we shouldn't even be having this discussion.

Regarding your theoretical post, my response is very simple. I'm not here to discuss "implementations" (countries). As I already mentioned, and you can DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on this point, there has never been a successful communist implementation EVER IN HISTORY, with one possibly arguable exception which is Kerala India. Every communist effort EVER has been a miserable failure.

Now let's talk about WHY it's a failure, which is the brain dead "ideology".

The reason it's a failure, is very simple: it's incompatible with human nature.

I'll have to break and resume later, busy day.
You can talk about communism all you want, I ain't stopping you.

I'm just not ready to fall for any bullshit troll games today. If anyone doesn't know what communism is we shouldn't even be having this discussion.

Regarding your theoretical post, my response is very simple. I'm not here to discuss "implementations" (countries). As I already mentioned, and you can DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on this point, there has never been a successful communist implementation EVER IN HISTORY, with one possibly arguable exception which is Kerala India. Every communist effort EVER has been a miserable failure.

Now let's talk about WHY it's a failure, which is the brain dead "ideology".

The reason it's a failure, is very simple: it's incompatible with human nature.

I'll have to break and resume later, busy day.
OF COURSE there has been no successful implementation of communist society because it can't be implemented if it's stateless!! duh
The fear of communism in the US began to wane with the insanity of Joseph McCarthy. Educated young adults.. veterans of WW2 and Korea were turned off by his witch hunts and vicious accusations.
We now know he was correct.

Those he accused of being communist spies working for the USSR were in fact proven to be spies.
What you need to worry about is if your country is run by Democratic Socialists the next step might be full blown Communism.
See, it's one thing to be so dumb ...––but harmless,... ––as to advocate for a communist society, but it's another altogether to be so blissfully ignorant of the precursory requirements of communist society and the absolute impossibility of creating or imposing communist society as to actually believe it might be imposed.

First, democratic socialism is not working for socialism ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Their economic system is capitalism. I wish it weren't so, but it is. All they want, however, IS something you fear and hate very very much: fairness. They want capitalism in a society with a government that is "of the people, by the people, for the people". And some are very willing to kill to prevent that. Are you one of them?
See, it's one thing to be so dumb ...––but harmless,... ––as to advocate for a communist society, but it's another altogether to be so blissfully ignorant of the precursory requirements of communist society and the absolute impossibility of creating or imposing communist society as to actually believe it might be imposed.

First, democratic socialism is not working for socialism ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Their economic system is capitalism. I wish it weren't so, but it is. All they want, however, IS something you fear and hate very very much: fairness. They want capitalism in a society with a government that is "of the people, by the people, for the people". And some are very willing to kill to prevent that. Are you one of them?
I don‘t believe it is impossible to impose a communist society in this nation but it would not happen overnight.

I am not opposed to socialist programs like Social Security or Medicaid and Medicare as long as they don’t bankrupt our nation.

I would only consider using lethal force on those who attack me with the intention to put me in the hospital for a long time or six feet under and have the ability and means to do so. I would not be trying to “kill” them but to stop their attack. It might be possible that they die but that’s not the prime objective.
When Sen. McCarthy and the red scare was over, the communist went deeper underground. Quietly getting their professors installed into American universitys and taking over American media and Hollywood. The got there people elected to American government in the guise of democrats, until they controlled and entire party, and some of the other party. Obama was brought in to push their communist ideology and it was working according to plan. But than Trump happened and Hilary lost. Their plan had been stopped cold. Now they are pushing it full force regardless of who they hurt to get it done.
I don‘t believe it is impossible to impose a communist society in this nation but it would not happen overnight.
See? Can you tell me what "communist society" would be according to Marx?
Can you tell me how Marx said communist society would come about?
Have you ever heard of the Marxian term "wither away" and what it refers to?

If you don't know these things then you don't know what communist society would be. And if you DO know these things, then you know communist society cannot be imposed; it has to evolve, naturally in its own time.

But most people prefer to go on in their ignorance and bullshit. So you have a choice, Bat.
When Sen. McCarthy and the red scare was over, the communist went deeper underground. Quietly getting their professors installed into American universitys and taking over American media and Hollywood. The got there people elected to American government in the guise of democrats, until they controlled and entire party, and some of the other party. Obama was brought in to push their communist ideology and it was working according to plan. But than Trump happened and Hilary lost. Their plan had been stopped cold. Now they are pushing it full force regardless of who they hurt to get it done.
Wow dudesky, you're really good at making it up!

Every point.
See? Can you tell me what "communist society" would be according to Marx?
Can you tell me how Marx said communist society would come about?
Have you ever heard of the Marxian term "wither away" and what it refers to?

If you don't know these things then you don't know what communist society would be. And if you DO know these things, then you know communist society cannot be imposed; it has to evolve, naturally in its own time.

But most people prefer to go on in their ignorance and bullshit. So you have a choice, Bat.
I knew you were a Marxist. Case Closed!

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