The Homeless people of California

MORALITY in California.............let's take a look at what they accept in public.

Folsom Street Fair.............Enter Google on this at your own risk.



And they LECTURE US ABOUT MORALITY.........these people do sex right in public ....whips and front of kids...........and they accept it there.........

And they want to PREACH TO US................laughable.
Live in the streets of San Fran Sicko........Homeless capitol of the United States.

I doubt the left will enter this thread.........Can't post the harsh pictures from the Street Fair..............I'd get banned........but in is acceptable to do it in front of everyone..........

They want what they have in California for the rest of the country........

i DON'T THINK SO.................
Kinda makes their current hate of how bad we are to immigrants........


The Leftist mentality is to shit on their OWN existing population and lick the filthy buttocks of MILLIONS from Third World Shit Holes, it is a deliberate happening, it is a planned happening, Leftists across the Western World follow the same MO, they actively want the existing populations to die and as soon as possible because the existing populations have the wrong colour skin ie. White, Leftists being the purest form of vile racists WANT as many Whites to die and as soon as possible because they THINK Whites are going to replaced by Non-Whites ie. Browns and Blacks, most Leftists are very open about this now.

Part of their Agenda is that Browns and Blacks can be paid Slave Wages, whereas Whites would expect higher wages, so the Browns and the Blacks are Imported Cheap Labour, the other part is that they will get them all to vote for Leftists so that Conservatives never hold office ever again. EG. Look at Texas, a strong Conservative State, the Leftists keep mentioning that in 15-20 years Texas will be Democratic and will NEVER be Republican EVER again, the Leftists say this is because of in their terms the Demographic Change which is their Politically Correct term for Population Replacement ie. replacing White population with Brown Hispanic population who they insist will vote Democrat forever.

The only way in the future that Leftists are going to be able to win elections is via Population Replacement and to do this they HAVE to import more and more Third World Shit Holers.

Totally disgusting and illustrates the moral bankruptcy of Leftism, the Peoples Republic of California not giving a crap about the existing California population allowing them to rot, but the same Peoples Republic of California advertising for more and more MILLIONS of Illegals to go there and get free stuff including healthcare. The Leftists in California want these people in those above pictures to hurry and die already, California needs the room so they can fill California with MILLIONS more Third World Shit Holers.

The normal minded who have the correct moral compass take care of their OWN and ensure their OWN are not put onto the street and allowed to rot, they spend tax money on their OWN and help them have a reasonable standard of living. It is a disgrace that the American nation has their OWN rotting on the streets and at the same time bursting veins to welcome MILLIONS more from Third World Shit Holes, probably within 15 years or less California will be no different than Venezuela, which is tragic and IS preventable, but the agenda is obviously to turn California into a Venezuela, Leftists call that Progress.
Well we have a good idea of who is or has brought it to this condition.

View attachment 196401

^^^^ Is a multi millionaire, in a Gated Community and doesn't give a shit. WTF Leftists used to be the ones who had a moral conscience about things like homelessness etc they used to fight so there were no homeless, now they are actively assisting in throwing thousands on the streets and letting them rot so they can make way for more and more Third World Shit Holers to replace their existing population. Disgusting, morally repugnant, morally bankrupt and totally evil.
Kinda makes their current hate of how bad we are to immigrants........


The Leftist mentality is to shit on their OWN existing population and lick the filthy buttocks of MILLIONS from Third World Shit Holes, it is a deliberate happening, it is a planned happening, Leftists across the Western World follow the same MO, they actively want the existing populations to die and as soon as possible because the existing populations have the wrong colour skin ie. White, Leftists being the purest form of vile racists WANT as many Whites to die and as soon as possible because they THINK Whites are going to replaced by Non-Whites ie. Browns and Blacks, most Leftists are very open about this now.

Part of their Agenda is that Browns and Blacks can be paid Slave Wages, whereas Whites would expect higher wages, so the Browns and the Blacks are Imported Cheap Labour, the other part is that they will get them all to vote for Leftists so that Conservatives never hold office ever again. EG. Look at Texas, a strong Conservative State, the Leftists keep mentioning that in 15-20 years Texas will be Democratic and will NEVER be Republican EVER again, the Leftists say this is because of in their terms the Demographic Change which is their Politically Correct term for Population Replacement ie. replacing White population with Brown Hispanic population who they insist will vote Democrat forever.

The only way in the future that Leftists are going to be able to win elections is via Population Replacement and to do this they HAVE to import more and more Third World Shit Holers.
When I do threads like this they usually avoid it like the plague....................Because it shows how they really are..........they have raised the cost of living to the point of insanity........they lead the nation in homeless........taxes............illegals............and pure stupidity..............And they claim to be the champions of the poor..................I don't see it............I see them working for 2 classes of people........the rich and the poor.......who as we see are living in tents.
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."
MORALITY in California.............let's take a look at what they accept in public.

Folsom Street Fair.............Enter Google on this at your own risk.



And they LECTURE US ABOUT MORALITY.........these people do sex right in public ....whips and front of kids...........and they accept it there.........

And they want to PREACH TO US................laughable.

Essentially ALL the Leftists care about now are LGBTQ freaks of human nature and importing and protecting Third World Shit Holers, that is basically it, the Left cares about nothing else than LGBTQ and Open Borders Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes.
U-Haul prices reflect growing push to leave Silicon Valley

Are you thinking about leaving the Bay Area and its crushing housing costs and mind-numbing commutes behind?

The move could cost you.

Highlighting the recent push to flee Silicon Valley, moving-truck rental company U-Haul charges much higher rates — in some cases more than 10 times higher — for travelers leaving the Bay Area, compared to those entering it.

It’s simple supply and demand, says Mark Perry, a finance and economics professor at the University of Michigan and scholar with the American Enterprise Institute think tank. As the Bay Area exodus continues, U-Haul is watching its trucks drive out of the region and not return — leaving the company with a shortage in the area, Perry wrote in a blog post. So the company is raising and lowering its prices accordingly.
MORALITY in California.............let's take a look at what they accept in public.

Folsom Street Fair.............Enter Google on this at your own risk.



And they LECTURE US ABOUT MORALITY.........these people do sex right in public ....whips and front of kids...........and they accept it there.........

And they want to PREACH TO US................laughable.

Essentially ALL the Leftists care about now are LGBTQ freaks of human nature and importing and protecting Third World Shit Holers, that is basically it, the Left cares about nothing else than LGBTQ and Open Borders Unlimited Mass Immigration from Third World Shit Holes.
The first time I read about this was a fathers complaint who was having a birthday party and didn't know this was going on........Had to take the kids home and have the party there..............They are bare ass naked there.......whipping butts right on the streets and doing it on the streets in public...........

Most States would throw their asses in Jail for it...............
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Why is it that sanctuary states conform to the needs of the wealthy elitists, not poor Americans that need sanctuary? I notice that.
Some of that is because of the climate, but yeah, liberal ideology plays a BIG role.
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Yes.............that could change the numbers in other states.........that could be a problem.........Perhaps on purpose........
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Yes.............that could change the numbers in other states.........that could be a problem.........Perhaps on purpose........

Yes and yes and North Carolina is another one, North Carolina was always a solid Red State and then the Leftists started relocating there and now it's a Swing State they voted twice for Obama for President, something 15 years ago would have been unheard of North Carolina voting Democrat for President, The Donald won North Carolina but it was a narrow win not the easy wins of GWB, GHWB, Reagan and ALL previous Republican candidates for many decades.
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Hey Liberals....................You DEMAND family housing for illegals..............

What the fuck about the ones in your own state living on the streets because you have risen the cost of living to the dang moon.

Yet you SAY.................YOU ARE CHAMPIONS of the POOR...........

How does that go............make more poor so you are the CHAMPIONS OF CREATING THEM................

Look to they beg for food................that is your path...........Pardon us when we don't want to follow your dumb ass down that path.
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Yes.............that could change the numbers in other states.........that could be a problem.........Perhaps on purpose........

Yes and yes and North Carolina is another one, North Carolina was always a solid Red State and then the Leftists started relocating there and now it's a Swing State.
Snow birds changed the dynamics of Florida ......................and the cuban Wet Feet Dry feet policy............Creating little Havana and bumper stickers in Miami that state.........Would the Last American out please bring the flag.
Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers
  • More Californians are moving from the Golden State, particularly lower-income residents, although even middle-class residents are saying goodbye.
  • The trend is a symptom of the state's housing crunch and, for some, high taxes.
  • Census Bureau data show California lost just over 138,000 people to domestic migration in the 12 months ended in July 2017.
  • Lower-cost states such as Arizona, Texas and Nevada are popular destinations for relocating Californians.
Sky-high rents and home prices are making it hard for Southern California businesses to attract workers

And after many misses over the years, Ace has largely stopped flying in workers from out of state for an interview. The company is running up against what economists say is an ever-greater drag on the California economy: sky-high rents and home prices.

"People come here and are like, 'Holy crap, the housing is just out of control,'" said Gary Johnson, vice president of Ace Clearwater Enterprises in Torrance, where the median home price is more than $812,000. "It's a huge issue."

Your problem there though is that most of those Californians could be Leftists and so if they relocate to Texas their vote goes with them, they are not going to relocate to Texas or whatever and suddenly become Conservative, so from a pragmatic point of view you should be wanting them all to stay in California or at the least these Conservative States should be doing something to limit the amount of Leftist Californians being able to relocate there.

EG. Virginia, look at Virginia it was a strong Conservative State for a LONG time and then it began getting all these Leftists from other states relocating to it and now it's voting Democratic in all these elections.

An ideal situation would be that they are FORCED to remain in California, most of this crowd will have voted for the politicians who have enabled the disaster policies that have caused so much chaos and misery in California, so as they have assisted in making the bed they should be FORCED to get in it and stay in it, it is a pity that you cannot Build The Wall and also just Wall Off California which from what I have been reading is now a Rogue State who's Leftist politicians are actively violating American Federal Law on numerous levels.
Yes.............that could change the numbers in other states.........that could be a problem.........Perhaps on purpose........

The Leftists HATE Red States, at this forum they are always trashing Red States and yet all these Leftists are relocating to those HATED Red States, why? Probably for infiltration, they relocate and their vote goes with them, enough of them relocate they can change a Red State into a Blue State eg. Virginia or change a Red State into a Swing State eg. North Carolina.

Conservative Americans in numbers should have played them at their own game and moved in big numbers to Blue States and that way you could have either turned eg. New Jersey into a Red State or at the least turned it into a Swing State.

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