The"Hillary,No Matter What"Voters.Well,What If Her Doctor Discovers Dementia? Vote Hillary Anyway?

:stupid: Have the staunch Democrat voters reached this point? No matter how monotone,how discombobulated and bewildered Hillary acts when being interviewed or making another one of her painful speeches, at least 40 to 45 per-cent of Americans will vote for her.
What will it take for these buttheads to wake up and vote for the GOP candidate? Hillary still running for President while in a hospital bed for her anyrism/concussion?
Maybe when Hillary's thighs call it quits and we all see her debating Trump or Cruz in a "Tennis Ball Walker"?
Or what if Hillary is caught on a hot mike calling her security guards every vicious curse word/racial slur in the book? Maybe even calling her gaurds/secret service those MF dogs?:hitit:
It's just sad to see all this as the world is burning at least 40 per-cent of us are only concerned over free stuff and could care less if we get hit, just so long as the bomb doesn't land on their homes.

'The"Hillary,No Matter What"Voters.Well,What If Her Doctor Discovers Dementia? Vote Hillary Anyway?'

And this fails as a straw man fallacy.

There is no such thing as a “Hillary, no matter what” voter, the notion is true idiocy.

Conservatives need to stop believing their own lies.
Hillary could be in a wheelchair, with only 50% brain capasity come October 2016, and she will get at least 46%, {aka,,the braindead Americans}

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