The Hoax of Record Temperatures

You said diesel and natural gas produce back up when a plant is down for maintenance . HTF does natural,gas produce electricity with out a huge plant of its own ? Diesel generator for small plants? wtf are you talking about ?
You still don’t think we store electricity do you ?
Just a bunch of diesel generators and natural gas.

You said diesel and natural gas produce back up when a plant is down for maintenance

Do you have comprehension issues? Is your IQ below 70?

Let's recap.......

Tell us what the back up electric generators are.

Depends on the capacity.
If they're small, probably diesel, if they're utility scale, probably natural gas.

Diesel generator for small plants?

No, you fucktard, a diesel generator for a home or a building.

You still don’t think we store electricity do you ?

We store tiny amounts of electricity. How long do you think we could power, for instance,
the City of Chicago with all the stored electricity in the country?
You're the one who keeps bringing them up as a problem when they are doing something YOU SUPPORT. How is that a problem for you ?

You green morons want the US to waste trillions cutting a tiny amount of CO2, not me.
If their much larger, and rapidly increasing, CO2 emissions don't impact your green dream,
you're even dumber than you first appeared.

Personally, I don't give a shit about their coal usage.
You green morons want the US to waste trillions cutting a tiny amount of CO2, not me.
If their much larger, and rapidly increasing, CO2 emissions don't impact your green dream,
you're even dumber than you first appeared.

Personally, I don't give a shit about their coal usage.
So you keep bringing up China because why ? They do everything the RIGHT way ?
You said diesel and natural gas produce back up when a plant is down for maintenance

Do you have comprehension issues? Is your IQ below 70?

Let's recap.......

Tell us what the back up electric generators are.

Depends on the capacity.
If they're small, probably diesel, if they're utility scale, probably natural gas.

Diesel generator for small plants?

No, you fucktard, a diesel generator for a home or a building.

You still don’t think we store electricity do you ?

We store tiny amounts of electricity. How long do you think we could power, for instance,
the City of Chicago with all the stored electricity in the country?
You need help. Stop making up shit.
Because the Chinese are not doing their part in reducing greenhouse gases is no reason for America to waste trillions to reduce CO2 by 2 PPM, while they increase it by 20 PPM.
The US has successfully reduced co2 emission by app 1 million metric tons since 2007. If the US were to give up reducing greenhouse gases, global efforts to stop global warming would collapse and the doomsday predictions of extremist might well become a reality.

China is on target to achieve zero growth in CO2 emission by 2030 and zero emission by 2060. Emissions have fallen by .2% in 2022. While China is expanding coal fired generation plants they are also making huge investments in renewable energy. They now lead the world in renewable energy. No only are they the leading producer of renewable energy but the renewable energy sector is the fastest growing of any major nation. In 2022, 50% of electric power produced in China was renewable.

It’s all there bubba .


Two examples for 15 minutes?
Another for 15,000 homes for over 4 hours?
How long would that power Chicago? 10 seconds?

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