The Hoax of Record Temperatures

The warming of the last 150 years is not being caused by any changes in the sun, which is not going to start expanding for another 4 billion years. Atmospheric CO2 levels are still rising in very close correlation with temperature.

THAT's real science.



“Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics.”
And, the small “Average” rise is due to melting ice, the article says. However, they said that both north and south arctics are melting. That isn’t true. Antarctica has expanded its ice. There are several reasons for higher sea levels but some areas go up while others go down. This is real science, not the Hockey Puck junk Science communists use 😎
Look it up.
You have car. Can you start it at night ? Dah. Are you telling me you don’t get electricity at night in areas that have solar panels ? You can’t be serious. You’re joking right ?

I'm telling you, you don't get any electricity at night from your solar panels.

Are you cheating and using natural gas power at night? Planet killer!
That’s kind of idiotic. You actually think electricity can’t be stored for night time use ? Gessus, who does your taxes. I hope some one with half a brain.

That’s kind of idiotic.

Well, you are an idiot.

You actually think electricity can’t be stored for night time use ?

Tell me how you do it? How does your local utility do it? Educate me.

Gessus, who does your taxes. I hope some one with half a brain.

Are you offering your half-brain services?
That’s kind of idiotic.

Well, you are an idiot.

You actually think electricity can’t be stored for night time use ?

Tell me how you do it? How does your local utility do it? Educate me.

Gessus, who does your taxes. I hope some one with half a brain.

Are you offering your half-brain services?
You really should read his posts better. Does the moon and the stars create energy for your solar panels? No. That’s what he’s saying.
Go ahead, tell us how many new coal fired plants are coming on compared to hydro plants….tell us. Go ahead.
And, since there aren’t 228 new damns being built, how do you think the hydro plants will be powered? That’s right. Coal, natural gas, oil…Your climate change nuts will cause more pollution and CO2.
“Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics.”
And, the small “Average” rise is due to melting ice, the article says.
The rise is due to melting ice and thermal expansion.

However, they said that both north and south arctics are melting. That isn’t true. Antarctica has expanded its ice.
Antarctic sea ice and sheet ice have varied over time, but at the moment both are shrinking rapidly. Antarctica's land-based ice has been melting for over 30 years straight now.



There are several reasons for higher sea levels but some areas go up while others go down. This is real science, not the Hockey Puck junk Science communists use
Where are your data? Where are your links to studies or articles supporting your claims? Real science backs up its claims. Real science follows the evidence. That is NOT what you've been doing here.
The rise is due to melting ice and thermal expansion.
the entire ocean mass is expanding? how? how can the colder water below the surface expand while it's mixing with it through natural oscillation? you still ain't got a brain.
The rise is due to melting ice and thermal expansion.

The rise is due to melting ice and thermal expansion.

Where are your data? Where are your links to studies or articles supporting your claims? Real science backs up its claims. Real science follows the evidence. That is NOT what you've been doing here.

Again, all the oceans do not rise at the same level. Some rise and some fall. In each ocean, it's not uniform either. "Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics.”
And, the small “Average” rise is due to melting ice, the article says. However, they said that both north and south arctics are melting. That isn’t true. Antarctica has expanded its ice. There are several reasons for higher sea levels but some areas go up while others go down. This is real science, not the Hockey Puck junk Science communists use. Notice no Hockey Stick junk science. Be sure to read.

Again, all the oceans do not rise at the same level. Some rise and some fall. In each ocean, it's not uniform either. "Between 1993 and 2018, sea level rose 12 to 15 millimeters per year (about half an inch per year) in some regions, and went down by that amount in others. But on average, it has gone up by about 3 millimeters per year (about 28 millimeters, or 1-1/8 inches, per decade) in that same period. Most of this unevenness is caused by ocean dynamics.”
And, the small “Average” rise is due to melting ice, the article says. However, they said that both north and south arctics are melting. That isn’t true. Antarctica has expanded its ice. There are several reasons for higher sea levels but some areas go up while others go down. This is real science, not the Hockey Puck junk Science communists use. Notice no Hockey Stick junk science. Be sure to read.
You are simply repeating yourself without making even an attempt to answer the points I made.

Yes, the oceans rise different amounts at different locations. That is due primarily - but not solely - to irregularities in the Earth's gravitational field. That does NOT refute the point that the Earth's oceans are rising.

The cause of the ocean's rise is the melting of land-based ice AND thermal expansion. The ocean's thermal heat content has increased dramatically over the last few decades and astronomically over the last two years. You don't seem t have refuted Boyle's or Charles's Laws, so when you warm up the ocean, it will increase in volume.

The Arctic has been melting for decades. The Antarctic sea ice has been variable, but for the last two years has been melting rapidly. The land-based ice of Antarctica has been melting for 30 years.

These are the conclusions of the vast majority of science. In some cases, they are considered "Laws". Yours are, to my knowledge, universally rejected.
You are simply repeating yourself without making even an attempt to answer the points I made.

Yes, the oceans rise different amounts at different locations. That is due primarily - but not solely - to irregularities in the Earth's gravitational field. That does NOT refute the point that the Earth's oceans are rising.

The cause of the ocean's rise is the melting of land-based ice AND thermal expansion. The ocean's thermal heat content has increased dramatically over the last few decades and astronomically over the last two years. You don't seem t have refuted Boyle's or Charles's Laws, so when you warm up the ocean, it will increase in volume.

The Arctic has been melting for decades. The Antarctic sea ice has been variable, but for the last two years has been melting rapidly. The land-based ice of Antarctica has been melting for 30 years.

These are the conclusions of the vast majority of science. In some cases, they are considered "Laws". Yours are, to my knowledge, universally rejected.
Your global guru’s said the coastal cities would be under water 13 years ago. 1.7” per decade isn’t going to happen in our grandchildren’s lifetime.
That’s just the beginning. Everything Biden and the crazies around the world are yapping about will make things worse. Not only with pollution and CO2 amounts, but with making the poor even more poor. Making the middle class poorer. And lining the pockets of the rich who won’t be affected but put the poor in chains and blacks back in chains. Communism is coming and they are genocidal maniacs. It went from Eugenics to Population Control to Global Warming to Climate Change and heading to Communism.
Funny how in your last post CO2 wasn’t essential. Now it is. Great scientific ways. <snicker>
Assuming the temperature is rising, it’s not CO2, it’s the sun getting closer as it expands outward. And, the world is planting new trees and building machines taking CO2 and storing in water and other locations. That’s real science.
Real science fiction
Your global guru’s said the coastal cities would be under water 13 years ago.
I don't have a guru. I have lots and lots of scientists. They tell us that the ocean is doing this:


The "Average Rate" given is for the span of the entire graph (1993 - 2023). Assuming constant acceleration, that means the instantaneous rate was 3.4mm/yr in the middle of the span, 15 years ago.
The Acceleration is the average acceleration across the entire span. The standard formula for instantaneous velocity is V = V0 + at. Thus, the present rate would be 3.4 + (0.084 x 15) = 4.66 mm/yr = 46.6 mm/dec = 1.835 in/dec
1.7” per decade isn’t going to happen in our grandchildren’s lifetime.
As my calculations show, we have already exceeded that value.
That’s just the beginning.
What is just the beginning? You've just claimed that nothing is happening, more or less.
Everything Biden and the crazies around the world are yapping about will make things worse.
I disagree. And you certainly have demonstrated nothing supporting that claim.
Not only with pollution and CO2 amounts, but with making the poor even more poor.
What is Biden or mainstream science (your "crazies", I assume) doing that will make pollution and CO2 worse?
Making the middle class poorer.
How? Tax cuts for the rich? No, that was Trump and the RNC.
And lining the pockets of the rich
How? Tax cuts for the rich? No, that was Trump and the RNC.
who won’t be affected but put the poor in chains and blacks back in chains.
Why would Biden, mainstream science or the rich want to put the poor and blacks in chains? Are you high? Drunk?
Communism is coming and they are genocidal maniacs.
Communism is coming from where? Biden? Have you noticed that he's virtually at war with the two largest communist powers on the planet? And who are genocidal maniacs?
It went from Eugenics to Population Control to Global Warming to Climate Change and heading to Communism.
You don't have a real firm grip on reality, do you.
I don't have a guru. I have lots and lots of scientists. They tell us that the ocean is doing this:


The "Average Rate" given is for the span of the entire graph (1993 - 2023). Assuming constant acceleration, that means the instantaneous rate was 3.4mm/yr in the middle of the span, 15 years ago.
The Acceleration is the average acceleration across the entire span. The standard formula for instantaneous velocity is V = V0 + at. Thus, the present rate would be 3.4 + (0.084 x 15) = 4.66 mm/yr = 46.6 mm/dec = 1.835 in/dec

As my calculations show, we have already exceeded that value.

What is just the beginning? You've just claimed that nothing is happening, more or less.

I disagree. And you certainly have demonstrated nothing supporting that claim.

What is Biden or mainstream science (your "crazies", I assume) doing that will make pollution and CO2 worse?

How? Tax cuts for the rich? No, that was Trump and the RNC.

How? Tax cuts for the rich? No, that was Trump and the RNC.

Why would Biden, mainstream science or the rich want to put the poor and blacks in chains? Are you high? Drunk?

Communism is coming from where? Biden? Have you noticed that he's virtually at war with the two largest communist powers on the planet? And who are genocidal maniacs?

You don't have a real firm grip on reality, do you.
Even Kamala said we have to reduce the population. Those of us who actually live in reality know exactly the history of this movement. Communists in the 60's move to Population Control attempts. Then, They move to Abortion and liberal "Equity" garbage. Then to Global Warming when they can't reduce the population or stop it. China limits the number of children born and limits the number of females. Mao kills off 70 billion of his own people. Stalin and Hitler did their jobs along with others in Cuba and so on. Meanwhile, Gore makes an ass of himself saying all coastal cities would be under water by 2010. So, the Global Warming nutcases with their faulty science change to Climate Change so they can blame all problems of the world to Population Control. Back to that again. And, now they can push harder for equity that is just communism. Meanwhile, the real science isn't showing much of an increase in water levels. New Orleans is still fine. New York is the same as always. Los Angeles and San Francisco the same. The Ice in Antarctica is still growing, not shrinking. Polar Bears are doing just fine. you still don't get the facts that sea levels are different all over the place with some rising and some lowering. Taking an average is stupid because of this.
Meanwhile, the communists in our country like Gore, Biden, Soros and many other Democrats are getting richer and richer while the poor are starving in America because of Bidenomics insistence on stupid electric energy nonsense. You do know that gas is actually less polluting than electricity. Electric plants don't work without coal and gas. We simply aren't ready to go green. You libs are afraid of nuclear plants.
And, since there aren’t 228 new damns being built, how do you think the hydro plants will be powered? That’s right. Coal, natural gas, oil…Your climate change nuts will cause more pollution and CO2.
You’re funny, you think all hydro projects require coal ? How’s that ?
Indeed they do! They switch to backup! What is backup for solar?
They switch to back up ? That back up is stored electricity dufus. So you’re saying electricity can’t be stored, right. And electricity from solar it different ? Is it yellow ?

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