The Historical Shame of the American Army in Afghanistan

It would probably take a new Genghis Khan to make your dream real
What are the alternatives to this? Wait for the Taliban to exterminate all the Turkestanis of Afghanistan and go to the periphery of Central Asia to do the same?
By the way, this branch of the Northern Alliance with the formation of its own independent state was already in the 90s, after Najibullah, so there is nothing impossible here.
the us army is weak
do they really want to fight against Russia? hahaha
No. It‘s not the U.S. Army that is weak. It’s the politicians who are in charge.

The job of our army is to destroy things and it does a good job while on that mission. The problem arises when the politicians want to rebuild the nation we destroyed and turn it into a democracy.

The army isn’t great at that mission and to be fair our form of representative democracy doesn’t work everywhere. Some will point out it even has its problems here.

However the real profits are in nation rebuilding and much of that effort is corruption. Our politicians are very skilled in corruption so you can bet every time we invade a nation in the future we will rebuild it and likely fail again and again. However the politicians will be happy passing out our money to the military industrial complex and to various contractors (some who are friends or family) and of course to the corrupt leaders we put in place in the nations we destroyed.
1. The Soviets fought alone in Afghanistan, without the Warsaw Pact.
now Americans fought alongside NATO members

2.The Americans and even the Chinese sold weapons to the enemies of the Soviets.
now they did not sell weapons to the enemies of the Americans

3. The Soviets controlled almost 100 percent of the territory.
now the Americans controlled 5-10 percent of the territory

4. Soviets built factories, schools, hospitals.
Americans were afraid to move away from their bases

5. After the withdrawal of the troops:
- The Soviet regime was supported for 3 years, since the Soviets prepared the new Government of Afghanistan
- the Americans fled in disgrace.
Nice collection of lies! Where did you get these?
We we do have a military comprised of queers
In fact, in the United States, at least there are professionals specially trained in military specialties and who have passed the selection, in Russia there is a massive army, consisting of ordinary young people who undergo only superficial training. The cadre of the US Army is definitely much better. The American army is financed several times better, and it is technically equipped hundreds of times better. All this can be seen in the usual statistical reporting.
The Russian missile forces are blocked by the missile defense system and there are probably big problems with the assembly of ICBMs due to the break with Ukraine, where the rocket engines of this line were produced.
As for where sodomy is more developed, there is still a big question, not so long ago an unpleasant case with an attempted rape surfaced, but not all such cases surface.
And russian mlitary form designed by couturier Yudashkin lol
Here he is((left, dressed in black)) a witness at the wedding of the famous propagandist of same-sex love Boris Moiseev.
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Even abstracting from the spicy topics, it would be logical to entrust a design of military ammunition to people familiar with military affairs, right?
Actually Soviet Army did there same things as taliban now: war against Northern Alliance. It was Ahmad Shah Massoud and so on.
The question is, what was the US really doing then, on whose side were they really? Did they really help the Northern Alliance, as is commonly believed, and what were their motives?
The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan meant the end of support for the Pashtuns and support for the federalization of Najibullah, which was a de facto step towards the Northern Alliance.
That is, it was a 180-degree turn in Soviet foreign policy. This was due to the of the Gorbachev team, which inherited from Khrushchev and resisted the influence of the Stalinists and the KGB.

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