The Hoax of Record Temperatures

What ever that means, solar electricity generation matches the needs of peak and off peak hours better then most other sources…electricity is fungible. Photons are FREE bozo and happens every day.m
Hydro is dependable, tidal power us dependable. Coal from China is not.

solar electricity generation matches the needs of peak and off peak hours better then most other sources…


Is this the evidence you were looking for?
solar electricity generation matches the needs of peak and off peak hours better then most other sources…

View attachment 811024

Is this the evidence you were looking for?
Solar isn’t available at night… shit.
You are the smart one aren’t you. You had to read that the sun went down and you’re bragging because why ? You discovered the sun didn’t shine at night. You are a fking genius.
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Solar isn’t available at night… shit.
You are the smart one aren’t you. You had to read that the sun went down and you’re bragging because why ? You discovered the sun didn’t shine at night. You are a fking genius.

You're the moron who thinks "solar electricity generation matches the needs of peak and off peak hours better then most other sources".

Well, if you're going to suggest we waste trillions to reduce CO2 a little while China increases it a whole fucking lot more, I'm going to point out the idiocy of your suggestion.
Your post reminds me of the story of 2 men in a sinking boat. The man in the back of the boat stops bailing water out of the boat. The man in front of boat says, if you're not gong to bail water, I'm not either.

China began an industrially revolution about 50 years ago with the sole purpose of delivering more manufactured goods to market at a lower cost than any other country. They became far more successful than any one imagined but in doing so they created a huge environmental problem.

China was one of the first countries to recognized the threat of global warming. This is because 60% of the population live in coastal provinces that are only slightly above sea level. China is considered to be one of the top 5 countries in the world that will suffer most from global warming.

Their plan to reduce greenhouse gases is to increase their renewable energy power generation first. So far China has spent over a trillion dollars on renewal energy, 546 billion in 2022. The US in the same year spent 32 billion. Due to huge investment in renewable energy the country now is able to produce 50% of their electric power from renewal sources. The second part of their plan is to convert 1/3 of all commercial and residential use of other forms of energy to renewable electric power by 2030. At this point they will have reached their goal of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Their final goal is zero greenhouse emission by 2060. According to the The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for China the country is on target to meet their 2030 goal.
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China was one of the first countries to recognized the threat of global warming


What bullshit.

China is considered to be one of the top 5 countries in the world that will suffer most from global warming

and since "Global Warming" is complete bullshit and not real or happening, they are building coal plants galore, because they have a clue, and the believers in the Co2 fraud do not...

China has the FBI fraud case against the warmers, purchased from Hunter in exchange for "consulting fees."

BTW, have you ever even bothered to check the actual data.... Your theory is that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere would warm the atmosphere. We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 before your heroes FUDGED both with laughable bullshit.

The actual CLIMATE DATA to date is as follows


and that is why your heroes homO and Big Mike bought BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on an island last hit by Cat 5 gusts in 1938....
Yup, still makes you look like a huge moron.
Why ? Electricity is stored. You doubt that foolish ? It’s hilarious you deny what’s in front of your eyes. We’ve been storing electricity for decades to cover maintenance shut downs and emergencies for decades. And you idiots think somehow, we’re incapable of storing it for 12 hours, even for off peak hours when we use less to begin with. Your stupidity is astounding.
Just in case you missed it, this is how we store electricity dufus.

What bullshit.

and since "Global Warming" is complete bullshit and not real or happening, they are building coal plants galore, because they have a clue, and the believers in the Co2 fraud do not...

China has the FBI fraud case against the warmers, purchased from Hunter in exchange for "consulting fees."

BTW, have you ever even bothered to check the actual data.... Your theory is that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere would warm the atmosphere. We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. Both showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 before your heroes FUDGED both with laughable bullshit.

The actual CLIMATE DATA to date is as follows


and that is why your heroes homO and Big Mike bought BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on an island last hit by Cat 5 gusts in 1938....
Name one country, or climate research facility or major corporation that agrees with you…any Climate research related institution where real scientist work in the entire world….just one.
Your post reminds me of the story of 2 men in a sinking boat. The man in the back of the boat stops bailing water out of the boat. The man in front of boat says, if you're not gong to bail water, I'm not either.

China began an industrially revolution about 50 years ago with the sole purpose of delivering more manufactured goods to market at a lower cost than any other country. They became far more successful than any one imagined but in doing so they created a huge environmental problem.

China was one of the first countries to recognized the threat of global warming. This is because 60% of the population live in coastal provinces that are only slightly above sea level. China is considered to be one of the top 5 countries in the world that will suffer most from global warming.

Their plan to reduce greenhouse gases is to increase their renewable energy power generation first. So far China has spent over a trillion dollars on renewal energy, 546 billion in 2022. The US in the same year spent 32 billion. Due to huge investment in renewable energy the country now is able to produce 50% of their electric power from renewal sources. The second part of their plan is to convert 1/3 of all commercial and residential use of other forms of energy to renewable electric power by 2030. At this point they will have reached their goal of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Their final goal is zero greenhouse emission by 2060. According to the The World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) for China the country is on target to meet their 2030 goal.

Your post reminds me of the story of 2 men in a sinking boat. The man in the back of the boat stops bailing water out of the boat. The man in front of boat says, if you're not gong to bail water, I'm not either.

For it to apply to our current situation, the man in the front of the boat would be spending trillions bailing water out while the guy in the back is making trillions by making the hole larger.

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