The Hidden Threat of Communism in America


The Hidden Threat of Communism in America

Like a small, unnoticed fire in the basement which can destroy your home, Communism is lurking in the shadows of our nation.

17 Sep 2021 ~~ By David Mills
Americans don’t know enough about communism to see it when it starts here. Writing in the Tablet, Mary Mycio notes that we have “a certain herd immunity to Nazism and fascism.” But not to communism.
The Soviet Union fell a long time ago, as people’s memories go. It fell almost 30 years ago. That means that no one under 45 or 50 will have any real memory of communism as a living force in the world. They know about Cuba because it’s close to us and about weird little places like North Korea. They don’t seem to think of China as a communist country. A few people try to say this, pointing to the state’s genocidal wars on its people, like the Uygurs. But few seem to care.
“After a generation of forgetting,” Mycio writes, “we have few cultural T-cells left to recognize coercive unanimity, punitive group think, and other warning signs when they appear in the body politic.” She lived in communist Ukraine and watched the Soviet Union fall after 70 years of tyranny. She wrote a book about the Chernobyl disaster, which exemplified the Soviet system. “Americans and others across the West,” she writes, “have simply forgotten about it all, or never learned about it in the first place.”
As far as I can tell, most people who think about communism at all don’t worry about it. They worry more about other people worrying about it.

Lewis and Acton Knew This​

C.S. Lewis knew this. Writing during World War II, he worried that the “masters’ running things wouldn’t go away when the war was over. “Those who wish for whatever reason to keep their fellow-citizens regimented longer than is necessary will certainly say they are doing so in the interests of security.” Bossy people will always have a good-sounding reason for continuing to boss people around.
So did Lord Acton, author of the famous line, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And of a just as famous but not as well-known follow-up line: “Great men are almost always bad men.”
It’s a dark view of men in power, but then God Himself through the psalmist tells us not to put our trust in princes. The psalmist says not to do that because they die and their works will pass away, but we take from the whole of Scripture a warning against trusting people in power to serve us and the common good rather than themselves.
This is, as it happens, both a conservative and a leftist insight. Disciple of Edmund Burke or of Karl Marx, you know the modern state can’t be left on its own. It cannot be trusted always to act well nor to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. It must be watched, closely, and all the time.

My Kudos to Mr. Mills, he's described what has been openly hidden within America and infiltrated and woevn into our politics, media, and education of our young.
I can’t fully agree with the idea that it is hidden. They seem to be pretty much in our face with it.
They now call it “Progressivism” because it sounds nice and positive forward-sounding and doesn’t conjure up images of gulags and commissars. This is directly out of the Saul Alinsky playbook, “Rules for Radicals.”
A Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat, Barack Hussein Obama Jr., aka Barry Soetoro told us that under his administration beginning January 21, 2009, he would seek the "Fundamental Transformation of America" and in doing so destroy the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights in the process.
Now perhaps I might see it that way because I actually know what Communism is because I grew up when people were taught what communism was.
Oddly, the ideology of Marxist Socialist Communism is no longer hidden and is displayed daily openly within the halls of Congress by dedicated and card-carrying elected members of the Democratic Party.
See: Socialists in Congress with Ties to Communist Party USA
Geezsus dude

Your ignorance is permanent.
I am talking about communist states.
So you're talking about "states" where socialism led to a "withering away" of the state machinery and of classes. So these "states" are/were without classes, and had no state machinery of courts, police, private businesses, regulations. Hence they were/are "communist states".

Don't you know that a communist society is stateless and classless BY DEFINITION? And such a state has never existed?

Or were you actually talking about "states" that were under the control and direction of a communist party and the communist IDEOLOGY of that party, and so you meant "communist ideology and control" and not a socio-economic system, or "state"?

Oh! And BTW, keep in mind that you were observing and drawing conclusions in the context of some of the most intense propaganda in the world.
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I am talking about communist states.
So I looked back. You're talking about Russia, Cuba and Venezuela.

Under Lenin's guidance Russia turned to state capitalism as Lenin recommended. He also said that by transitioning to state capitalism, even when under the rule of the communist party, capitalism would probably become entrenched and there would be a need one day for another revolution to transition to socialism.

So Russia wasn't and isn't socialist, let alone communist. The party was communist! But the "state" wasn't.

Cuba: The Cuban government SAYS they are "building socialism". IOW they haven't gotten there yet but they're working on it. I really believe they might actually be doing so. They are making progress, gradually. But they must get to socialism in order to transition to a "communist state".

So Cuba isn't a "communist state" yet or even close.

Venezuela: Again, Venezuela was working on developing socialism but then everything went boom and the US interfered as much as it could to destroy any hope of socialism it could. So Venezuela has not yet achieved socialism, let alone communism.

So you crash and burn on 3 out of 3.

I really think you were referring not to "communist states" but to nations led by communist parties and their ideologies, but without knowing a "state" (a society) from an ideology. And as I showed, you were wrong anyway.
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So you're talking about Russia, Cuba and Venezuela.

Under Lenin's guidance Russia turned to state capitalism as Lenin recommended. He also said that by transitioning to state capitalism, even when under the rule of the communist party, capitalism would probably become4 entrenched and there would be a need one day for another revolution to transition to socialism.

So Russia wasn't and isn't socialist, let alone communist. THE PARTY WAS COMMUNIST! But the "state" wasn't.

Cuba: The Cuban government SAYS they are "building socialism". IOW they haven't gotten there yet but they're working on it. I really believe they might actually be doing so. They are making progress, gradually. But they must get to socialism in order to transition to a "communist state".

So Cuba isn't a "communist state" yet.

Venezuela: Again, Venezuela was working on developing socialism but then everything went boom and the US interfered as much as it could to destroy any hope of socialism it could. So Venezuela has not yet achieved socialism, let alone communism.

So you crash and burn on 3 out of 3.

I really think you were referring not to "communist states" but to nations led by communist parties and their ideologies, but without knowing a "state" (a society) from an ideology. And as I showed, you were wrong anyway.
I don’t care about your picky definitions. I have no interest in living in a a nation led by communists even if it is not a communist state. I know all I need to know about communism. As I said, it sucks.

I don’t care about your picky definitions. I have no interest in living in a a nation led by communists even if it is not a communist state. I know all I need to know about communism. As I said, it sucks.
I agree!


BTW, your four linked articles are unfortunately all biased capitalist propaganda. Karl Marx produced an analysis of capitalism that has never been matched..... not even close. And he had nothing to do with how anyone tried to manifest and express his analysis with action and policies. It was all theirs and theirs alone. Marx never developed methodologies or proposals for implementation.

Venezuela did have a level playing field to work in. The interference on every level and from every angle was intense.

North Korea is not socialist and is not led by Marxists of any sort. It is a ruthless dictatorship run by a murdering and power hungry criminal.

"Havana Times" is an anti-communist, anti-Marxist, anti-socialist rag and always has been. Looking to them for reliable truth is like looking to the Mafia for sound advice on police training. Cuba is trying and making progress toward socialism with some rather interesting changes recently.

In short, there is nothing reliable or useful in your links.
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The basic truth here is that many of our "trusted" government officials are doing BIG business with the most powerful communist nation in the world, slowly enabling and then making powerful to impose their communism on us. That IS a real threat. And it's one that the short-sighted will not see until it's too late. Someday our republic will cease to exist if it continues. Eventually (you know who I'm talking about: CHINA) may not only be the most powerful communist country in the world, but also the most powerful country in the world PERIOD. It has moved steadily I. That direction since Nixon opened trade with them over 50 years ago... and people like Bush, Obama and Biden have perpetuated it ever since. There have been and will continue to be milestones in that ongoing relationship that are extremely difficult to reverse. The ones getting rich from that in this country will eventually sell us out to that entirely. It just takes time.

Yes, it will.
Trump has the time, he wanted the US to be just like communist China for years.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.
I don’t care about your picky definitions. I have no interest in living in a a nation led by communists even if it is not a communist state. I know all I need to know about communism. As I said, it sucks.

Confusing dictatorships with communism/socialism..................again.
When Sen. McCarthy and the red scare was over, the communist went deeper underground. Quietly getting their professors installed into American universitys and taking over American media and Hollywood. The got there people elected to American government in the guise of democrats, until they controlled and entire party, and some of the other party. Obama was brought in to push their communist ideology and it was working according to plan. But than Trump happened and Hilary lost. Their plan had been stopped cold. Now they are pushing it full force regardless of who they hurt to get it done.
Cool story.
Your dear leader loves communism.

It's the genius of the right that says it is a bad, bad thing to know ad understand what you hate. Just throw bullshit at it, eh?
No, throw a record of MURDER at it.

Communists killed over 100 million people in the last century.

They make Hitler look like an amateur.
Confusing dictatorships with communism/socialism..................again.
There's really no confusion.

A dictator is the ONLY way you're ever going to get 100% of the people to accept something.

And 100% participation is necessary for communism.

Therefore, communist regimes are invariably associated with repression and brutality.
There's really no confusion.
There shouldn't be.
A dictator is the ONLY way you're ever going to get 100% of the people to accept something.
NOT true.
No one accepts a dictatorship, except the regime.
And 100% participation is necessary for communism.
Again, not true.
For the same reason I stated above.
Therefore, communist regimes are invariably associated with repression and brutality.
That's true.
Confusing dictatorships with communism/socialism..................again.
Communism ends up in dictatorship.

Socialism doesn’t work.

Democratic socialism is failing in Nordic nations.

We live in what is considered the greatest nation in the world and people from all over the world want to live here and are even willing to cross our Mexican border illegally and pay the drug cartels thousands of dollars to do so. Why scrap what we have built for a system that has failed again and again.

I agree!


BTW, your four linked articles are unfortunately all biased capitalist propaganda. Karl Marx produced an analysis of capitalism that has never been matched..... not even close. And he had nothing to do with how anyone tried to manifest and express his analysis with action and policies. It was all theirs and theirs alone. Marx never developed methodologies or proposals for implementation.

Venezuela did have a level playing field to work in. The interference on every level and from every angle was intense.

North Korea is not socialist and is not led by Marxists of any sort. It is a ruthless dictatorship run by a murdering and power hungry criminal.

"Havana Times" is an anti-communist, anti-Marxist, anti-socialist rag and always has been. Looking to them for reliable truth is like looking to the Mafia for sound advice on police training. Cuba is trying and making progress toward socialism with some rather interesting changes recently.

In short, there is nothing reliable or useful in your links.
I’ll believe my “biased“ propaganda over your beliefs every day of the week. You can make all the excuses you want for the failure of your Marxist socialism/democratic socialism/ communism and you will never convince me that they are superior to what we have in this nation.

Where did you learn all this crap. Are you an example of the brainwashed graduates our colleges are producing today? If so you wasted a lot of money and you are probably deeply in debt.
Yes, it will.
Trump has the time, he wanted the US to be just like communist China for years.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.
Trump understood how to make deals. One of the first things to remember is you DON’T insult the person you want to make a deal with. You complement him.

Joe Biden insulted Putin by calling him a killer. Putin then invaded Ukraine. Perhaps Sleepy Joe pissed Putin off.

Note that Putin didn’t invade Ukraine while Trump was President, Xi Jinping didn’t take over Taiwan (which will likely happen next) and Rocket Man in North Korea stopped testing nukes and firing rockets. Trump had things under control but Sleepy Joe may end up getting us into a nuclear war with Russia or China.

Obama warned us about Joe. Obama was no fool and he told us, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”
No, throw a record of MURDER at it.

Communists killed over 100 million people in the last century.

They make Hitler look like an amateur.
Marx didn't direct that. Such actions are not recommended in his writings. Those were TACTICS of an ideology I oppose.
I’ll believe my “biased“ propaganda over your beliefs every day of the week. You can make all the excuses you want for the failure of your Marxist socialism/democratic socialism/ communism and you will never convince me that they are superior to what we have in this nation.

Where did you learn all this crap. Are you an example of the brainwashed graduates our colleges are producing today? If so you wasted a lot of money and you are probably deeply in debt.
You have been completely unable to correctly answer ANYTHING I've asked you about socialism or anything else of Marx. So I'm not the one spewing bullshit here.

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