The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Link or is it made up shit again.

The 2007 British case is linked idiot. Your side hates courts. Courts require EVIDENCE and DISCOVERY and TRUTH in front of a JURY. Your side likes to fudge fraud behind closed doors and have absolute MORONS like you just parrot and never question or notice how inaccurate...
The 2007 British case is linked idiot. Your side hates courts. Courts require EVIDENCE and DISCOVERY and TRUTH in front of a JURY. Your side likes to fudge fraud behind closed doors and have absolute MORONS like you just parrot and never question or notice how inaccurate...
What link ? Where ? A British case ? Hilarious.
Translation - Dag only parrots the Co2 fraud, nothing else, and has no clue about anything...
Yup. I parrot what every climate research facility in the world says, and you parrot fix News. Who’s the illiterate dufus ? You win hands down. You’re right. I have no fking clue what Fix News says every night while making up shit
you parrot fix News


Faux pushes Solar Cycle, which EMH has refuted over and over...

What link ? Where ? A British case ? Hilarious.

Same shit with the question you won't/cannot answer about the Arctic, you just lie, just like your fudgebaking fraud heroes
Same shit with the question you won't/cannot answer about the Arctic, you just lie, just like your fudgebaking fraud heroes
Snow ice foolish. You continually show your ignorance yet still claim to be smarter than NASA. Aren’t you Humpers the least bit embarrassed. You should have learned when you sat in math and science classes and had to bag just to pass.
You continually copy shit being passed around the net by other Humpers pretending you’re smart. Gessus, get a life. You didn’t do well in school for a reason.

Faux pushes Solar Cycle, which EMH has refuted over and over...

Pushing old posts. Why not just go to a NASA website ?
Pushing old posts. Why not just go to a NASA website ?

Nobody here can refute a word of what I post in USMB Environment.

Anyone who wants real CLIMATE TRUTH can get it here. Some of the NASA stuff is real data, most of it is fudged fraud like all the rest of the Co2 fraud...
Arctic, you just lie, just like your fudgebaking fraud heroes
Get real. I know so much more about science than you it’s laughable. Simply because, unlike you, I don’t pretend to be an expert. I know where to go for the answers. And, there are minimum, 30k reliable websites. Everything I’ve told you is spot on. You’re a science illiterate. You have to belong to your cult, so you have to remain illiterate.
Snow ice foolish. You continually show your ignorance yet still claim to be smarter than NASA. Aren’t you Humpers the least bit embarrassed. You should have learned when you sat in math and science classes and had to bag just to pass.
You continually copy shit being passed around the net by other Humpers pretending you’re smart. Gessus, get a life. You didn’t do well in school for a reason.

The answer of "snow ice" explaining why Alaska is green north of Arctic Circle while Greenland has ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle is as pathetic as it is laughably wrong.

Find where I "copy" stuff....

Nobody online has the continent specific ice age explanation of climate change, because the Co2 fraud has censored it...
Nobody here can refute a word of what I post in USMB Environment.

Anyone who wants real CLIMATE TRUTH can get it here. Some of the NASA stuff is real data, most of it is fudged fraud like all the rest of the Co2 fraud...
You’re ignorant and anti American by condemning one of Americas most reliable and hallowed institutions. . NASA doesn’t fudge data ignoramus. Shipping, air travel and a multitude of other commercial and military useres WORLD WIDE depend upon their satellite and direct data. You’re obscenely arrogant, self center illiterate who questions one of the worlds most reliable data sources.
You and other Humpers who pull this shit should be banned from discusion websites pedaling your drivel.
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The answer of "snow ice" explaining why Alaska is green north of Arctic Circle while Greenland has ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle is as pathetic as it is laughably wrong.

Find where I "copy" stuff....

Nobody online has the continent specific ice age explanation of climate change, because the Co2 fraud has censored it...
Iggy, you can’t won’t tell us what time of the year the pictures were taken. All NASA measurements show thinning of the sea ice around both poles and thinning of the snow ice in Greenland and other northern areas. Does that mean it can’t be white in winter ? No illiterate. Go peddle your drivel elsewhere.
You’re stupid. NASA doesn’t fudge data ignoramus. Shipping, air travel and a multitude of other commercial and military useres WORLD WIDE depend upon their satellite and direct data. You’re obscenely arrogant, self center illiterate who questions one of the worlds most reliable data sources.
You and other Humpers who pull this shit should be banned from discusion websites pedaling your drivel.

You and your side cannot explain a map of the Arctic.

Your side is 0-1 in court, and was DESTROYED in court.

The record decade for canes is still the 1940s

You cannot show one single photo of a landmark sinking, because there is NO OCEAN RISE

You are just a COMPLETE MORON who has been destroyed here.
Iggy, you can’t won’t tell us what time of the year the pictures were taken. All NASA measurements show thinning of the sea ice around both poles and thinning of the snow ice in Greenland and other northern areas. Does that mean it can’t be white in winter ? No illiterate. Go peddle your drivel elsewhere.

Greenland's ice actually isn't even retreating. It is still much further south than it was when the Vikings arrived and farmed the southern tip now buried under 600 years of ice age glacier...

As for Antarctica, you were just shown the COURT VERDICT and the NASA documentation of growth, and how that outs the IPCC's fraud of an "ocean rise" claim...
San Francisco had record lows until June.

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