The History of the Cheatriots...

" love a good ā€œPatriots are cheatersā€ story..."

"back-to-back allegations by ESPN and Sports Illustrated...

Ben Volin | On Football: Amid raft of Patriot allegations, only a few points are salient - The Boston Globe

noun: conjecture; plural noun: conjectures
an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

"NFL owners flat-out admit that Deflategate was owner-driven revenge."

"the owners encouraged the commissioner to be extremely tough on the Patriots for Deflategate. No owners commented on the record, but several made it clear that they wanted to see the Patriots be punished severely"

"Deflategate wasnā€™t about deflated footballs. It was about punishing the Patriots"

"The Patriotsā€™ videotaping of opponents between 2000-07 wasnā€™t necessarily illegal"

"in 2008 the NFL publicly exonerated the Patriots of cheating before the ā€™02 Super Bowl"

"...the true story is how widespread this type of filming and scouting was across the NFL during that period. As former Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson said in 2007, ā€œThis is exactly how I was told to do it 18 years ago by a Kansas City Chiefs scout.ā€

"A lot of the juicy allegations sound like sour grapes."

"again, more context is needed to assess the misdeeds. We donā€™t know how widespread this type of 'cheating' was across the NFL."

"Nothing against the folks at Sports Illustrated, but they didnā€™t quote one person on the record, except for a couple of former players who donā€™t really have any actual knowledge..."

"Those reports sound like pure jealousy."

The ESPN article is interesting because it quotes former Patriots coaches and employees detailing their espionage (as anonymous sources, of course).

the standard of guilt was reduced to a preponderance of the evidence, i.e. ā€œmore probable than not.ā€


With a federal court ruling, the NFL got exactly what many observers of the league had predicted: Tom Brady would have Commissioner Roger Goodellā€™s four-game suspension thrown out.

Judge Richard Berman basically said what many had been saying since the NFLā€™s botched investigation was concluded:

there was no evidence Tom Brady was guilty of anything
connected to the under-inflated footballs found in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts.

Tom Brady exonerated by judge
" love a good ā€œPatriots are cheatersā€ story..."

"back-to-back allegations by ESPN and Sports Illustrated...

Ben Volin | On Football: Amid raft of Patriot allegations, only a few points are salient - The Boston Globe

noun: conjecture; plural noun: conjectures
an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

"NFL owners flat-out admit that Deflategate was owner-driven revenge."

"the owners encouraged the commissioner to be extremely tough on the Patriots for Deflategate. No owners commented on the record, but several made it clear that they wanted to see the Patriots be punished severely"

"Deflategate wasnā€™t about deflated footballs. It was about punishing the Patriots"

"The Patriotsā€™ videotaping of opponents between 2000-07 wasnā€™t necessarily illegal"

"in 2008 the NFL publicly exonerated the Patriots of cheating before the ā€™02 Super Bowl"

"...the true story is how widespread this type of filming and scouting was across the NFL during that period. As former Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson said in 2007, ā€œThis is exactly how I was told to do it 18 years ago by a Kansas City Chiefs scout.ā€

"A lot of the juicy allegations sound like sour grapes."

"again, more context is needed to assess the misdeeds. We donā€™t know how widespread this type of 'cheating' was across the NFL."

"Nothing against the folks at Sports Illustrated, but they didnā€™t quote one person on the record, except for a couple of former players who donā€™t really have any actual knowledge..."

"Those reports sound like pure jealousy."

The ESPN article is interesting because it quotes former Patriots coaches and employees detailing their espionage (as anonymous sources, of course).

the standard of guilt was reduced to a preponderance of the evidence, i.e. ā€œmore probable than not.ā€


With a federal court ruling, the NFL got exactly what many observers of the league had predicted: Tom Brady would have Commissioner Roger Goodellā€™s four-game suspension thrown out.

Judge Richard Berman basically said what many had been saying since the NFLā€™s botched investigation was concluded:

there was no evidence Tom Brady was guilty of anything
connected to the under-inflated footballs found in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts.

Tom Brady exonerated by judge

Valerie, so do you think the Cheatriots will win a Super Bowl without cheating. I think it is doubtful....

Read the ESPN article where over 90 people were interviewed. The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.
only an idiot would try to 'debate' unfounded conjecture...


denial mode hurts.evade,evade,evade mode.blah blah blah is all we hear from you when cornered with facts.:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

yep idiots like you who keep ignoring what credible MANY former NFL players say and try to convince yourself it is conjecture.

comedy gold from you as always kid.:biggrin:

oh and i love that pic of tom crying you did me a favor there.:biggrin::up:

this is too fun watching your dodgeball game you play and see you get so angry over the truth.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

oh and as far as conjecture? conjecture? seriously.:rolleyes-41:

sorry but I think former NFL players calling him out as a liar and cheater INCLUDING one of his own former center who played on 3 superbowls with him have just a little bit more credibility than you do.


nice dismissal there with conjecture but miserable fail.:rofl:
" love a good ā€œPatriots are cheatersā€ story..."

"back-to-back allegations by ESPN and Sports Illustrated...

Ben Volin | On Football: Amid raft of Patriot allegations, only a few points are salient - The Boston Globe

noun: conjecture; plural noun: conjectures
an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

"NFL owners flat-out admit that Deflategate was owner-driven revenge."

"the owners encouraged the commissioner to be extremely tough on the Patriots for Deflategate. No owners commented on the record, but several made it clear that they wanted to see the Patriots be punished severely"

"Deflategate wasnā€™t about deflated footballs. It was about punishing the Patriots"

"The Patriotsā€™ videotaping of opponents between 2000-07 wasnā€™t necessarily illegal"

"in 2008 the NFL publicly exonerated the Patriots of cheating before the ā€™02 Super Bowl"

"...the true story is how widespread this type of filming and scouting was across the NFL during that period. As former Cowboys coach Jimmy Johnson said in 2007, ā€œThis is exactly how I was told to do it 18 years ago by a Kansas City Chiefs scout.ā€

"A lot of the juicy allegations sound like sour grapes."

"again, more context is needed to assess the misdeeds. We donā€™t know how widespread this type of 'cheating' was across the NFL."

"Nothing against the folks at Sports Illustrated, but they didnā€™t quote one person on the record, except for a couple of former players who donā€™t really have any actual knowledge..."

"Those reports sound like pure jealousy."

The ESPN article is interesting because it quotes former Patriots coaches and employees detailing their espionage (as anonymous sources, of course).

the standard of guilt was reduced to a preponderance of the evidence, i.e. ā€œmore probable than not.ā€


With a federal court ruling, the NFL got exactly what many observers of the league had predicted: Tom Brady would have Commissioner Roger Goodellā€™s four-game suspension thrown out.

Judge Richard Berman basically said what many had been saying since the NFLā€™s botched investigation was concluded:

there was no evidence Tom Brady was guilty of anything
connected to the under-inflated footballs found in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts.

Tom Brady exonerated by judge

Valerie, so do you think the Cheatriots will win a Super Bowl without cheating. I think it is doubtful....

Read the ESPN article where over 90 people were interviewed. The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

she wont read it,she has been on this thread for hours today and has had all day to read that post of yours and never did because she only sees what she WANTS to see.

she dodged that post of yours just as she has dodged everything i have posted.:biggrin:

something that her pee brain cant comprehend is that the cheatriots are the kennedys of the NFL,the spoiled rich brats of the NFL who get away with scandal after scandal because they get special treatment other teams get punished for if they commit the same crime.:rolleyes-41:

she cant comprehend it that the courts are corrupt and that a high profile player like tom brady was never going to be supended.:rolleyes-41:

Logic and common sense never registers with the cheatriot apologists who have their head up Bradys ass and claim we hate them and have to retreat to showing superbowl rings when they know they are cornered...:D

thats why all the anger and meltdown is displayed from her.pesky facts and the truth
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The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

watch twits like you change your tune once he is on a campaign stage shoulder to shoulder with hillary scoffing together about the haters and their pitiful standards for evidence of wrong doing...
The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

watch twits like you change your tune once he is on a campaign stage shoulder to shoulder with hillary scoffing together about the haters and their pitiful standards for evidence of wrong doing...

You really need to get a grip....and a life.
:rolleyes: i have a grip and a very nice life...

and i really wonder what dishonest twits will do when tom is on that stage with hillary joking about texts and emails and such.
The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

watch twits like you change your tune once he is on a campaign stage shoulder to shoulder with hillary scoffing together about the haters and their pitiful standards for evidence of wrong doing...

You really need to get a grip....and a life.

thats the understatement of the year.:up:

as we knew,she evaded that post of yours covering her eyes only seeing what she wants to see just as we knew she would.:biggrin:

cheatriot apologists are so easy to predict.Like clockwork.:biggrin: Never
points to ponder

is it cheating if a pitch hits a batter in baseball?

it's against the rules but why isn't it considered cheating...?

Oh geez. Ok think of it like this. In the law there are infractions (jaywalking, speeding), misdemeanors (DUI), and felonies (bank robbery). With an infraction you get fined. With a misdemeanor you get a bit fine and perhaps some symbolic jail time, and with a felony you do hard time.

Now in football there are the same things. Penalties (holding) are like infractions. You take a yardage penalty and that's that. Then there are things closer to misdemeanors like fighting or pushing the ref. For that you might get ejected from a game and fined. Then there is blatant cheating such as PED use, tampering with coaches and free agents, etc. Those are more like felonies where serious penalties will occur (massive fines, suspensions, loss of draft picks).

Now what makes this situation a felony is:

a) Intent
The Patriots/Brady intended to circumvent the rules to gain a competitive advantage. This wasn't an accident where a right tackle got a handful of a defensive end's jersey and gripped it a second too long as an incidental effect of rapid flow of motion in a game.

b) Pre-meditation
No defensive back walks up to the line of scrimmage with the intent to hold a receiver. Usually it's incidental or at worst an on the spot decision when the defensive back has been burned. This situation was completely pre-meditated and orchestrated.

c) Cover-Up
A player may protest a holding call but they know they got caught and they don't try very hard to get out of it. In this situation, evidence was destroyed and critical personnel refused to cooperate.

Your comparison is laughable and reeks of desperation
points to ponder

is it cheating if a pitch hits a batter in baseball?

it's against the rules but why isn't it considered cheating...?

Oh geez. Ok think of it like this. In the law there are infractions (jaywalking, speeding), misdemeanors (DUI), and felonies (bank robbery). With an infraction you get fined. With a misdemeanor you get a bit fine and perhaps some symbolic jail time, and with a felony you do hard time.

Now in football there are the same things. Penalties (holding) are like infractions. You take a yardage penalty and that's that. Then there are things closer to misdemeanors like fighting or pushing the ref. For that you might get ejected from a game and fined. Then there is blatant cheating such as PED use, tampering with coaches and free agents, etc. Those are more like felonies where serious penalties will occur (massive fines, suspensions, loss of draft picks).

Now what makes this situation a felony is:

a) Intent
The Patriots/Brady intended to circumvent the rules to gain a competitive advantage. This wasn't an accident where a right tackle got a handful of a defensive end's jersey and gripped it a second too long as an incidental effect of rapid flow of motion in a game.

b) Pre-meditation
No defensive back walks up to the line of scrimmage with the intent to hold a receiver. Usually it's incidental or at worst an on the spot decision when the defensive back has been burned. This situation was completely pre-meditated and orchestrated.

c) Cover-Up
A player may protest a holding call but they know they got caught and they don't try very hard to get out of it. In this situation, evidence was destroyed and critical personnel refused to cooperate.

Your comparison is laughable and reeks of desperation


exactly,thats what I been saying ever since this

she has been getting more and more desperate in every post of hers since she came on here this morning.

You'll never get anywhere with her on this just as you found out it was impossible to reason with chrissy about it as well.

ever since she came on here trolling,she has refused to take jim up on his challenge to read post # 17 of his.:D

The History of the Cheatriots... | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

watch twits like you change your tune once he is on a campaign stage shoulder to shoulder with hillary scoffing together about the haters and their pitiful standards for evidence of wrong doing...

You really need to get a grip....and a life.

...says Captain Sour Grapes whining endlessly with his fellow loser, Conspiracy Boy.

The Cheatriots should be banned from the league, along with your Cheater in Chief Coach.

watch twits like you change your tune once he is on a campaign stage shoulder to shoulder with hillary scoffing together about the haters and their pitiful standards for evidence of wrong doing...

You really need to get a grip....and a life.

the thing that I always find hysterically funny about these cheatriot apologists that worship brady to know end and start posing pics of him having four superbowls and have these half baked theories that I hate him because i dont have what he has nonsense crap is they dont realise how delusional they sound when they say i hate him because he has won four superbowls.

Its beyond hysterical when they post that in their desperate posts to avoid defeat because they never have anything to say when I ask the reasonable question how is that possible that I hate them.:cuckoo:

I in fact actually rooted for them to win the previous five superbowls before that since the chargers are my favorite team in the AFC and therefore I always root for the AFC to win and this was about the only time I did not root for the AFC. they always run off and evade that question everytime and come back with pics of brady holding four superbowl trophys for their rebuttal.Never fails.they know they are cornered. and can only do this in reply-:blahblah::biggrin:

funny how i hate them when i was happy beyond words back then when they beat the Rams for their first superbowl win obviously.

funny how i hate them when I was depressed the whole week when they lose the superbowl to the giants because i wanted to see a team go undefeated in a season sometime while I am alive.:biggrin::rolleyes:

they got the most warped logic ever.:D:rolleyes: valerie and the cheatriot apologists play dodgeball on that fact each time never having an answer for that little fact.:laugh:

the one GOOD thing that came out of the Rams leaving for LA for ME back then when they left is I am grateful that it wasnt the LOS ANGELES RAMS the cheatriots beat back then.That would be a hard pill for me to swallow today that they were beat by those frauds.

Since It was not the LOS ANGELES RAMS they beat for their first superbowl win,I was partying till the wee hours that night back then the fact one fraud team beat another fraud team back then.:D
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The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.

The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.


The cheating began in earnest after Bilicheat came.
The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.


Garbage all accross the board.
I said that they had been cheating all along but those were the most infamous. Besides being a Patriot excusing moron, are you incapable of reading too?
The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.


The cheating began in earnest after Bilicheat came.

True, but they have been cheating since the merger.
The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.


Garbage all accross the board.
I said that they had been cheating all along but those were the most infamous. Besides being a Patriot excusing moron, are you incapable of reading too?

Care to explain how the tuck rule was cheating by the Patriots? Or what any of the lesser cheating charges have been?
The Patriots have been cheating since the AFL/NFL merger.

Every year it's something. Back in 2001 it was the Tuck Rule, further than that it was the Snowplow incident. These are just a few but the most famous besides deflate gate and camera gate.

Just to further clarify the idiocy of this comment, the Patriots have been a team for 75 years and the only examples of cheating that you can come up with are:

  • A correctly called rule in a playoff game which was made by the referees, not the Patriots.
  • An incident where the opposing team was offered the same advantage and declined it.
  • An incident where the team was punished for the location they were taping from (not the taping itself).
  • An incident where the NFL lawyers have admitted, in court, that they have no proof anything even actually happened.


The cheating began in earnest after Bilicheat came.

True, but they have been cheating since the merger.

How so? Specific examples would be SWELL.

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