The"Hillary,No Matter What"Voters.Well,What If Her Doctor Discovers Dementia? Vote Hillary Anyway?

another what if thread .... yawnnnnnnnnnn

what if RW's posted something with facts for a foundation just once a day? what if RW's had any credibility? what if RW's didn't cry wolf 24/7 365 ? what if RW's weren't losers ?

Like Reagan being diagnosed with Alzheimers by those internationally renown physicians, Lesley Stahl and Ron Reagan?
It doesn't matter if the doctors diagnose dementia. Her handlers won't let the information go public.
Like Reagan being diagnosed with Alzheimers by those internationally renown physicians, Lesley Stahl and Ron Reagan?

Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Berisha V, Wang S, LaCross A, Liss J
J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Jan 29. PMID: 25633673.
Like Reagan being diagnosed with Alzheimers by those internationally renown physicians, Lesley Stahl and Ron Reagan?

Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Berisha V, Wang S, LaCross A, Liss J
J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Jan 29. PMID: 25633673.

A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences

Studying press conferences?

Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush. Berisha V, Wang S, LaCross A, Liss J J Alzheimers Dis. 2015
Studying press conferences?
It was good enough to be published in a medical journal. I think I'll take their opinion over yours.
Like Reagan being diagnosed with Alzheimers by those internationally renown physicians, Lesley Stahl and Ron Reagan?
Tracking Discourse Complexity Preceding Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: A Case Study Comparing the Press Conferences of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Berisha V, Wang S, LaCross A, Liss J J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Jan 29. PMID: 25633673
Studying press conferences?:haha:
It was good enough to be published in a medical journal. I think I'll take their opinion over yours.

I think I'd take the word of someone that actually examined him, over what someone assumed they saw in a speech.
I think I'd take the word of someone that actually examined him, over what someone assumed they saw in a speech.
Not a speech, press conferences. Questions and answers, not unlike what a psychiatrist would do. Comparing conferences from early in his presidency to later ones is perfectly valid
I think I'd take the word of someone that actually examined him, over what someone assumed they saw in a speech.
Not a speech, press conferences. Questions and answers, not unlike what a psychiatrist would do. Comparing conferences from early in his presidency to later ones is perfectly valid

and it's easy to get the results you want, because you know he suffered from the disease in the years after he left the presidency.

Sorry, no actual diagnosis recording the onset of his problem til 91 or 92, during his annual checkup.
:stupid: Have the staunch Democrat voters reached this point? No matter how monotone,how discombobulated and bewildered Hillary acts when being interviewed or making another one of her painful speeches, at least 40 to 45 per-cent of Americans will vote for her.
What will it take for these buttheads to wake up and vote for the GOP candidate? Hillary still running for President while in a hospital bed for her anyrism/concussion?
Maybe when Hillary's thighs call it quits and we all see her debating Trump or Cruz in a "Tennis Ball Walker"?
Or what if Hillary is caught on a hot mike calling her security guards every vicious curse word/racial slur in the book? Maybe even calling her gaurds/secret service those MF dogs?:hitit:
It's just sad to see all this as the world is burning at least 40 per-cent of us are only concerned over free stuff and could care less if we get hit, just so long as the bomb doesn't land on their homes.

LOL- is this just your sideways rant trying to call Hilary 'old'?

You really want to make the argument that Hilary is too old to be President?

Meanwhile- what would it take for a butthead like youself to vote for a Democratic candidate?

Trump being found in bed with a live boy or a dead girl? Cruz turning out to be a member of the Communist Party?
There is little doubt that Hillary can be classified as an abused wife after decades of covering up her husband's infidelity. When you add the alleged injury (mental breakdown?) that caused her to quit the job as Secy/State and her strange outbursts directed at subordinates the implications of her mental state are serious enough to warrant investigation.
Mrs. Clinton has gone from a Goldwater girl to a demented democrat quite the transformation.
Hillary needs to take a simple math test before they put her on the ballot. How much is 1 + 2 ???
Hillary needs to take a simple math test before they put her on the ballot. How much is 1 + 2 ???

LOL- I would like to see that test applied to every candidate.

The difference between Rexx and me is that I am willing to apply the same standard to every candidate- Rexx just wants to apply stupid standards to Democrats.
Mrs. Clinton has gone from a Goldwater girl to a demented democrat quite the transformation.
No need to worry, being Hillary has Dementia,,,she will always have Vice President Biden by her side to correct her mistakes.
"The"Hillary,No Matter What"Voters.Well,What If Her Doctor Discovers Dementia? Vote Hillary Anyway?"

This is as desperate as it is ridiculous.

It also fails as a false comparison fallacy.

A diagnosis of dementia would be based on objective, documented facts and evidence of science and medicine – not the inane contrivances, fabrications, and lies of the dishonest right.
If Hillary has a stroke three weeks before the election, she will somehow still make it to the last debate, but may need a deaf interpreter to do his dancing act for the dumb voters.
"The"Hillary,No Matter What"Voters.Well,What If Her Doctor Discovers Dementia? Vote Hillary Anyway?"

The ignorance and stupidity of this is endless.

If a candidate for president were diagnosed with a serious, debilitating illness, he or she would simply drop out of the race.

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