The Homeless people of California


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
Human feces, drug needles, garbage line the streets of downtown San Francisco, costing city millions

A mix of used hypodermic needles, human feces, and other trash litters the streets and sidewalks in a large section of downtown San Francisco, a local news outlet reported Sunday night.

It’s a problem that has grown by epic proportions in recent years and has many concerned for the health and safety of some the city’s youngest residents, KNTV-TV revealed.

An investigative team from the local NBC station found filthy conditions that many experts believe may be worse than the slums in some developing countries.

During the survey, a group of preschoolers encountered dangerous contaminants while walking to city hall for a field trip.

“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” Adelita Orellana, the students’ preschool teacher, said. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”

The law in Los Angeles ordering the demolition of rented backyard guest houses didn't help. Lying about it hasn't fooled anyone.
San Francisco Spends $30 Million Cleaning Feces, Needles

The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of downtown San Francisco in search of trash, needles, and feces. The investigation revealed trash littered across every block. The survey also found 41 blocks dotted with needles and 96 blocks sullied with piles of feces.

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Liberal MECCA.............taxed to death........regulated to panels on all new homes...........and water restrictions coming......housing through the taxes through the roof........power bills through the roof......

And they wonder why they have homeless problem...........and why people are leaving.
State Declares Emergency To Fight Hepatitis A Outbreak

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Gov. Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency to combat a hepatitis A outbreak that has claimed 18 lives in San Diego and has triggered 71 cases in Santa Cruz County.

Brown said the federally-funded supply of vaccines is inadequate. His proclamation allows the state to buy vaccines directly from manufacturers and distribute them.

The declaration “allows us to move very swiftly,” Dr. Gil Chavez, epidemiologist at the California Department of Public Health, told reporters. He said the state would place an order Monday or Tuesday and supplies would reach the state soon after.

California has distributed 81,000 federally-funded vaccine doses since the outbreak began and local jurisdictions have acquired more but the supply is insufficient, Chavez said.

California is experiencing the largest hepatitis A outbreak in the United States transmitted from person to person — instead of by contaminated food — since the vaccine became available in 1996. The state says the majority affected are homeless, using drugs or both.
Cisco Systems gives $50M to combat California homelessness

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Internet gear maker Cisco Systems Inc. announced Monday that it will donate $50 million over five years to address the growing problem of homelessness in California's Santa Clara County and is encouraging other Silicon Valley companies to make similar efforts.

In a blog post, Chief Executive Chuck Robbins said people in the San Francisco Bay Area know homelessness has reached a crisis level, costing the county where many tech companies are based $520 million per year.

"Though homelessness seems intractable, I believe that it is a solvable issue," Robbins wrote. "I also feel very strongly that we have an opportunity — and a responsibility — to do something about it."

Northern California's booming economy has been fueled by the tech sector. But the influx of workers coupled with decades of under-building has led to a historic shortage of affordable housing throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Homelessness is now pervasive throughout Silicon Valley.

The median rent in the San Jose metro area is $3,500 a month, but the median wage is $12 an hour in food service and $19 an hour in health care support, an amount that won't even cover housing costs. The minimum annual salary needed to live comfortably in San Jose is $87,000, according to a study by personal finance website GoBankingRates.
The left, California Democrats, biased newspaper writers care more about the heroin addicted homeless than the safety and welfare of children and families
Adding insult to injury, the ACLU constantly threatens to sue cities to allow the homeless to use (live in) the parks, and encourages tent cities.

And don’t blame the homeless population in California on Ronald Reagan—he did not close the state’s mental hospitals as the leftist media has incorrectly repeated for 50 years. It was President John F. Kennedy who in his October 31, 1963 legislation—The Community Mental Health Act of 1963—ordered the building of 1,500 mental health centers so people with mental illnesses living in state mental hospitals could be treated while working and living at or near home. Kennedy’s program closed many hospitals over time, known as deinstitutionalization. (This article gives a detailed explanation).

Democrat politicians normalize homelessness. They are trying to make Californians accept volumes of homeless as a standard population component of any city.

The left, California Democrats and biased newspaper writers like Erika Smith however, obviously care more about the heroin addicted homeless than the safety and welfare of children and families in our cities. As Smith said, “fair is fair.”

I nominate Erika Smith’s neighborhood for the first pop-up homeless tent. Fair is fair.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

Tax the living shit out of your people...........regulate it to death........invite everyone south of the border to have sanctuary there.............

And this is what you get.........Socialism at it's finest........Destroying California and they want this for the rest of the country............Liberalism is a mental disorder.
A message to the left........................and your destructive policies................We ARE AGAINST YOU.

Kinda makes their current hate of how bad we are to immigrants........


Totally disgusting and illustrates the moral bankruptcy of Leftism, the Peoples Republic of California not giving a crap about the existing California population allowing them to rot, but the same Peoples Republic of California advertising for more and more MILLIONS of Illegals to go there and get free stuff including healthcare. The Leftists in California want these people in those above pictures to hurry and die already, California needs the room so they can fill California with MILLIONS more Third World Shit Holers.

The normal minded who have the correct moral compass take care of their OWN and ensure their OWN are not put onto the street and allowed to rot, they spend tax money on their OWN and help them have a reasonable standard of living. It is a disgrace that the American nation has their OWN rotting on the streets and at the same time bursting veins to welcome MILLIONS more from Third World Shit Holes, probably within 15 years or less California will be no different than Venezuela, which is tragic and IS preventable, but the agenda is obviously to turn California into a Venezuela, Leftists call that Progress.
California has worst 'quality of life' in US, study says

A 2017 Harvard University report said that one-third of renters in the Los Angeles area are “severely rent burdened,” meaning they spend at least half their income on housing. The median rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles County has increased 67%, according to Zillow’s Rent Index, the Los Angeles Times reports.

Homelessness has surged a stunning 75 percent in the last six years, the Los Angeles Times reports, and there are now at least 55,000 homeless people in the county.

U.S. News ranked each state in seven other areas, which were weighted based on a survey that determined their importance to the public: health care, education, economy, opportunity, infrastructure, crime and corrections, and fiscal stability.

And they think they have the Moral Superiority to tell us how we are supposed to Govern...........Trash us for the children of illegals that they have encouraged to come here. They have no right given what they do to their own to say ANYTHING TO US.

Totally disgusting and illustrates the moral bankruptcy of Leftism, the Peoples Republic of California not giving a crap about the existing California population allowing them to rot, but the same Peoples Republic of California advertising for more and more MILLIONS of Illegals to go there and get free stuff including healthcare. The Leftists in California want these people in those above pictures to hurry and die already, California needs the room so they can fill California with MILLIONS more Third World Shit Holers.

The normal minded who have the correct moral compass take care of their OWN and ensure their OWN are not put onto the street and allowed to rot, they spend tax money on their OWN and help them have a reasonable standard of living. It is a disgrace that the American nation has their OWN rotting on the streets and at the same time bursting veins to welcome MILLIONS more from Third World Shit Holes, probably within 15 years or less California will be no different than Venezuela, which is tragic and IS preventable, but the agenda is obviously to turn California into a Venezuela, Leftists call that Progress.
Well we have a good idea of who is or has brought it to this condition.


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