The Hole Gets Deeper.....Burning her Bridges....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Someone should really tell the ignorant Socialist Princess that she's up to her ass in alligators and needs all the friends she can get...threatening to punish her fellow Democrats / bipartisan is another step towards political suicide....

Dems in uproar as moderates blast AOC’s 'Nixonian' threat to punish bipartisanship

Moderate Dems fume over Ocasio-Cortez ‘list’ threat

"Moderate Democrats are fuming over New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s closed-door warning last week that Democrats who vote with Republicans are "putting themselves on a list" a comment interpreted as a primary challenge threat.

Still, some House Democrats aren’t happy with her talk of a “list.”

“I don't think it's productive,” Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee said Saturday on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live. He added, “I don't think we should be interfering with one another's politics. The people who elected us get to make those choices.”

New Jersey Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a co-chairman of the Problem Solvers Caucus, said Ocasio-Cortez’s use of the word “list” was “Nixonian.”

....a FRESHMAN....threatening other fellow politicians....when she has already pissed many of her fellow Democrats off, ran Amazon out of NT leaving Cuomo irate with her, is already facing possible criminal charges herself.... I will hand it to her - she is bold, brash, and does not hesitate to speak her matter how uneducated / stupid what she wants to say may be....but she is quickly burning all of her bridges and making enemies when she needs allies...

Moderate Dems fume over Ocasio-Cortez ‘list’ threat

One of them should slap the shit out of that ignorant fool.

She sure isn't doing the Dems any good.

What a fucking dingbat.
The Corrupt Dem Party may have bitten off more than they can chew with her. I believe they are all on board with EVERYTHING SHE SAYS, but seeing the Public Reaction to what she says, Self Preservation kicks in.

They may find a way to get rid of her. Maybe bring up some Fake Crimes she actually did not commit, to boot her out. If anyone can do it, The DemNazis can.
The crazy eyed girl who only had like 10% of her district that voted. Has been exposed being unfit. But no, the swamp democrats put her mindless rhetoric under the rug.
She's the best and brightest of the Best and Brightest Socialist Democrat Party.

All the democrat haters need to stop their War on Best and Brightest Wimmen
That egomaniacal pig is just as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. What an abomination to the female gender.
dimocrap SCUM have been noticeably absent to day.

I guess their puppet-masters haven't conjured up anything for them to say...... Or lie about.

When exposed, dimocrap scum run like cockroaches when you turn the lights on.

What filth they truly are. They don't care that she did it, they only care that she got caught.

It's the same exact thinking as a psychopath -- Which is what most dimocrap scum are -- Psychopaths.

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