The Home Loan Crisis -- Just more Republiscam Corruption!


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
I repeatedly have to tell and retell people that the Federal Government was not responsible in any real way for instigating the crisis. This is necessary because of the comments by all of my Republican friends. Good people, all, but totally morally and ethically corrupt when it comes to money and they don't really seem to realize it.

Remember I have not voted Democrat in 36 years, so almost all of my friends and neighbors are Republicans -- Who have well earned the name Republiscams because of their blatant dishonesty about anything that concerns money, and they all lie like hell about the present historical reality, exactly what we have seen on this board.

Total consistent dishonesty! Shame!!! The most amazing thing is that they can do it with a straight face as if they actually believe their blatant and outrageous lies.


On top of that they all profess to be Christians. Totally unbelievable when you consider that Jesus Christ physically whipped and abused the money changers who ran from him in fear for their lives after he started throwing their tables around. Yeeehaaaaah! Jesus! Go for it, dude! You’ve got my support!

They are just liars who have no real obedience to God, because they are clearly showing that they worship their money. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! (Or as they say it, “WE PRAISE GOD FOR OUR ABUNDANCE AND HIS MERCY” -- That translates into common English as Thank you God for all of our Money! And please keep it coming! Amen.)

So many of my Republican friends loudly proclaim that the housing crisis was brought on by Federal efforts to get more Blacks and Hispanics into their own houses. They will claim that the Blacks and Hispanics were not qualified for home ownership.

That was what the effort was directed for and to. The income of the minority homebuyers was to be counted exactly like the White’s income, and if they qualified under the rules then existing for prudent loans they would receive the loan.
At no time was there a Federal Mandate to the banks to issue unsound loans. Now, I know what the Republicans say. They lie all the time about that, but the Federal Government never changed the rules for prudent mortgage writing.

Yet, Republicans still say to this day that it was the loans to the damned Ni&&ers and SP!CKS THAT CAUSED THIS HOUSING CRASH. Yet they repeat it to themselves as if repeating it often enough will make it true. (Remember Josef Goebbles, "If you tell a lie Boldly enough, Loudly enough, and Often enough, IT WILL BE BELIEVED!

Sheet, that reminds me of the excuse for destroying Iraq. Republiscams will tell you that Iraq somehow attacked us first, just like Josef Goebbles told the German people that Poland attacked Germany first.)

THE BLACKS AND HISPANICS WERE NOT EVEN REPRESENTED IN THE FORECLOSURE NUMBERS BY THEIR PERCENTAGE IN THE POPULATION. Why? Simply because many of their loans were joint efforts directed at buying less expensive homes (That trailer on a small parcel of land or five adult family members pooling their incomes to buy a run down house at a mortgage rate that was less then the rent they were paying.)

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the entire Republiscam mortgage banking industry decided to RAPE the country because of the quick profits "up front" (POINTS and RIDICULOUS IMAGINARY FEES) from writing bad mortgages. They were charging 1.5 to 2 Percent on the points for writing the loans and then charging approximately one point worth of fees. (WOW! THREE PERCENT - INSTANT MEGA THOUSAND OF DOLLARS PROFIT!

The mortgage departments of the large banks were writing loans for people who had no incomes, but enough cash to make the first month's payment. And both the corrupt banks and the home "buyers" were happy with that.

People who made no down payment (That used to be required when I bought my home.) were defaulting after one or two month's payment.

Why? Simple, they knew that the bank would not foreclose until they were three or four months behind in their payments (That is three or four months of FREE RENT!) In most states, The Foreclosure process takes months to complete and that is just more and more free rent.

But, but, but you say, they would lose the house! Sure they would lose the house, but they did not care, since they had only paid a pittance on it, it was like getting free rent for a year or more. The dishonest homeowners made a killing. A substantial percentage of our society is always looking for a loophole to gain wealth or to hold on to it by dishonest means. Republiscams try to cheat on their taxes in any way possible. They even brag about what they have done and still call themselves Christians. Ha!

Now, comes the Big Issue. The banks totally knew that they were writing horribly bad loans. They did not care, because they could lump all of the bad loans into an AAA rated investment package and sell it to state retirement funds and foreign banks to offload them on saps. (Lazy Retirement Fund Managers and foreign banks that stand in total awe of the tremendous economy of the United States)

They did this to the tune of Trillions of dollars and set the whole world up for collapse. (All of those corrupt Republiscam Bankers need to go to prison.) By so confusing the actual ownership of the properties, the titles to the homes were lost (momentarily misplaced), and the dishonest people buying the homes learned a new trick that allowed them to stay in the home for free for years.

That is right, they got to live in a new home for free for years by simply asking the foreclosure court to force the foreclosing bank to "come up with the title to the home." If the corrupt bank could not produce the title, they could not prove that they had the right to foreclose. The titles were lost when they were shipped off with the “AAA rated investment grade paper” to the marketing companies that were selling the "fantastic AAA investments." What a horrible mess the Corrupt Republiscam Bankers created. There are millions of homes across the United States in which the title is lost or in question, a lasting legacy of the Satanic Republiscams.

Moral to the story, Dishonesty breeds further Dishonesty and Corruption breeds further Corruption.

Let's hear it for the Republiscams!

The shooting will start in earnest come this summer.
Thank you, Neubarth. But as a fellow Republican who has literally spent years trying to de-brainwash people of the CRA meme, I can tell you that you are wasting your breath.

Tabula rasa. Whoever writes on the blank slate first has the advantage. And partisan hacks who were absolutely clueless as to the workings of high finance felt that blacks just had to be responsible for this mess, somehow. And so they started the CRA meme. And since most people on the Right were clueless about the nature of the problem, the CRA meme was the first thing written on their blank partisan minds, and that is how it took hold. The Left has had their own blank slates, but that is a different subject. The CRA meme is all about the Right.

Newt Gingrich even went on to invent a story that he was told by the GSEs they were being forced to make bad loans and he told them it was insane. :lol:

We know now that was a fable he made up after the fact.

One of the idiots in Congress was even stupid enough to ask Dick Fuld how much the CRA had to do with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, as if it was a foregone conclusion that was the cause.

Fuld's response, "De minimus", did nothing to stop the lunacy. Once the snowball started rolling, there has been no stopping it.

I respect and admire your effort to correct the record, though. But you should know that you will be mistaken for a "libtard" if you persist.

But I know better. So you have that going for you. :lol::lol::lol:
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Newbarf's "objectivity" is on display.

And the people cannot help but laugh at him again and again.
"Neubarth" seems to be completely bankrupt of ANY sources/links/verifiable statistics to defend his outlandish accusations. Typical leftist snob and hypocrite.

I've found that ANYBODY who starts out with "I'm a Republican, but........", or "I have lots of Republican friends......", is usually a leftist messenger boy delivering the latest leftist "message du jour".

Apparently it was the evil LENDERS who are to blame for all of those bad home loans. The BUYERs have been absolved of all responsibility, because they were FORCED to sign those loan documents, all of the buyers were too STUPID to read the fine print, and none of the buyers could do simple math. Sounds "reasonable" to me (if I were a leftist waterhead, anyway).
I repeatedly have to tell and retell people that the Federal Government was not responsible in any real way for instigating the crisis. This is necessary because of the comments by all of my Republican friends. Good people, all, but totally morally and ethically corrupt when it comes to money and they don't really seem to realize it.

Remember I have not voted Democrat in 36 years, so almost all of my friends and neighbors are Republicans -- Who have well earned the name Republiscams because of their blatant dishonesty about anything that concerns money, and they all lie like hell about the present historical reality, exactly what we have seen on this board.

Total consistent dishonesty! Shame!!! The most amazing thing is that they can do it with a straight face as if they actually believe their blatant and outrageous lies.


On top of that they all profess to be Christians. Totally unbelievable when you consider that Jesus Christ physically whipped and abused the money changers who ran from him in fear for their lives after he started throwing their tables around. Yeeehaaaaah! Jesus! Go for it, dude! You’ve got my support!

They are just liars who have no real obedience to God, because they are clearly showing that they worship their money. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! (Or as they say it, “WE PRAISE GOD FOR OUR ABUNDANCE AND HIS MERCY” -- That translates into common English as Thank you God for all of our Money! And please keep it coming! Amen.)

So many of my Republican friends loudly proclaim that the housing crisis was brought on by Federal efforts to get more Blacks and Hispanics into their own houses. They will claim that the Blacks and Hispanics were not qualified for home ownership.

That was what the effort was directed for and to. The income of the minority homebuyers was to be counted exactly like the White’s income, and if they qualified under the rules then existing for prudent loans they would receive the loan.
At no time was there a Federal Mandate to the banks to issue unsound loans. Now, I know what the Republicans say. They lie all the time about that, but the Federal Government never changed the rules for prudent mortgage writing.

Yet, Republicans still say to this day that it was the loans to the damned Ni&&ers and SP!CKS THAT CAUSED THIS HOUSING CRASH. Yet they repeat it to themselves as if repeating it often enough will make it true. (Remember Josef Goebbles, "If you tell a lie Boldly enough, Loudly enough, and Often enough, IT WILL BE BELIEVED!

Sheet, that reminds me of the excuse for destroying Iraq. Republiscams will tell you that Iraq somehow attacked us first, just like Josef Goebbles told the German people that Poland attacked Germany first.)

THE BLACKS AND HISPANICS WERE NOT EVEN REPRESENTED IN THE FORECLOSURE NUMBERS BY THEIR PERCENTAGE IN THE POPULATION. Why? Simply because many of their loans were joint efforts directed at buying less expensive homes (That trailer on a small parcel of land or five adult family members pooling their incomes to buy a run down house at a mortgage rate that was less then the rent they were paying.)

As I have repeatedly pointed out, the entire Republiscam mortgage banking industry decided to RAPE the country because of the quick profits "up front" (POINTS and RIDICULOUS IMAGINARY FEES) from writing bad mortgages. They were charging 1.5 to 2 Percent on the points for writing the loans and then charging approximately one point worth of fees. (WOW! THREE PERCENT - INSTANT MEGA THOUSAND OF DOLLARS PROFIT!

The mortgage departments of the large banks were writing loans for people who had no incomes, but enough cash to make the first month's payment. And both the corrupt banks and the home "buyers" were happy with that.

People who made no down payment (That used to be required when I bought my home.) were defaulting after one or two month's payment.

Why? Simple, they knew that the bank would not foreclose until they were three or four months behind in their payments (That is three or four months of FREE RENT!) In most states, The Foreclosure process takes months to complete and that is just more and more free rent.

But, but, but you say, they would lose the house! Sure they would lose the house, but they did not care, since they had only paid a pittance on it, it was like getting free rent for a year or more. The dishonest homeowners made a killing. A substantial percentage of our society is always looking for a loophole to gain wealth or to hold on to it by dishonest means. Republiscams try to cheat on their taxes in any way possible. They even brag about what they have done and still call themselves Christians. Ha!

Now, comes the Big Issue. The banks totally knew that they were writing horribly bad loans. They did not care, because they could lump all of the bad loans into an AAA rated investment package and sell it to state retirement funds and foreign banks to offload them on saps. (Lazy Retirement Fund Managers and foreign banks that stand in total awe of the tremendous economy of the United States)

They did this to the tune of Trillions of dollars and set the whole world up for collapse. (All of those corrupt Republiscam Bankers need to go to prison.) By so confusing the actual ownership of the properties, the titles to the homes were lost (momentarily misplaced), and the dishonest people buying the homes learned a new trick that allowed them to stay in the home for free for years.

That is right, they got to live in a new home for free for years by simply asking the foreclosure court to force the foreclosing bank to "come up with the title to the home." If the corrupt bank could not produce the title, they could not prove that they had the right to foreclose. The titles were lost when they were shipped off with the “AAA rated investment grade paper” to the marketing companies that were selling the "fantastic AAA investments." What a horrible mess the Corrupt Republiscam Bankers created. There are millions of homes across the United States in which the title is lost or in question, a lasting legacy of the Satanic Republiscams.

Moral to the story, Dishonesty breeds further Dishonesty and Corruption breeds further Corruption.

Let's hear it for the Republiscams!

The shooting will start in earnest come this summer.

So you're saying Dodd-Frank had absolutely nothing to do with it? I beg to differ, it had everything to do with it, and when Bush brought the issue up 'ol Barney said the housing market was solvent and in no way in danger of collapsing.
[ame=]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]
Newbarf's "objectivity" is on display.

And the people cannot help but laugh at him again and again.

Reality is reality and you have never been able to deal with it, because you have a very low IQ.

Know God and you will know peace.
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Newbarf's "objectivity" is on display.

And the people cannot help but laugh at him again and again.

Reality is reality and you have never been able to deal with it, because you have a very low IQ.

My Hitler Youth father would have said that you needed to be exterminated as a sub-human unworthy of life. Since I have read a few of your posts on the board, I am quite convinced that he is right.

I am sure you are unduly impressed with your own alleged "IQ," but you don't know jack or shit about my IQ, Newbarf.

Your ego is massive, but there is no evidence that it is warranted.

As for your highly intelligent and enlightended views on who is or isn't worthy of "extermination," I am more than happy to silently stand by and watch as your words speak volumes about your pathetic nature.

Meanwhile, you have zero claim on objectivity or on reality. You are a twit.
So you're saying Dodd-Frank had absolutely nothing to do with it? I beg to differ, it had everything to do with it, and when Bush brought the issue up 'ol Barney said the housing market was solvent and in no way in danger of collapsing.
Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube

I see that you are deeply troubled.

Since I am not a Democrat, I do not care how many stupid statements Barney Frank has uttered. I have always thought of him as a clown.

Do you want to show us the words in Dodd-Frank that specifically tell the Republiscam Bankers to grant insolvent loans to Ni&&ers and Sp!cks as your corrupt kind often calls them?????????
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Oh joy. Neubarth is back... just what i wanted to hear.
Obamas land deal in Chicago was a republican scam? Or any one of the other personal "favors" done for members of the Dems party?
Newbarf's "objectivity" is on display.

And the people cannot help but laugh at him again and again.

Reality is reality and you have never been able to deal with it, because you have a very low IQ.

My Hitler Youth father would have said that you needed to be exterminated as a sub-human unworthy of life. Since I have read a few of your posts on the board, I am quite convinced that he is right.

I am sure you are unduly impressed with your own alleged "IQ," but you don't know jack or shit about my IQ, Newbarf.

Your ego is massive, but there is no evidence that it is warranted.

As for your highly intelligent and enlightended views on who is or isn't worthy of "extermination," I am more than happy to silently stand by and watch as your words speak volumes about your pathetic nature.

Meanwhile, you have zero claim on objectivity or on reality. You are a twit.

Remember God is Love. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
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Obamas land deal in Chicago was a republican scam? Or any one of the other personal "favors" done for members of the Dems party?

I know noting about Obama's land deal. I am not a Democrat. Just a man who is fed up with all of the corruption.

That is the reason why I am calling for a new Constitutional convention. We need to put all of the crooks in prison.
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Obamas land deal in Chicago was a republican scam? Or any one of the other personal "favors" done for members of the Dems party?

I know noting about Obama's land deal. I am not a Democrat. I am a Christian Minister who has long supported the Republicans but am aghast at the criminal element that has taken over the party. If Obama got some sweetheart deal it only shows further corruption in American Politics. That is the reason why I am calling for a new Constitutional convention. We need to put all of the crooks in prison.

I didn't say you were a democrat. Nor do I care that you're a minister. I do however find it odd that you want to blame one party for a widespread DC problem. And if you don't know about Obamas sweetheart land deal or Franks then maybe you should do a bit of research before placing blame. You know the whole, glass houses thing.
. You are a twit.

Now, that you have the childish name calling out of your system, do you have any intelligent comments to make about the substance of the OP??

If not, go play with with the other children.
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Reality is reality and you have never been able to deal with it, because you have a very low IQ.

My Hitler Youth father would have said that you needed to be exterminated as a sub-human unworthy of life. Since I have read a few of your posts on the board, I am quite convinced that he is right.

I am sure you are unduly impressed with your own alleged "IQ," but you don't know jack or shit about my IQ, Newbarf.

Your ego is massive, but there is no evidence that it is warranted.

As for your highly intelligent and enlightended views on who is or isn't worthy of "extermination," I am more than happy to silently stand by and watch as your words speak volumes about your pathetic nature.

Meanwhile, you have zero claim on objectivity or on reality. You are a twit.

You are a total retard as evidenced by your writing. You really need to commit suicide as you are absolutely worthless to the world.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Wrong again, Newbarf.

My writing evidences no such thing EXCEPT in the small mind of a nonobjective moron such as you.

Your continuing churlish "wish" for my death only serves to highlight and underscore what a pathetically dishonest tool you are. What faith are YOU a minister of? :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

And by the way. Your lack of objectivity is beyond question.
. You are a twit.

And you are a worthless piece of Sh!t !

Now, that you have the childish name calling out of your system and I have reciprocated to make you happy in your totally perverse manner do you have any intelligent comments to make about the substance of the OP??

If not, go play with yourself.

The only answer your churlish, ignorant, dishonest and utterly NON-objective OP deserves is to note, accurately, that it is premised in your complete LACK of honesty and objectivity.

Sorry, reverend, but the facts are clear and your whinnying and braying doesn't conceal them.
[ You know the whole, glass houses thing.

Not at all. You are talking about a totally different issue unrelated to the Republiscam Rape of the Banking industry. Your issue is something for another post and quite frankly will be treated with scorn as almost nobody cares about minor sweetheart deals when compared to the Trillions of dollars in the Mortgage crisis..
. You are a twit.

And you are a worthless piece of Sh!t !

Now, that you have the childish name calling out of your system and I have reciprocated to make you happy in your totally perverse manner do you have any intelligent comments to make about the substance of the OP??

If not, go play with yourself.

Umm, I thought you were a minister..... Related to Fred Phelps perhaps?
The only answer your churlish, ignorant, dishonest and utterly NON-objective OP deserves is to note, accurately, that it is premised in your complete LACK of honesty and objectivity.

Sorry, reverend, but the facts are clear and your whinnying and braying doesn't conceal them.
See what I said, TOO LOW OF AN IQ to make an intelligent reply.

Since you are too dumb to understand, Quote a sentence or a Paragraph and prove why is is a lie. I'd love to see somebody as stupid as you are try. You are so fuggin dumb all you will do is make us laugh.
[ You know the whole, glass houses thing.

Not at all. You are talking about a totally different issue unrelated to the Republiscam Rape of the Banking industry. Your issue is something for another post and quite frankly will be treated with scorn as almost nobody cares about minor sweetheart deals when compared to the Trillions of dollars in the Mortgage crisis..

Unrelated? Riiiiight......

Corruption is corruption no matter the scale.

This is the first thread of yours I've ever seen..........It will also be the last.

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