The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Post 302 above is proof you are a liar... and that you cannot explain that map, so lying about the map is all you and your side have...
Bullshit. There is still no link to the picture dufus
Post 302 above is proof you are a liar... and that you cannot explain that map, so lying about the map is all you and your side have...
ha ha.
It shows nothing about the artic sea ice…..NOTHING.
It shows nothing about the Antarctic snow ice, nothing. Are you stupid ?
Post 302 above is proof you are a liar... and that you cannot explain that map, so lying about the map is all you and your side have...
It shows nothin. No link, no time frame no shit.
about the artic sea ice

has nothing to do with the issue or the question you and your side cannot answer. You are a seriously sick person, a brazenly obvious liar, and you should be banned for this shit.
Post 302 above is proof you are a liar
That post is very, VERY unclear.

It shows nothing about the Antarctic snow ice, nothing.
He makes it very difficult to find, what exactly you want him to look at. Linking to a search engine result, is the worst way to prove something.

Not only does arctic sea ice vary by year, it also varies by season per time of each particular year, so, we don't have a clue, when we look at different sites, what time we are looking at, unless they tell us. . . Which? If they have an agenda, they just may not.






"In recent years, the Arctic Circle has become an important symbol of the devastating impacts of climate change, but its role as a central focus site for geopolitical conflict deserves an equal amount of attention and concern. The Arctic Circle, fraught with melting polar ice caps, is becoming a key stage for global competition and potentially for the escalation of a great power conflict in the near future.

As the Arctic's treacherous polar ice caps melt away, nations have begun to engage in a modern gold rush over the region’s unclaimed territory, natural resources, and strategic position. As a consequence of the rapidly disappearing polar ice caps, there has been an increase in unclaimed ocean and land territory, beyond any nation’s control, that countries are attempting to gain jurisdiction over for purposes, such as resource extraction and trade routes. Beyond economic motivations, nations such as the United States, Russia, and China are competing in the region to project military supremacy and seek more power. The Arctic also sits at a critical position between North America and Eurasia, making it a powerful strategic position from which to project military strength. As the liberal international order is increasingly under threat by great power conflict (a scenario in which the already-contentious relationship among the United States, Russia and China could devolve into war), the Arctic Circle faces a crossroads: will the underlying boiling tensions explode to the point of larger global conflict or can diplomatic means be the key to ensuring peace in the region? . . . . "
Of course, none of this proves rising global temperatures, or changing weather patterns, necessarily are completely due to activities of mankind. Or indeed, that we might be able to do much about them. . .

Civilizations have risen and fallen for thousands of years, due to changes in weather patterns, and humanity had absolutely nothing to do with causing those changes.

I recommend anyone that is in the dark about the history of civilizations, & the history of anthropology, watch this series. . .

That post is very, VERY unclear.

He makes it very difficult to find, what exactly you want him to look at. Linking to a search engine result, is the worst way to prove something.

Not only does arctic sea ice vary by year, it also varies by season per time of each particular year, so, we don't have a clue, when we look at different sites, what time we are looking at, unless they tell us. . . Which? If they have an agenda, they just may not.





View attachment 811854

"In recent years, the Arctic Circle has become an important symbol of the devastating impacts of climate change, but its role as a central focus site for geopolitical conflict deserves an equal amount of attention and concern. The Arctic Circle, fraught with melting polar ice caps, is becoming a key stage for global competition and potentially for the escalation of a great power conflict in the near future.

As the Arctic's treacherous polar ice caps melt away, nations have begun to engage in a modern gold rush over the region’s unclaimed territory, natural resources, and strategic position. As a consequence of the rapidly disappearing polar ice caps, there has been an increase in unclaimed ocean and land territory, beyond any nation’s control, that countries are attempting to gain jurisdiction over for purposes, such as resource extraction and trade routes. Beyond economic motivations, nations such as the United States, Russia, and China are competing in the region to project military supremacy and seek more power. The Arctic also sits at a critical position between North America and Eurasia, making it a powerful strategic position from which to project military strength. As the liberal international order is increasingly under threat by great power conflict (a scenario in which the already-contentious relationship among the United States, Russia and China could devolve into war), the Arctic Circle faces a crossroads: will the underlying boiling tensions explode to the point of larger global conflict or can diplomatic means be the key to ensuring peace in the region? . . . . "

Reading comprehension = ZERO

The question has NOTHING to do with Arctic SEA ice.

It has to do with the question your side CANNOT ANSWER.... READ IT AGAIN....

So here is the QUESTION that none of the Co2 fraud supporting science invalids can answer...

Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland, but no such ice age glacier, rather trees and moose, north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

So that's the Co2 fraud tactic, don't answer the question, change the question, and get a sick in the head lying sack of shit "mod" to lie about the question too...
As the Arctic's treacherous polar ice caps melt away


Greenland is continuing to add a new layer of ice every year. You do not have any sea level rise. You have no breakout in cane activity. You cannot show a photo of a single landmark sinking. And NASA explained WHY....

Earth ice

90% on Antarctica
7% on Greenland
0.3% on Ellesmere Island

So which one matters most? LOL!!!

"the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."

which explains why the IPCC is completely full of shit about ocean rise...

"The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some ..."

That post is very, VERY unclear.

He makes it very difficult to find, what exactly you want him to look at. Linking to a search engine result, is the worst way to prove something.

Not only does arctic sea ice vary by year, it also varies by season per time of each particular year, so, we don't have a clue, when we look at different sites, what time we are looking at, unless they tell us. . . Which? If they have an agenda, they just may not.





View attachment 811854

"In recent years, the Arctic Circle has become an important symbol of the devastating impacts of climate change, but its role as a central focus site for geopolitical conflict deserves an equal amount of attention and concern. The Arctic Circle, fraught with melting polar ice caps, is becoming a key stage for global competition and potentially for the escalation of a great power conflict in the near future.

As the Arctic's treacherous polar ice caps melt away, nations have begun to engage in a modern gold rush over the region’s unclaimed territory, natural resources, and strategic position. As a consequence of the rapidly disappearing polar ice caps, there has been an increase in unclaimed ocean and land territory, beyond any nation’s control, that countries are attempting to gain jurisdiction over for purposes, such as resource extraction and trade routes. Beyond economic motivations, nations such as the United States, Russia, and China are competing in the region to project military supremacy and seek more power. The Arctic also sits at a critical position between North America and Eurasia, making it a powerful strategic position from which to project military strength. As the liberal international order is increasingly under threat by great power conflict (a scenario in which the already-contentious relationship among the United States, Russia and China could devolve into war), the Arctic Circle faces a crossroads: will the underlying boiling tensions explode to the point of larger global conflict or can diplomatic means be the key to ensuring peace in the region? . . . . "
Exactly. This denier posts a picture with of greenland seemingly covered in snow, with no reference and then makes conjectures about the Arctic and Antarctica….he has nothing.
Greenland is continuing to add a new layer of ice every year. You do not have any sea level rise. You have no breakout in cane activity. You cannot show a photo of a single landmark sinking. And NASA explained WHY....
Because foolish, it’s snow ice not sea ice over land. The accumulation of snow ice is due to the increase in temperatures which INCREASES snow fall rates. You need to get an education. The colder it is the less snow you get when temps are below freezing. Warmer air holds MORE moisture even when it’s still below freezing. The increase in SNOW ICE in Greenland supports global warming trend.
Post 302 above is proof you are a liar... and that you cannot explain that map, so lying about the map is all you and your side have...
Being a climate change denier must be an uphill battle these days.

Climate change is a brutally unfortunate truth; a sad and dismal reality of the (only) world we call home. It is understandable that someone such as you would say, no despite the facts.

A meteor on a collision course with the earth would also be brutally unfortunate, not least of which until the last possible moment, there would still be a small percent of the earth’s population that would conclude optimistically — ignorantly? — that the meteor could, in fact, just skip harmlessly off our atmosphere.
Because foolish, it’s snow ice not sea ice over land. The accumulation of snow ice is due to the increase in temperatures which INCREASES snow fall rates. You need to get an education. The colder it is the less snow you get when temps are below freezing. Warmer air holds MORE moisture even when it’s still below freezing. The increase in SNOW ICE in Greenland supports global warming trend.

You cannot explain a map of the Arctic, because you are a beaked birdbrain liar and coward, and your opinion isn't yours, it is always PARROTED...
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Being a climate change denier

As a nitwit science invalid parrot, you have tried to wordsmith. I do not deny climate change, I simply explain it, and document it, and out Co2 as doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding it...

Co2 does NOTHING = highly correlated satellite and balloon data.

Already posted what does....

Your side cannot even explain a map of the Arctic, pretty pathetic given $20 billion bilked from the American taxpayer and counting

You are a pathetic waste of human life, a sub human incapable of the most basic analytical thought....
Exactly. This denier posts a picture with of greenland seemingly covered in snow, with no reference and then makes conjectures about the Arctic and Antarctica….he has nothing.

The question remains unanswered by the science invalids here who support the Co2 fraud.

Jeopardy! music still playing.

the Co2 fraud cannot explain a map of the Arctic, but it can lie, it can change the question to avoid answering it, it can have biased sick in the head liars as mods who do nothing about such behavior here, but everyone with an IQ over 40 who reads this topic knows ever word of this post is 100% accurate...
The question remains unanswered by the science invalids here who support the Co2 fraud.

Jeopardy! music still playing.

the Co2 fraud cannot explain a map of the Arctic, but it can lie, it can change the question to avoid answering it, it can have biased sick in the head liars as mods who do nothing about such behavior here, but everyone with an IQ over 40 who reads this topic knows ever word of this post is 100% accurate...
Explain what ? You can’t read my posts ? Are you stupid ?
Greenland may bev covered in snow ice, not sea ice dufus. It snows over Greenland dufus. The snow changes to ice. Snow fall amounts may increase when the climate warms below freezing dumbo.
Are you that stupid ? The sea ice is dwindling. Read my lips dufus…..the sea ice is dwindling.
As a nitwit science invalid parrot, you have tried to wordsmith. I do not deny climate change, I simply explain it, and document it, and out Co2 as doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding it...

Co2 does NOTHING = highly correlated satellite and balloon data.

Already posted what does....

Your side cannot even explain a map of the Arctic, pretty pathetic given $20 billion bilked from the American taxpayer and counting

You are a pathetic waste of human life, a sub human incapable of the most basic analytical thought....
You’re using as a reference a previous post ? You are desperate.
The question remains unanswered by the science invalids here who support the Co2 fraud.

Jeopardy! music still playing.

the Co2 fraud cannot explain a map of the Arctic, but it can lie, it can change the question to avoid answering it, it can have biased sick in the head liars as mods who do nothing about such behavior here, but everyone with an IQ over 40 who reads this topic knows ever word of this post is 100% accurate...
Explain what. You ant even tell us anything about the map.
has nothing to do with the issue or the question you and your side cannot answer. You are a seriously sick person, a brazenly obvious liar, and you should be banned for this shit.
Already did dildo. Go play with yourself.
It’s funny watching these chicken littles wet the bed daily over the climate cycle, as if we can do anything about it.
Explain what ? You can’t read my posts ? Are you stupid ?
Greenland may bev covered in snow ice, not sea ice dufus. It snows over Greenland dufus. The snow changes to ice. Snow fall amounts may increase when the climate warms below freezing dumbo.
Are you that stupid ? The sea ice is dwindling. Read my lips dufus…..the sea ice is dwindling.


Still cannot answer the question

WHY is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska


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