The Homeless people of California

America has lost children too. America has it's own homeless and poor yearning to be free, some are panhandlers, others we pretend are not there. We drive by some of them every day, others
we put on milk cartons. I am not worried about Mexicans, just the opposite.
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Yes.............that could change the numbers in other states.........that could be a problem.........Perhaps on purpose........

The Leftists HATE Red States, at this forum they are always trashing Red States and yet all these Leftists are relocating to those HATED Red States, why? Probably for infiltration, they relocate and their vote goes with them, enough of them relocate they can change a Red State into a Blue State eg. Virginia or change a Red State into a Swing State eg. North Carolina.
They are leaving for jobs and AFFORDABLE LIVING..........................Their prices in California are INSANE......................

We can build 3 mansions here for the cost of one in California here....................We don't tax them to death........or power bills are lower........And we don't tolerate the BS that happens in California...................they go to jail here.
America has lost children too. America has it's own homeless and poor yearning to be free, some are panhandlers, others we pretend are not there. We drive by some of them every day, others
we put on milk cartons. I am not worried about Mexicans, just the opposite.

When I was in America I saw those milk cartons with pictures of missing children on and it was one of the most upsetting things as a parent that I have ever seen, I thought of those children and how their parents must be beyond traumatised, it was very upsetting to me to think about.
Spineless liberals..............using Federal agencies to attack Americans who don't believe as they do.

When a conservative dares to speak in Berkley.............they riot, burn and protest demanding they leave...............

Order their fellow countrymen to buy into their ideologies or else.......Solar.......water.

Say it's legal to do bondage and sex acts in public...........but put a nativity set up and you are the devil.

They are LUNATICS.
Do you notice how they avoid this thread Lucy...............I normally do these in the flame zone............

But they don't want to go here.........if they do show up........they will try to change the direction of the thread............because the Liberal Brigade knows they are gonna lose this one...........

They look at this thread and pass by.............Probably reading what I am typing now. LOL

Do you notice how they avoid this thread Lucy...............I normally do these in the flame zone............

But they don't want to go here.........if they do show up........they will try to change the direction of the thread............because the Liberal Brigade knows they are gonna lose this one...........

They look at this thread and pass by.............Probably reading what I am typing now. LOL


Leftist Social Policy is now a total failure and it's deliberate, it is now designed to lock people into misery and keep them there and push them lower and lower down until they have nothing, there is no escape from Leftist Social Policy now only death, death is now the escape. Totally evil.

One time Social Policy was designed to assist those who became vulnerable for whatever reason, it assisted them and helped them for the period they needed help it also was designed to help them escape into something more positive ie. the prospect of another job and the return of their self-esteem.
Rent control. It is the MAJOR CAUSE of high rents.
Do you notice how they avoid this thread Lucy...............I normally do these in the flame zone............

But they don't want to go here.........if they do show up........they will try to change the direction of the thread............because the Liberal Brigade knows they are gonna lose this one...........

They look at this thread and pass by.............Probably reading what I am typing now. LOL

The FZ is no better than the shit happening in California. The dregs of society. I wish the FZers would stay down there in their shit pit.
I am beginning to believe sanctuary cities are unconstitutional on the basis A) It wasn't ever put to a vote. B) It plainly harms American citizens.
I am beginning to wonder, where is a good lawyer when you need em? A good lawyer when we need a great lawyer to represent US all and take this to the supreme court., were facts are the facts? Um yeah, I must be wrong. No Perry Masons here, just moral equivocators.
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I am beginning to believe sanctuary cities are unconstitutional on the basis A) It wasn't ever put to a vote. B) It plainly harms American citizens.
I am beginning to wonder, where is a good lawyer when you need em? A good lawyer when we need a great lawyer to represent US all and take this to the supreme court., were facts are the facts? Um yeah, I must be wrong. No Perry Masons here, just moral equivocators.
Where is our Congress........................who should fix this..........They are busy enriching themselves.............Like Pelosi..................who is super rich off being in Gov't..............and tells all others how their opionions are the path for the country...............

Just look at her district...............No need to look anywhere what her leadership does to people.

Actual video.......the family did bring him back home.............True Story.
Kommie Kalifornia not only leads the nation in poverty and has the worst schools but it also leads the nation in debt.

California use to be a prosperous Conservative state. Those Illegals have really screw the state up by flooding in and then voting in extreme far Left dickheads that promise to keep the welfare checks coming.

The pathetic thing is that has become the national business model of the filthy Democrat Party. Crooked Hillary even ran on a platform to have open borders and to bring in a million Muslim refugees. The Democrats want to Kalifonicate the entire nation.
They can't hide their failures...............Why they don't want to post here............Use this against them.

California has a reputation of being cool with the homeless. A lot of rich people who like to share their spare change.

As the massive increase in the popularity of public defecation which was fueled by the Occupy movement of a few years ago, has helped liberal venues attract America's bums.

Human feces, drug needles, garbage line the streets of downtown San Francisco, costing city millions

A mix of used hypodermic needles, human feces, and other trash litters the streets and sidewalks in a large section of downtown San Francisco, a local news outlet reported Sunday night.

It’s a problem that has grown by epic proportions in recent years and has many concerned for the health and safety of some the city’s youngest residents, KNTV-TV revealed.

An investigative team from the local NBC station found filthy conditions that many experts believe may be worse than the slums in some developing countries.

During the survey, a group of preschoolers encountered dangerous contaminants while walking to city hall for a field trip.

“We see poop, we see pee, we see needles, and we see trash,” Adelita Orellana, the students’ preschool teacher, said. “Sometimes they ask what is it, and that’s a conversation that’s a little difficult to have with a 2-year old, but we just let them know that those things are full of germs, that they are dangerous, and they should never be touched.”
/——-/ What liberals want to be the norm for all America


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