The Homosexual Dilemma


Gay Activist Frank Lombard Adopted and Molested 5-year-old Boy

Gay Activist Frank Lombard Adopted and Molested 5-year-old Boy Victims of Gay Bullying

Do you really want to go down this road? I mean, I could post article after article of horrific adoption abuses by heterosexuals if you really want to do this...
Just an "FYI" to folks just reading and lurking...the Family Research Council is not a credible source for anything resembling a scientific study. Neither is NARTH or Focus on the Family. I think it's apparent you can dismiss anything from "looneybird". :lol:

And so it goes. I personally believe that most leftist sources lie, and are not to be believed. But, rather than "kill the messenger", maybe we should see what a link says and refute it with one of our own.

Unless you think debate is just using links YOU believe to be correct.

Uh huh....


'They took turns raping me': New claims of child sex abuse revealed as gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go to trial

Read more: Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

You can always find examples of pedo abuse among both hetero and homo.

And yet in the short time that gay couples have been adopting, several of these horror stories have popped up. Statistics are already coming out indicating that a child is far more likely to be abused by a gay couple than their heterosexual counterparts. Since homo marriage and adoption are relatively new, the swift manner in which these horror stories are popping up doesn't set a promising trend.

Of course they do, because adoption by gay couples is in the public light. Yet look at all the horror stories about adoption by hetero couples. All it says is you will have bad players in both groups and there needs to be some means of weeding them out.

What statistics?

Lets say it is happening. Do you really believe anyone in America will own up to it with statistics, or will they hide it like the church hid pedophile priests?


I've written more in length about how sexual child abuse is hidden because human nature doesn't want to admit it happens. What if the Catholic Church acted like the faggot brigade? What if instead of admitting we screwed up, that kids are being abused by priests and offending priests are being protected, we tried to shout down every accusation, point out that kids are also being molested in Baptist churches or Jehovah Witness and insist we don't have a problem with abusing children?

But the Catholic Church did not act like the faggot brigade. We owned up and took responsibility and made changes and now children are safer in the Catholic Church than most other sectors of society.

As long as the faggot brigade screams and hollers, kicks and stomps, and denies the children that are abused by gay couples, the problem will go on. They won't have a productive discussion of the problem complete with strategies to stop it from happening further. The Catholic Church developed a culture that protects children and notifies authorities if anything wrong happens. The gays have developed a culture of secrecy, denial, and silence that will ensure the perpetuity of sexual child abuse.
It doesn't fucking matter, it's not about the children.
Limiting it to two is discriminatory. I mean, why can't a bi-sexual marry both the man and the woman he/she loves?


Because limiting ALL partnerships to one partner at a time is not discriminatory.

Now if someone were to propose that everyone EXCEPT Christians could marry two partners at a time, that would be discriminatory.

The simplest social rules are what our constitution demands. Interests deemed "Special" by the private sector should come as no surprise while interests deemed "Special" by any level of government is an abomination.

Treat all partnerships the same. Easy-squeezy.
Requiring marriage to a partner of the opposite sex was also applied equally, regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation.

Take that argument a step back in history: Requiring marriage to a partner of the same race was also applied equally.

Nope. Any man couldn't marry any woman. Now, they can. And since marriage is for reproduction, all discrimination stopped after racial intermarriage was allowed.


Except marriage is no longer for reproduction - that is outdated.

If you want to compare anecdotal examples of sexual abuse by adoptive parents, hetero couples are a sadly fertile field;

And again....

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — After 20 years, a woman is accusing her foster parent of sexually abusing her when she was a child.

The Scott County Attorney’s office has charged 59-year-old Daniel Alvin Hennen with six counts of criminal sexual conduct. He is now out on bond.

Convicted Child Molester Charged With Abusing Another Foster Child CBS Minnesota

And again....

An Open Letter From Dylan Farrow

What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie? Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me. He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies.

And again....

Irish woman who was adopted as a child by paedophile says nuns condemned her to years of sexual abuse

Woman adopted by paedophile says nuns condemned her to years of sexual abuse Daily Mail Online

And again (I can do this all day)...

Bridger Valley woman moves on after father finally admits to sexual assault

Tammy Brunow married Brunow when Ramirez was about 2, and Brunow adopted her when she was 10, Ramirez said.

“I told the officer and my mother how long it had been going on. She was kind of taken aback,” she said. “I asked her if she was mad at me, and she said no.”

But Brunow was in jail for days. Ramirez remembers her mom crying a lot in her bedroom.

Bridger Valley woman moves on after father finally admits to sexual assault

And again....

Officials respond to case of a sex offender allowed to be foster parent

Officials respond to case of a sex offender allowed to be foster parent

Now by your standards of argument by anecdote, straights should never be allowed to adopt. But if we rightly recognize that argument by anecdote is a logical fallacy and logically invalid, then these horrible cases aren't necessarily indicative of straight adoptive parents in general.
No it does not, and few would argue it does. Rights are not unlimited but their application evolves as society evolves and becomes more inclusive. Basic rights were denied to both women and blacks in a way that was NOT considered discrimminatory until recent times.

What is the right in question? It's the right to marry.

Let's stop right there because your train just went off the tracks. Who is being denied the right to marry? It's only tortured Leftist "logic" that says if somebody can't marry whoever they want, a person of the same gender, a brother, aunt, or a horse or a goat, that they're being denied the right to marry. What kind of nonsense is that? No culture in human history has said it's ok to marry whoever one wants. There's always been taboos for the protection and perpetuation of a strong society. So no, the right to marry is not being denied just because you can't marry whoever you want. And trying to read that "right" into the 14th Amendment, to marry whoever you want, flies off the tether of any legal precedent.

The Constitution in fact protects the right to marry:

'Although Loving arose in the context of racial discrimination, prior and subsequent decisions of this Court confirm that the right to marry is of fundamental importance for all individuals.

More recent decisions have established that the right to marry is part of the fundamental "right of privacy" implicit in the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause.'

FindLaw Cases and Codes

To seek to deny same-sex couples the right to access marriage law they're eligible to participate in violates the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause as well.
Limiting it to two is discriminatory. I mean, why can't a bi-sexual marry both the man and the woman he/she loves?


Because limiting ALL partnerships to one partner at a time is not discriminatory.

Now if someone were to propose that everyone EXCEPT Christians could marry two partners at a time, that would be discriminatory.

The simplest social rules are what our constitution demands. Interests deemed "Special" by the private sector should come as no surprise while interests deemed "Special" by any level of government is an abomination.

Treat all partnerships the same. Easy-squeezy.
Requiring marriage to a partner of the opposite sex was also applied equally, regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation.

Take that argument a step back in history: Requiring marriage to a partner of the same race was also applied equally.

Nope. Any man couldn't marry any woman. Now, they can. And since marriage is for reproduction, all discrimination stopped after racial intermarriage was allowed.


Except marriage is no longer for reproduction - that is outdated.
It's not only outdated, it's not even true. Marriage was never about reproduction. Until recently it wasn't even about love let alone children.
No it does not, and few would argue it does. Rights are not unlimited but their application evolves as society evolves and becomes more inclusive. Basic rights were denied to both women and blacks in a way that was NOT considered discrimminatory until recent times.

What is the right in question? It's the right to marry.

Let's stop right there because your train just went off the tracks. Who is being denied the right to marry? It's only tortured Leftist "logic" that says if somebody can't marry whoever they want, a person of the same gender, a brother, aunt, or a horse or a goat, that they're being denied the right to marry. What kind of nonsense is that?

No one is arguing for an unlimited right to marry - strawman.

No culture in human history has said it's ok to marry whoever one wants. There's always been taboos for the protection and perpetuation of a strong society. So no, the right to marry is not being denied just because you can't marry whoever you want. And trying to read that "right" into the 14th Amendment, to marry whoever you want, flies off the tether of any legal precedent.

The right to marry is between two consenting adults (not incestual). Expanding that right to same sex couples does not weaken society in any way.

"Between two consenting adults", see you're already applying your own arbitrary opinion on what criteria should decide who somebody can marry. And you're drifting away from the legal argument because you don't have on that merits consideration. You insist that gay "marriage" doesn't weaken society, but again, it's just an opinion. And if these things are decided by opinion, which they should, then most Americans disagree with you and have passed laws requiring marriage be between a man and a woman. Hence the state marriage laws.

I stated at the beginning that no rights are unlimited, including marriage and that it can not infringe on the rights or well being of others or the public. That's pretty much the same with all rights, it's not my arbritrary opinion.

Children can't consent and can be harmed.
Animals can't consent and can be harmed.
Incest potentially affects public welfare when children are produced.

Legally - marriage is a right. Legally - it's definition is open to challange. There is no difference between denying marriage equality based on race and denying marriage equality based on gender. Why should rights be decided upon by public opinion? That is very dangerous.

What I want to know is why the Left is so terrified of democracy? If you think you're right, prevail upon your fellow man to convince them. But using Leftist hack ideologue judges to legislate from the bench sans any sound legal argument is the path you've chosen and the reason that people are starting to hate gay people like they never have before in this country.

We have a Constitution to protect us from the extremes of democracy and prevent mob rule. It was not public opinion that gained blacks their civil rights or the women the vote - it was ultimately the courts. Public opinion lies in the lynch mobs as readily as it does the concerted efforts to change legislation.

I would never intrust my rights to public opinion.

Marriage by every meaningful metric, is the coupling of the two genders. Everything else is simply make believe.

Uh huh....


'They took turns raping me': New claims of child sex abuse revealed as gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go to trial

Read more: Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

You can always find examples of pedo abuse among both hetero and homo.

And yet in the short time that gay couples have been adopting, several of these horror stories have popped up. Statistics are already coming out indicating that a child is far more likely to be abused by a gay couple than their heterosexual counterparts. Since homo marriage and adoption are relatively new, the swift manner in which these horror stories are popping up doesn't set a promising trend.

not surprising since almost all homosexuals were abused as children themselves.

This is another falsehood spread by anti gay bigots.

From the American Psychiatric Association:

What causes Homosexuality/Heterosexuality/Bisexuality?
No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. Homosexuality was once thought to be the result of troubled family dynamics or faulty psychological development. Those assumptions are now understood to have been based on misinformation and prejudice. Currently there is a renewed interest in searching for biological etiologies for homosexuality. However, to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality. Similarly, no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.

b.s. its clear as day. An abused child has more chance of becoming gay because they were abused by a same sex parent- they get confused and depressed and angry; then they grow up and inflict that pain on their child, cycle never stops. They try to recreate it also with their homo partner. One is the alpha, one is the lesser.

No, that is not true at all. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your claim. How you "feel" about it is not science.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. In all my 32 years as a gay women I've known exactly one person who had ever been abused and she knew she was gay before he started abusing her. She actually thinks he started abusing her because she was the "tomboy". Out of four girls, she's the only one grandpa "diddled" with.

Get your head out of anti gay sites and go look at some actual scientific studies done by reputable organizations.
BS. Every study shows it is worse for children with gay parents.
No, they don't, but you need them to because otherwise you are just another run-of-the-mill faggot hater. It's all about the children you say, only it isn't, it's about your fear of the dreaded "others"...

i don't fear the gayz, only for the children who grow up confused and pressured to be gay when they are straight.

Funny thing that, it doesn't seem to be the case. Loving parents accept what their children are.

Gay Parents As Good As Straight Ones BU Today Boston University

gay parents will be more likely to sex. abuse, as they were sex. abused themselves.

Do you have any unbiased sources that prove this claim?

There's plenty of bias in all the sources that try to deny that gays abusing children is a problem. Let's not pretend that your sources are unbiased. The Family Research Council is one of the few groups willing to address the problem and not pretend it doesn't exist. They cite references for all their claims and they approach the issue scientifically. Since there are no unbiased sources anywhere on this issue, we have to go by who has an interest in protecting the reputation of the gay community no matter what as opposed to who has an interest in protecting children by highlighting venues where they are disproportionately exposed to abuse.

Facts are facts, no matter what site is showing them.
You can always find examples of pedo abuse among both hetero and homo.

And yet in the short time that gay couples have been adopting, several of these horror stories have popped up. Statistics are already coming out indicating that a child is far more likely to be abused by a gay couple than their heterosexual counterparts. Since homo marriage and adoption are relatively new, the swift manner in which these horror stories are popping up doesn't set a promising trend.

not surprising since almost all homosexuals were abused as children themselves.

This is another falsehood spread by anti gay bigots.

From the American Psychiatric Association:

What causes Homosexuality/Heterosexuality/Bisexuality?
No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. Homosexuality was once thought to be the result of troubled family dynamics or faulty psychological development. Those assumptions are now understood to have been based on misinformation and prejudice. Currently there is a renewed interest in searching for biological etiologies for homosexuality. However, to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality. Similarly, no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.

b.s. its clear as day. An abused child has more chance of becoming gay because they were abused by a same sex parent- they get confused and depressed and angry; then they grow up and inflict that pain on their child, cycle never stops. They try to recreate it also with their homo partner. One is the alpha, one is the lesser.

No, that is not true at all. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support your claim. How you "feel" about it is not science.

I was never abused. My spouse was never abused. In all my 32 years as a gay women I've known exactly one person who had ever been abused and she knew she was gay before he started abusing her. She actually thinks he started abusing her because she was the "tomboy". Out of four girls, she's the only one grandpa "diddled" with.

Get your head out of anti gay sites and go look at some actual scientific studies done by reputable organizations.

You talk about science and then leap into anecdotal evidence. Do you have any idea how idiotic you sound?
No it does not, and few would argue it does. Rights are not unlimited but their application evolves as society evolves and becomes more inclusive. Basic rights were denied to both women and blacks in a way that was NOT considered discrimminatory until recent times.

What is the right in question? It's the right to marry.

Let's stop right there because your train just went off the tracks. Who is being denied the right to marry? It's only tortured Leftist "logic" that says if somebody can't marry whoever they want, a person of the same gender, a brother, aunt, or a horse or a goat, that they're being denied the right to marry. What kind of nonsense is that?

No one is arguing for an unlimited right to marry - strawman.

No culture in human history has said it's ok to marry whoever one wants. There's always been taboos for the protection and perpetuation of a strong society. So no, the right to marry is not being denied just because you can't marry whoever you want. And trying to read that "right" into the 14th Amendment, to marry whoever you want, flies off the tether of any legal precedent.

The right to marry is between two consenting adults (not incestual). Expanding that right to same sex couples does not weaken society in any way.

"Between two consenting adults", see you're already applying your own arbitrary opinion on what criteria should decide who somebody can marry. And you're drifting away from the legal argument because you don't have on that merits consideration. You insist that gay "marriage" doesn't weaken society, but again, it's just an opinion. And if these things are decided by opinion, which they should, then most Americans disagree with you and have passed laws requiring marriage be between a man and a woman. Hence the state marriage laws.

I stated at the beginning that no rights are unlimited, including marriage and that it can not infringe on the rights or well being of others or the public. That's pretty much the same with all rights, it's not my arbritrary opinion.

Children can't consent and can be harmed.
Animals can't consent and can be harmed.
Incest potentially affects public welfare when children are produced.

Legally - marriage is a right. Legally - it's definition is open to challange. There is no difference between denying marriage equality based on race and denying marriage equality based on gender. Why should rights be decided upon by public opinion? That is very dangerous.

What I want to know is why the Left is so terrified of democracy? If you think you're right, prevail upon your fellow man to convince them. But using Leftist hack ideologue judges to legislate from the bench sans any sound legal argument is the path you've chosen and the reason that people are starting to hate gay people like they never have before in this country.

We have a Constitution to protect us from the extremes of democracy and prevent mob rule. It was not public opinion that gained blacks their civil rights or the women the vote - it was ultimately the courts. Public opinion lies in the lynch mobs as readily as it does the concerted efforts to change legislation.

I would never intrust my rights to public opinion.

Marriage by every meaningful metric, is the coupling of the two genders. Everything else is simply make believe.

Well the courts and the American People disagree, so now what, you just keep pissing into the wind the rest of your days?
The Homosexual Dilemma exists only in the minds of those who dislike marriage equality, much like folks who disliked interracial marriage.

Tough for them back then and tough for you today because we are never going back.

Get over it and don't marry someone you don't love is the best advice you can get.

The Liberal machine has long sought to undermine the family structure - it is an obstacle on their path to absolute and complete control . Pushing sexual perversion - Homosexuality, transgenderism, transsexualism, pederasty and assorted sexual dysphoria , gender dysphoria, transvestism, analloerotic disorders and abnormal erotic fixations on society - forced acceptance and forced propagandizing to the younger generation is absolutely unacceptable.
I did not say better, I said at no disadvantage. There is no difference in outcomes between the children raised by intact gay families and intact straight families.

Uh huh....


'They took turns raping me': New claims of child sex abuse revealed as gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go to trial

Read more: Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

You can always find examples of pedo abuse among both hetero and homo.

And yet in the short time that gay couples have been adopting, several of these horror stories have popped up. Statistics are already coming out indicating that a child is far more likely to be abused by a gay couple than their heterosexual counterparts. Since homo marriage and adoption are relatively new, the swift manner in which these horror stories are popping up doesn't set a promising trend.

Of course they do, because adoption by gay couples is in the public light. Yet look at all the horror stories about adoption by hetero couples. All it says is you will have bad players in both groups and there needs to be some means of weeding them out.

What statistics?

Homosexuals represent less than 3% but are involved in nearly 1/3 of all sex abuse cases against children

Homosexual apologists admit that some homosexuals sexually molest children, but they deny that homosexuals are more likely to commit such offenses. After all, they argue, the majority of child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature. While this is correct in terms of absolute numbers, this argument ignores the fact that homosexuals comprise only a very small percentage of the population.

The evidence indicates that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls. To demonstrate this it is necessary to connect several statistics related to the problem of child sex abuse: 1) men are almost always the perpetrator; 2) up to one-third or more of child sex abuse cases are committed against boys; 3) less than three percent of the population are homosexuals. Thus, a tiny percentage of the population (homosexual men), commit one-third or more of the cases of child sexual molestation.

Men Account for Almost All Sexual Abuse of Children Cases
An essay on adult sex offenders in the book Sexual Offending Against Children reported:"It is widely believed that the vast majority of sexual abuse is perpetrated by males and that female sex offenders only account for a tiny proportion of offences. Indeed, with 3,000 adult male sex offenders in prison in England and Wales at any one time, the corresponding figure for female sex offenders is 12!"[1]

Family Research Council

Family Research Council? Seriously?

First of all - Pedophilia, if that is what you are referring to - is it's own category. Offenders are neither hetero nor homo but are attracted to prebuscent children and do not typically have or are able to sustain normal relationships with adults.

Second of all - "Men Account for Almost All Sexual Abuse of Children Cases" - well...sounds like you are making an argument that adoption should be limited to single women or lesbian couples only then :)
Uh huh....


'They took turns raping me': New claims of child sex abuse revealed as gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go to trial

Read more: Gay couple accused of molesting two of their 9 adopted children withdraw guilty plea and decide to go on trial to fight allegations Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

You can always find examples of pedo abuse among both hetero and homo.

And yet in the short time that gay couples have been adopting, several of these horror stories have popped up. Statistics are already coming out indicating that a child is far more likely to be abused by a gay couple than their heterosexual counterparts. Since homo marriage and adoption are relatively new, the swift manner in which these horror stories are popping up doesn't set a promising trend.

not surprising since almost all homosexuals were abused as children themselves.

This is another falsehood spread by anti gay bigots.

From the American Psychiatric Association:

What causes Homosexuality/Heterosexuality/Bisexuality?
No one knows what causes heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. Homosexuality was once thought to be the result of troubled family dynamics or faulty psychological development. Those assumptions are now understood to have been based on misinformation and prejudice. Currently there is a renewed interest in searching for biological etiologies for homosexuality. However, to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality. Similarly, no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse. Sexual abuse does not appear to be more prevalent in children who grow up to identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, than in children who identify as heterosexual.

b.s. its clear as day. An abused child has more chance of becoming gay because they were abused by a same sex parent- they get confused and depressed and angry; then they grow up and inflict that pain on their child, cycle never stops. They try to recreate it also with their homo partner. One is the alpha, one is the lesser.

Aren't you the font of a source to support all these claims?
Because limiting ALL partnerships to one partner at a time is not discriminatory.

Now if someone were to propose that everyone EXCEPT Christians could marry two partners at a time, that would be discriminatory.

The simplest social rules are what our constitution demands. Interests deemed "Special" by the private sector should come as no surprise while interests deemed "Special" by any level of government is an abomination.

Treat all partnerships the same. Easy-squeezy.
Requiring marriage to a partner of the opposite sex was also applied equally, regardless of race, gender, or even sexual orientation.

Take that argument a step back in history: Requiring marriage to a partner of the same race was also applied equally.

Nope. Any man couldn't marry any woman. Now, they can. And since marriage is for reproduction, all discrimination stopped after racial intermarriage was allowed.


Except marriage is no longer for reproduction - that is outdated.
It's not only outdated, it's not even true. Marriage was never about reproduction. Until recently it wasn't even about love let alone children.

If you were correct, history would be replete with men marrying men and women marrying women. Know what I think? I think arguments like this are simply one more way that the left lies about history to make what they want more palatable to the "sheep".

THINK. child is abused by same sex parent; gets confused of their sexuality, grows up wanting to explore, fix that terrible experience from their childhood and repeat it. NOT that hard to figure out.

The Homosexual Dilemma exists only in the minds of those who dislike marriage equality, much like folks who disliked interracial marriage.

Tough for them back then and tough for you today because we are never going back.

Get over it and don't marry someone you don't love is the best advice you can get.

The Liberal machine has long sought to undermine the family structure - it is an obstacle on their path to absolute and complete control . Pushing sexual perversion - Homosexuality, transgenderism, transsexualism, pederasty and assorted sexual dysphoria , gender dysphoria, transvestism, analloerotic disorders and abnormal erotic fixations on society - forced acceptance and forced propagandizing to the younger generation is absolutely unacceptable.
Ward and June are dead, Wally and the Beaver grew up. Do the same little faggot-hater.
The Homosexual Dilemma exists only in the minds of those who dislike marriage equality, much like folks who disliked interracial marriage.

Tough for them back then and tough for you today because we are never going back.

Get over it and don't marry someone you don't love is the best advice you can get.

The Liberal machine has long sought to undermine the family structure - it is an obstacle on their path to absolute and complete control . Pushing sexual perversion - Homosexuality, transgenderism, transsexualism, pederasty and assorted sexual dysphoria , gender dysphoria, transvestism, analloerotic disorders and abnormal erotic fixations on society - forced acceptance and forced propagandizing to the younger generation is absolutely unacceptable.

Pedophiles are invariably males: Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.

Significant numbers of victims are males: Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys (as opposed to girls).

The 10 percent fallacy: Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population.

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.

Some homosexual activists defend the historic connection between homosexuality and pedophilia: Such activists consider the defense of "boy-lovers" to be a legitimate gay rights issue.

Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote "intergenerational intimacy."

Homosexual apologists admit that some homosexuals sexually molest children, but they deny that homosexuals are more likely to commit such offenses. After all, they argue, the majority of child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature. While this is correct in terms of absolute numbers, this argument ignores the fact that homosexuals comprise only a very small percentage of the population.

Family Research Council

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