The Homeless people of California

California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).

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And the 1st time for me.................Truth hurts doesn't it..............too a 10th time for you later.............You deserve it.

Why are correct...........Leftist retards in California are retards...............good point.
Just when things seem dire, and there is no hope left ....

The saviors!

California and people should be help, helping Americans before helping foreigners during the primary Hillary wanted to bring in strangers, I say we need to help those who are there before bringing in other people.
There a lot of misery also in Detroit a lot abandoned place because many people did not get their retirement if I'm not wrong after what happened in 2008 and banks that went bankrupt in the US ?
Yes. People near where I lived lost their homes because they lost their jobs. We were forced to take pay cuts or lose our jobs.

Yes. The Stock Market Crash effected the world. Not to mention the speculation leading up to it caused food prices to spiral up up and away sparking the food riots in the middle east........That led to the arab spring.
People did not see the 2008 crash market coming and it was too late to withdraw money from the bank we have banks that have been affected here too and people have lost everything too.
We almost want after that to keep our money in a woolen stocking as in the good old days

Well many did see the crash coming, just no one really wanted to anything about it.

Bush Administration Tried to Reform Freddie and Fannie Five Years Ago
And the Dems were in charge of the books........laughed about it in committee.........Later with egg on their faces going .......oh caught us lying de da...............
The GOP is always trying to to destroy Fannie and Freddie, who had little to do with the real estate bubble and got in on it late. It was mainly caused by private scam Financial institutions like Countrywide that GOP corrupt oversight made possible. Blaming Fannie and Freddie is is another bad GOP propaganda joke.
California and people should be help, helping Americans before helping foreigners during the primary Hillary wanted to bring in strangers, I say we need to help those who are there before bringing in other people.
Best way to help them....................Stop letting the left run their State...........until then..............Nothing is going to help this.........

They will raise taxes and hand out more money.....create more social programs to deal with it..........and make even more dependent on the gov't. It's what they do until they run out of other people's money.
My God, I did not know that California was full of poor people.
It's sad and horrible since what year this poverty has appeared in California? I ask because we have also in France many more poor and unhappy people since The stock market crash in 2008

There are poor homeless people in every city and state in the US.

Don't be fooled Dalia, the derps here just hate California because it is the gold economic standard of America, has the best looking women, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, we produce most of the food for the country, and 40 million people. (Montana has 1 million people, just by numbers where do you think more homeless people will be) Every person thats posts this crap lives in a state and a city where you can go take all these same pictures of homeless people, they're just dishonest and want to portray California as 'bad'.

These are orange turd's people and they can't stand that California has told Trump to go fuck himself.
There a lot of misery also in Detroit a lot abandoned place because many people did not get their retirement if I'm not wrong after what happened in 2008 and banks that went bankrupt in the US ?
Yes. People near where I lived lost their homes because they lost their jobs. We were forced to take pay cuts or lose our jobs.

Yes. The Stock Market Crash effected the world. Not to mention the speculation leading up to it caused food prices to spiral up up and away sparking the food riots in the middle east........That led to the arab spring.
People did not see the 2008 crash market coming and it was too late to withdraw money from the bank we have banks that have been affected here too and people have lost everything too.
We almost want after that to keep our money in a woolen stocking as in the good old days

Well many did see the crash coming, just no one really wanted to anything about it.

Bush Administration Tried to Reform Freddie and Fannie Five Years Ago
And the Dems were in charge of the books........laughed about it in committee.........Later with egg on their faces going .......oh caught us lying de da...............
The GOP is always trying to to destroy Fannie and Freddie, who had little to do with the real estate bubble and got in on it late. It was mainly caused by private scam Financial institutions like Countrywide that GOP corrupt oversight made possible. Blaming Fannie and Freddie is is another bad GOP propaganda joke.
Your side cooked the books..............end of story...........except for your lies................which is all you are good for anymore.

Your side demands better family facilities for illegals caught at the border as your own residents live on the streets.

Says a lot about your side.................Face it.................You suck..........
California has exacerbated it's own problems by releasing tens of thousands of prisoners many of whom are drug addicts.

I had to go to storage this morning. I'm surprised at the number of people illegally living in these storage units.
My God, I did not know that California was full of poor people.
It's sad and horrible since what year this poverty has appeared in California? I ask because we have also in France many more poor and unhappy people since The stock market crash in 2008

There are poor homeless people in every city and state in the US.

Don't be fooled Dalia, the derps here just hate California because it is the gold economic standard of America, has the best looking women, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, we produce most of the food for the country, and 40 million people. (Montana has 1 million people, just by numbers where do you think more homeless people will be) Every person thats posts this crap lives in a state and a city where you can go take all these same pictures of homeless people, they're just dishonest and want to portray California as 'bad'.

These are orange turd's people and they can't stand that California has told Trump to go fuck himself.
All this poverty in your home to start with the mandate of Obama and September 11, 2001 Depleted your economy the fault of the crappy terrorists who attacked you by surprise
My God, I did not know that California was full of poor people.
It's sad and horrible since what year this poverty has appeared in California? I ask because we have also in France many more poor and unhappy people since The stock market crash in 2008

There are poor homeless people in every city and state in the US.

Don't be fooled Dalia, the derps here just hate California because it is the gold economic standard of America, has the best looking women, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, we produce most of the food for the country, and 40 million people. (Montana has 1 million people, just by numbers where do you think more homeless people will be) Every person thats posts this crap lives in a state and a city where you can go take all these same pictures of homeless people, they're just dishonest and want to portray California as 'bad'.

These are orange turd's people and they can't stand that California has told Trump to go fuck himself.
I have provided ample information on the problem in outlets that lean left even...............just a recent article showed California spending over a 100 billion a year on Welfare......Alabama 6 Billion............who's got the bigger problem........I'd say you do..................

Our costs are lower here..............Not outrageous like California and people are fleeing the State.........
California and people should be help, helping Americans before helping foreigners during the primary Hillary wanted to bring in strangers, I say we need to help those who are there before bringing in other people.
The inequality and crap jobs will continue to grow until Democrats get control and reform the giveaway to the rich tax rates and cheapskate policy of the GOP the last 35 years. The $12 Hillary minimum wage or berny's$15 one would be a great start... Also a cheap training program 4 many technical Manufacturing jobs going begging that the GOP has blocked 4 years.
the libs? rent control?

'splain it to the redneck please......

California and people should be help, helping Americans before helping foreigners during the primary Hillary wanted to bring in strangers, I say we need to help those who are there before bringing in other people.
The inequality and crap jobs will continue to grow until Democrats get control and reform the giveaway to the rich tax rates and cheapskate policy of the GOP the last 35 years. The $12 Hillary minimum wage or berny's$15 one would be a great start... Also a cheap training program 4 many technical Manufacturing jobs the GOP has blocked 4 years.
Like we need advice from the dumb asses who did this to themselves.........pardon me when we don't listen to a bunch of losers. LOL
2nd prioity....

the libs? rent control?

'splain it to the redneck please......

Fire the damn Pelosi......spit........stop being anti .....spit business............drill for oil.......spit.........

dang it man.......out of beer............oh yeah...........send the dang Jose's back home.......don't belong here......spit.
I'm a NE man , been to Cali a few times decades ago

I have no idea what's going on there, other than what occurs there seems to flow across the states from west to east

educate me


I'm a NE man , been to Cali a few times decades ago

I have no idea what's going on there, other than what occurs there seems to flow across the states from west to east

educate me


OK..........use google...problem fixed.

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