The Hoax of Record Temperatures

Seriously, you don’t think electricity can be stored…yes or no.
then why don't you post how long at night you can get the service? You're a chicken shit, you are deflection jackson.
see, you can't answer the direct question!! always a deflection. you be deflection jackson.
What deflection. You claimed coal is better yet you can’t tell me how many NEW. Coal plants are coming in line compared to over 200 plus hydro plants.
What deflection. You claimed coal is better yet you can’t tell me how many NEW. Coal plants are coming in line compared to over 200 plus hydro plants.
he asked you a question deflection jackson, you came back with a question to his question. Deflection jackson.
then why don't you post how long at night you can get the service? You're a chicken shit, you are deflection jackson.
Get what service ? Wtf are you talking about. Do you think electricity generated during the day can be SAVED for night time use ? Yes or no.
Btw, a lot less electricity is used between 9pm and 6 am illiterate.
Get what service ? Wtf are you talking about. Do you think electricity generated during the day can be SAVED for night time use ? Yes or no.
Btw, a lot less electricity is used between 9pm and 6 am illiterate.
and yet you still can't just answer the question of this stored electricity. How long can batteries store that daytime charge at night? You won't answer because it favors Todd and I. Deflection jackson.
and yet you still can't just answer the question of this stored electricity. How long can batteries store that daytime charge at night? You won't answer because it favors Todd and I. Deflection jackson.
Well, my electric car can run all night long…without being plugged in. Gee, I wonder how.
Well, my electric car can run all night long…without being plugged in. Gee, I wonder how.
how long to recharge it after you run the batteries down? Are you saying you can run your car for twenty four hours?
how long to recharge it after you run the batteries down? Are you saying you can run your car for twenty four hours?
I didn’t know the night lasted 24 hours…’re amazing. You only talked about night time.
Do you still doubt you can store electricity. Yes or no.
I didn’t know the night lasted 24 hours…’re amazing.
Nighttime is over 12 hours, so just post where there is 12 hours night coverage with solar panels!!!! Or just answer the question if you can run your car for 24 hours. again, with the deflection jackson.
Nighttime is over 12 hours, so just post where there is 12 hours night coverage with solar panels!!!! Or just answer the question if you can run your car for 24 hours. again, with the deflection jackson.
There isn’t. They store the ELECTRICITY dufus. Do you doubt that electricity can be stored ? Yes or no. Answer the question.
There isn’t. They store the ELECTRICITY dufus. Do you doubt that electricity can be stored ? Yes or no. Answer the question.
who stores the ELECTRICITY dufus? How long can that stored electricity be used? You still haven't answered the question can it last 12 hours and longer?
who stores the ELECTRICITY dufus? How long can that stored electricity be used? You still haven't answered the question can it last 12 hours and longer?
The same way electricity is stored for a fossil fuel plant that’s down for days for maintenance. No nuclear or fossil fuel plant runs without being shut down for maintenance.
So you think they shut your power off for that ?
The same way electricity is stored for a fossil fuel plant that’s down for days for maintenance. No nuclear or fossil fuel plant runs without being shut down for maintenance.
So you think they shut your power off for that ?

Other plants are running (that can run....certainly not soloar) and the utility will import electricity through the grid.

The industry has what they call spinning reserves and it's enough to satisfy needs.

In a solar system, it would be no, it's not the same.

Yep. Honest.

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and the utility will import electricity through the grid.
Really, like from a hydro or another renewable source ?
Or even from a grid storage facility.
So you thing it’s magically stored for fossil fuel but not for solar ?
Really, like from a hydro or another renewable source ?
Or even from a grid storage facility.
So you thing it’s magically stored for fossil fuel but not for solar ?

I think I was clear when I said you don't have to store it for fossil fuel.

Can you not read.

If a plant goes down for maint. the utiity brings in electricity from other generators (spinning reserves) to supplement and not interrupt supply. Except when you don't have enough import capacity. Then you have the brownouts.

In the case of hydro, I think they pump water back into the reservior if the electricity is not needed. You would think they'd just restrict the amount they let out but I am sure they have some minimum they need to let through to keep the turbines running.
The same way electricity is stored for a fossil fuel plant that’s down for days for maintenance. No nuclear or fossil fuel plant runs without being shut down for maintenance.
So you think they shut your power off for that ?
Indeed they do! They switch to backup! What is backup for solar?
The warming of the last 150 years is not being caused by any changes in the sun, which is not going to start expanding for another 4 billion years. Atmospheric CO2 levels are still rising in very close correlation with temperature.

THAT's real science.



Correlation is a statistical measurement. Not science. And, we know statistics can be manipulated. Especially when one side dominates the media control.
The warming of the last 150 years is not being caused by any changes in the sun, which is not going to start expanding for another 4 billion years. Atmospheric CO2 levels are still rising in very close correlation with temperature.

THAT's real science.



“Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics.”
And, the small “Average” rise is due to melting ice, the article says. However, they said that both north and south arctics are melting. That isn’t true. Antarctica has expanded its ice. There are several reasons for higher sea levels but some areas go up while others go down. This is real science, not the Hockey Puck junk Science communists use 😎

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