The Holder Doctrine: A Licence For Unlimited Crime With No Consequence


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
When the banking scandal originally came down years back, several top people in the banking industry were prosecuted and went to jail for it. Banks were held accountable and were steered back in line by public embarrassment.

ENTER ERIC HOLDER: Eric Holder now as Attorney General fell back on an idea he had been proffering for years, now buoyed by the Obama Administration and now able to put into law: that some banks were just TOO BIG TO FAIL. That prosecuting them could pose consequences to the economy or world worse than the gains of holding them to the law! So he created his Doctrine that essentially decides that the bigger you are, the greater the crime, the less the Justice Department is likely to prosecute you! So if you commit a large enough crime, the top people in the banking industry are assured that THEY WILL NOT BE CHARGED OR GO TO PRISON.

Now, IF YOU KNEW THAT, wouldn't you be more likely to commit big crimes? Since his doctrine, no large bankers have been charged or convicted. At worst, all you get is a fine, which you do not pay, the bank does, largely written off and passed on to its customers. The bank moves on unscathed, all is kept quiet and the public never sees what is really going on in the bank world.

Just thought you should know. Oh, by the way, Eric has close friends and ties to top people in the banking industry. In his previous job, he actually WORKED FOR THE BIG LAW FIRM WHICH REPRESENTED AND DEFENDED THE BANKS! Like Hillary Clinton, this guy reeks of wrongdoing up to his eyeballs, but no interest in looking into it.

For more info, you can look here:
The ''Holder Doctrine'': Bank ''Settlements'' With No Prosecutions

Insight: Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks
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When the banking scandal originally came down years back, several top people in the banking industry were prosecuted and went to jail for it. Banks were held accountable and were steered back in line by public embarrassment.

ENTER ERIC HOLDER: Eric Holder now as Attorney General fell back on an idea he had been proffering for years, now buoyed by the Obama Administration and now able to put into law: that some banks were just TOO BIG TO FAIL. That prosecuting them could pose grave consequences on the economy or world worse than the gains of holding them to the law! So he created his Doctrine that essentially decides that the bigger you are, the greater the crime, the less the Justice Department is likely to prosecute you! So if you commit a large enough crime, the top people in the banking industry are assured that THEY WILL NOT BE CHARGED OR GO TO PRISON.

Now, IF YOU KNEW THAT, wouldn't you be more likely to commit big crimes? Since his doctrine, no large bankers have been charged or convicted. At worst, all you get is a fine, which you do not pay, the bank does, largely written off and passed on to its customers. The bank moves on unscathed, all is kept quiet and the public never sees what is really going on in the bank world.

Just thought you should know. Oh, by the way, Eric has close friends and ties to top people in the banking industry. In his previous job, he actually WORKED FOR THE BIG LAW FIRM WHICH REPRESENTED AND DEFENDED THE BANKS! Like Hillary Clinton, this guy reeks of wrongdoing up to his eyeballs, but no interest in looking into it.

For more info, you can look here:
The ''Holder Doctrine'': Bank ''Settlements'' With No Prosecutions

Insight: Top Justice officials connected to mortgage banks
I have a seriously BIG problem with this statement;

"When the banking scandal originally came down years back, several top people in the banking industry were prosecuted and went to jail for it."

That is a bald face lie, and patently untrue.

Fact or fiction? No one on Wall Street went to jail for financial crisis

Who went to jail for malfeasance after the 2008 financial meltdown? DCDecoder looks at who was punished, who wasn't, and why.

Fact or fiction? No one on Wall Street went to jail for financial crisis

Biggest Fish Face Little Risk of Being Caught
Executives Behind Financial Crisis at Little Risk of Jail Time

Why So Few Ended Up in Jail After the Financial Crisis
Banks took down the economy. Why they walked away unscathed.
Why So Few Ended Up in Jail After the Financial Crisis -- The Motley Fool

IOW, things were corrupt back then, and nothing has changed.

Don't be under the illusion that things were great before Obama and Holder, they weren't. Stop being partisan, the names and parties may change, but it is all the same.

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