The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Why ? Electricity is stored. You doubt that foolish ? It’s hilarious you deny what’s in front of your eyes. We’ve been storing electricity for decades to cover maintenance shut downs and emergencies for decades. And you idiots think somehow, we’re incapable of storing it for 12 hours, even for off peak hours when we use less to begin with. Your stupidity is astounding.
Just in case you missed it, this is how we store electricity dufus.

Electricity is stored.

Yes, the tiny amount stored is awesome.
Just for fun, post the amount stored versus one day's production.

And you idiots think somehow, we’re incapable of storing it for 12 hours,

What location is capable of storing enough for 12 hours of usage?
How much solar power do you think we store here in Chicago?
Seriously ? You think electricity needs to be stored “nearby” . You’re hilarious. That’s your problem. You don’t seem to know shit. Each silly post is funnier than the previous. Btw ignoramus we don’t store solar power. We store electricity . Were you homeschooled ?
Seriously ? You think electricity needs to be stored “nearby” . You’re hilarious. That’s your problem. You don’t seem to know shit. Each silly post is funnier than the previous. Btw ignoramus we don’t store solar power. We store electricity . Were you homeschooled ?

How much solar generated electricity do we store in the entire US?
Name one country, or climate research facility or major corporation that agrees with you…any Climate research related institution where real scientist work in the entire world….just one.

As soon as you or any of them can explain a MAP of the ARCTIC....

There is truth.

Your side has none.

My side does.
Your post reminds me of the story of 2 men in a sinking boat. The man in the back of the boat stops bailing water out of the boat. The man in front of boat says, if you're not gong to bail water, I'm not either.

For it to apply to our current situation, the man in the front of the boat would be spending trillions bailing water out while the guy in the back is making trillions by making the hole larger.

The fact is that China is devoting far more resources than any country on earth to stop global warming. The reason is two fold. China will suffer far more from global warming than most countries. Second, converting their infrastructure to clean energy is a monumental task compared to the US or the EU. Unlike the US, China does not have 3 regional electric grids that cover the country. They have thousands of local grids that are not connected. China has completed the largest transmission line in the world capable of carrying the power of 12 large renewable energy powers plants over 2000 miles. They need 3 more in the next ten years and thousands of miles of smaller transmission lines to connect renewal energy to large regional grids. An even greater task is converting over a hundred of millions homes and factories to use electricity in leu of oil and coal. China expects they will reach their goal of zero increases in emissions by 2030, possibly as soon as 2026. However, their goal of zero greenhouse emissions is 2060. To reach that goal, the cost will be in the tens of trillions.

Comparison of China and the US expenditures to reduce greenhouse emissions.

  • China outspent the U.S. by nearly 2-to-1 on energy transition-related investment between 2010 and 2020, according to BNEF data cited by Bank of America’s ESG Research team.
  • China’s spending on research and development climbed 10.3% to 2.44 trillion Chinese yuan ($378 billion) in 2020, outpacing the U.S., according to the nation’s National Bureau of Statistics.
  • The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on renewable energy investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries. That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.
  • China also dominated in low-carbon manufacturing, accounting for more than 90 percent of the $79 billion invested in that sector last year, according to the report.

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The fact is that China is devoting far more resources than any country on earth to stop global warming. The reason is two fold. China will suffer far more from global warming than most countries. Second, converting their infrastructure to clean energy is a monumental task compared to the US or the EU. Unlike the US, China does not have 3 regional electric grids that cover the country. They have thousands of local grids that are not connected. China has completed the largest transmission line in the world capable of carrying the power of 12 large renewable energy powers plants over 2000 miles. They need 3 more in the next ten years and thousands of miles of smaller transmission lines to connect renewal energy to large regional grids. An even greater obstacle is converting millions of homes and factories to use electricity in leu of oil and coal. China expects they will reach their goal of zero increases in emissions by 2030, possibly as soon as 2026. However, their goal of zero greenhouse emissions is 2060. To reach that goal, the cost will be in the tens of trillions.

Comparison of China and the US expenditures to reduce greenhouse emissions.

  • China outspent the U.S. by nearly 2-to-1 on energy transition-related investment between 2010 and 2020, according to BNEF data cited by Bank of America’s ESG Research team.
  • China’s spending on research and development climbed 10.3% to 2.44 trillion Chinese yuan ($378 billion) in 2020, outpacing the U.S., according to the nation’s National Bureau of Statistics.
  • The country spent $546 billion in 2022 on renewable energy investments that included solar and wind energy, electric vehicles and batteries. That is nearly four times the amount of U.S. investments, which totaled $141 billion. The European Union was second to China with $180 billion in clean energy investments.
  • China also dominated in low-carbon manufacturing, accounting for more than 90 percent of the $79 billion invested in that sector last year, according to the report.

The fact is that China is devoting far more resources than any country on earth to stop global warming.

Of course, because commie statistics are very trustworthy.

China outspent the U.S. by nearly 2-to-1 on energy transition-related investment between 2010 and 2020, according to BNEF data cited by Bank of America’s ESG Research team.

China sounds awesome!

What were Chinese CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?

What were US CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?
The fact is that China is devoting far more resources than any country on earth to stop global warming.

Of course, because commie statistics are very trustworthy.

China outspent the U.S. by nearly 2-to-1 on energy transition-related investment between 2010 and 2020, according to BNEF data cited by Bank of America’s ESG Research team.

China sounds awesome!

What were Chinese CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?

What were US CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?
It is awesome.
I don't think anyone is questioning the fact that China's emission exceed the US and are the highest in the world. I was pointing out that china is spending huge amounts of money and making a of lot progress but of course they have a lot more to do. They have created many miles of solar and wind farms, built new hydroelectric plants, and are creating what will be the largest electric grids in the world.

What a lot of people forget is that China has 4.5 times as many people as the US living in a smaller land mass. Also the nation is still in an industrial revolution that started about 50 years ago. Nearly half the factory workers today were in the fields 25 years ago. Expecting the sleeping giant to move rapidly to renewable energy is wishful thinking. I find their progress is remarkable considering the magnitude of the task.
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The fact is that China is devoting far more resources than any country on earth to stop global warming.


Rather, they are making huge amounts of money off fearful science invalid MORONS who are actually dumb enough to believe in the Co2 fraud.

But the top of the Chinese Communist Party, they can answer the question

WHY did homO go SILENT for TWO YEARS about "the greatest threat facing mankind" and then buy BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on an island last hit by Cat 5 gusts in 1938 because, despite noise about "ocean warming," 1938 is THE LAST TIME A CAT 5 GOT THAT FAR NORTH....???


The Chinese know because they bought the FBI fraud prosecution from Hunter Biden for a big sack of crack rocks...

Rather, they are making huge amounts of money off fearful science invalid MORONS who are actually dumb enough to believe in the Co2 fraud.

But the top of the Chinese Communist Party, they can answer the question

WHY did homO go SILENT for TWO YEARS about "the greatest threat facing mankind" and then buy BEACHFRONT PROPERTY on an island last hit by Cat 5 gusts in 1938 because, despite noise about "ocean warming," 1938 is THE LAST TIME A CAT 5 GOT THAT FAR NORTH....???


The Chinese know because they bought the FBI fraud prosecution from Hunter Biden for a big sack of crack rocks...
Why are you replying to my posts? I do not debate the existence of global warming, or whether the world is flat, or aliens are living among us, or the world is control by a cabal, or other conspiracy theories.
Why are you replying to my posts? I do not debate the existence of global warming, or whether the world is flat, or aliens are living among us, or the world is control by a cabal, or other conspiracy theories.

You are a science invalid MORON who parrots lies, and hence you are a liability.

And of course, you cannot even explain a map of the Arctic...
It is awesome.
I don't think anyone is questioning the fact that China's emission exceed the US and are the highest in the world. I was pointing out that china is spending huge amounts of money and making a of lot progress but of course they have a lot more to do. They have created many miles of solar and wind farms, built new hydroelectric plants, and are creating what will be the largest electric grids in the world.

What a lot of people forget is that China has 4.5 times as many people as the US living in a smaller land mass. Also the nation is still in an industrial revolution that started about 50 years ago. Nearly half the factory workers today were in the fields 25 years ago. Expecting the sleeping giant to move rapidly to renewable energy is wishful thinking. I find their progress is remarkable considering the magnitude of the task.

They've done lots of good stuff, just ask them.
They've spent lots of money, just ask them.

But what were the end results?

What were Chinese CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?

What were US CO2 emissions in 2010 and in 2020?
You hear that?

It's the Jews, coming to get you.

You need an extra layer of tinfoil.


What did the two and only two sources of atmospheric temp data, satellites and balloons, have to say?
They said the Jews are coming to get you.


0-17, keep trying...

As for the DATA, let's have another look...

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."


Your outside thermometer SUGGESTED it was 80F outside, but a taxpayer funded conflicted fudgebaking liar has adjusted that to 90F....

The truth:

Highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere for decades where Co2 went up.

The Co2 fraud couldn't have that truth out there, so they fudged both with laughable bullshit.

According to the DATA, increasing atmospheric Co2 caused precisely NO WARMING.

As soon as you or any of them can explain a MAP of the ARCTIC....

There is truth.

Your side has none.

My side does.
What map ? Produce the map AND the site and link it came from. The only one I’ve seen is a white covered arctic of THINNER ice or a winter time picture of Antarctic covered with SNOW ICE. Both of which indicate WARMING TRENDS.
Go ahead,produce the picture AND THE LINK it came from.

0-17, keep trying...

As for the DATA, let's have another look...

"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling."


Your outside thermometer SUGGESTED it was 80F outside, but a taxpayer funded conflicted fudgebaking liar has adjusted that to 90F....

The truth:

Highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere for decades where Co2 went up.

The Co2 fraud couldn't have that truth out there, so they fudged both with laughable bullshit.

According to the DATA, increasing atmospheric Co2 caused precisely NO WARMING.


Did you read your own reference ? The claim AGAINST GLOBAL WARMING EVAPORATES. IT TURNS OUT THAT DENIERS ARE WRONG. Read it ! The data agaisnt global warming is WRONG. Some one has a reading disability.

Key claim against global warming evaporates​

Satellite and weather balloon data used to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening turns out to be based on faulty analyses, according to three new studies.

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