The Homeless people of California

well this sucks

may i ask , what would be the fix?


Perhaps North Korea could be encouraged to nuke California :smoke:
Or Austria...
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
California Democrats deserve their share of the blame for rising homelessness, largely their support for finance capitalism and its looting of the global economy.

The Housing Crisis Extends Far Beyond 'Superstar' Cities - CityLab

"The global housing crisis reflects a fundamental paradox of contemporary capitalism. Cities around the world are more economically powerful and essential than ever.

"This creates tremendous demand for their land, leading to escalating housing costs and competition.

"Meanwhile, housing has been financialized and turned into an investment vehicle, which has caused an oversupply of luxury housing and a lack of affordable housing in many cities across the world.

"The global housing crisis is defined by a chronic shortage of housing for the least advantaged, and in many cases, for the working and middle classes as well."

Homelessness has increased noticeably over the 23 years I've lived in my LA neighborhood. In 1995 rents for a 500 square foot apartment were $375 monthly; today they are $1150 and rising rapidly in spite of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression in 2007-08.

Private equity speculators are buying rental properties and keeping a large percentage of units off the market in order to inflate short-term profits.

Democrats are no more likely to end rental speculation than Republicans are.
The GOP has proven they will do nothing for any problem except the rich having to pay taxes... As a dupe I suppose you don't know the corrupt GOP blew up the housing market worldwide in 2008 LOL...
I fail to see the difference between corrupt Republicans AND corrupt Democrats. Both parties serve the richest 1% of voters at the expense of renters; whatever Republicans did to the global housing market in 2008, Democrats did little or nothing to prevent it.

These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

so how is this fixed?

Give Democrats control for about 12 years.

The Communists have had power for the last 30 years. The result is the destruction of the state.

The Communists care ONLY about Silicone Valley. All other industry has been driven from the state.
National tax policy has been Republican since Reagan. Since reconciliation was passed in 1974, the GOP only needs 51 votes in the Senate to cut taxes on :th_smileysw2wqa:the rich and services but the Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Great job.
The Communists care ONLY about Silicone Valley. All other industry has been driven from the state.

Your rhetoric is a wee bit over the top, don't you think?


These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

Too many damn people, especially illegals invited in by the National GOP policy of no good SS ID card.

These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

Better times.........Certainly not JFK types in the Democratic Party anymore......

so how is this fixed?


Drive the Communists from power. Strip the Oligarchs of their rule.
The greedy idiot GOP has been in power for 35 years dumbass. Calling people communists is a joke, like you.

You're too stupid to deal with fucktard.

California has had the democrats in charge of both state legislative branches and the courts for over 30 years, you drooling retard.
And the GOP has been wrecking the the country for 35 years, dimwit.​
well this sucks

may i ask , what would be the fix?


Perhaps North Korea could be encouraged to nuke California :smoke:
Or Austria...
California leads the nation in those homeless.........have poop problems......and it was their own doing.

California Dem Politicians Caused Homeless Crisis, Abetted by the Media

The federal Housing and Urban Development agency published its 2017 report on homelessness which found California not only has the largest homeless population in the country, the population grew from 2016. California had 134,278 homeless in 2017, of which 91,642 were unsheltered—a 13.7% increase from 2016.

The HUD report found the number of homeless declined in 30 states during the same time period between 2016 and 2017, with the largest decreases in Georgia (2,735 fewer people), Massachusetts (2,043 fewer people), and Florida (1,369 fewer people). The largest percentage decreases were in South Carolina (23%), Georgia (21%), and Louisiana (17%).

The number of homeless increased in 20 states between 2016 and 2017, with the largest increases in California (16,136 people), New York (3,151 people), and Oregon (715 people). The largest percentage increases were in North Dakota (18%), California (14%), New Mexico (10%), and Vermont (10%).
California Democrats deserve their share of the blame for rising homelessness, largely their support for finance capitalism and its looting of the global economy.

The Housing Crisis Extends Far Beyond 'Superstar' Cities - CityLab

"The global housing crisis reflects a fundamental paradox of contemporary capitalism. Cities around the world are more economically powerful and essential than ever.

"This creates tremendous demand for their land, leading to escalating housing costs and competition.

"Meanwhile, housing has been financialized and turned into an investment vehicle, which has caused an oversupply of luxury housing and a lack of affordable housing in many cities across the world.

"The global housing crisis is defined by a chronic shortage of housing for the least advantaged, and in many cases, for the working and middle classes as well."

Homelessness has increased noticeably over the 23 years I've lived in my LA neighborhood. In 1995 rents for a 500 square foot apartment were $375 monthly; today they are $1150 and rising rapidly in spite of the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression in 2007-08.

Private equity speculators are buying rental properties and keeping a large percentage of units off the market in order to inflate short-term profits.

Democrats are no more likely to end rental speculation than Republicans are.
The GOP has proven they will do nothing for any problem except the rich having to pay taxes... As a dupe I suppose you don't know the corrupt GOP blew up the housing market worldwide in 2008 LOL...

No we are not a Shit Hole and we take care of our own, California is now a Shit Hole and has politicians who do not care about their own population, any situation where they allow their own to rot on the street they deserve to be punished, how can it morally be justified to allow your own to rot on the street, it cannot.

California is a shithole? Have you ever been there?

There are shitty areas of California, there are problems, and the politics are whacky. But the state is beautiful, and it's probably the most important, innovative economy on earth.

Yes I posted on another thread about six years ago I visited a friend in Walnut Creek near Oakland, we went to San Francisco then it looked more normal than what I read about San Francisco now, also we went to Lake Tahoe where my friend has another property and that was excellent, I also have some friends who are in Lake Arrowhead.

The politics are whacky and are going to be self destructive if there is not a reversal, their government seem to have Gone Rogue they seem to want that State to become a Sanctuary State and who's going to pay for that? How are they going to pay for that and also pay to keep the State afloat, they already nearly went bankrupt several years ago if they continue with their recklessness then they will go bankrupt.
sure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.

These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

Better times.........Certainly not JFK types in the Democratic Party anymore......

ure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.
sure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.

These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

Better times.........Certainly not JFK types in the Democratic Party anymore......

ure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.

I've shown the results of Dems running the state........Showed the problems.........

Again.............why should we listen to the ones who were in charge and got them there.............

Kinda like getting your transmission fixed and it doesn't don't go back to the same ass and pay them again to do crappy work.......Not to mention dragging their asses into small claims court.
So they've got homeless problems in the Democratic Socialist People's Republik of Kalipornia (a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorrah)?

It's what happens when you spend all your time accommodating Illegal Beaners and ignore your fellow countrymen.

Democratic $hitholes like San Fransissyco are beyond fixing and they pose a threat.

sure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.

These below videos of Los Angeles, California in the 1960s Ronald Reagan was Governor, the contrast of how Los Angeles was then to the pictures we see of Los Angeles now is very tragic, I am sure in the 1960s they had some problems but it was NOT a Shit Hole like it is now.

The below video duration is four minutes and twenty seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part I:

The below video duration is two minutes and thirty six seconds, Los Angeles 1960s Part II:

This below video Welcome To Southern California from 1953, how beautiful and clean it was, now because of Leftism it is a Shit Hole, only Leftism turns something beautiful into a Shit Hole, Conservatism builds and preserves, Leftism trashes and destroys. The video duration is twenty four minutes and fifty seven seconds:

Better times.........Certainly not JFK types in the Democratic Party anymore......

ure there are, but you have been brainwashed into thinking they are evil and corrupt. With no evidence.

I've shown the results of Dems running the state........Showed the problems.........

Again.............why should we listen to the ones who were in charge and got them there.............

Kinda like getting your transmission fixed and it doesn't don't go back to the same ass and pay them again to do crappy work.......Not to mention dragging their asses into small claims court.

The whole country has been wrecked by the GOP the last 35 years, not just California. In fact California is doing the best, even if they allow people pitch tents and live in campers. Stupid thread. Everyone has homeless, but they are hiding...
So they've got homeless problems in the Democratic Socialist People's Republik of Kalipornia (a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorrah)?

It's what happens when you spend all your time accommodating Illegal Beaners and ignore your fellow countrymen.

Democratic $hitholes like San Fransissyco are beyond fixing and they pose a threat.

San Francisco has the highest per capita income of any large city, dumbass.
So they've got homeless problems in the Democratic Socialist People's Republik of Kalipornia (a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorrah)?

It's what happens when you spend all your time accommodating Illegal Beaners and ignore your fellow countrymen.

Democratic $hitholes like San Fransissyco are beyond fixing and they pose a threat.

San Francisco has the highest per capita income of any large city, dumbass.
And look what they've done with it, Spanky...
So they've got homeless problems in the Democratic Socialist People's Republik of Kalipornia (a.k.a. Sodom and Gomorrah)?

It's what happens when you spend all your time accommodating Illegal Beaners and ignore your fellow countrymen.

Democratic $hitholes like San Fransissyco are beyond fixing and they pose a threat.
San Francisco has the highest per capita income of any large city, dumbass.
And look what they've done with it, Spanky...
According to lying thieving GOP propaganda and fools like you LOL... Yes they take care of their homeless and let them Sleep In tents and vans and RVs. Big f****** deal super duper.

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