The Homosexual Dilemma

We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone
The polling can't be true because you hate faggots. Got it.

Had the support gone down 2% you would be jumping for joy instead of spinning.
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone

I disagree that Pretend Marriage is legally valid, in that it is a law, which forces other states to accept associations which those states have established as unacceptable.

There's nothing valid about that. Unless sociopathy is valid...
are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone

I disagree that Pretend Marriage is legally valid, in that it is a law, which forces other states to accept associations which those states have established as unacceptable.

There's nothing valid about that. Unless sociopathy is valid...

So in other words- you are delusional.
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone

Actually- anyone who knows statistics knows that you can't claim that that 2% is insignificant without looking at the statistics involved.

Gallup tells us the statistical margin of erro
For results based on this sample of national
adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

So roughly speaking that range would be between 51% and 59% approval.

People like yourself tend to ignore statistics they don't like, claim statistics say something that they don't and then crow about statistics that they do like.

Right now support for 'gay marriage' is roughly where support was for mixed race marriages in about 1996.

And we know how that trend has continued.
"Bigotry implies an irrational component. Otherwise, without the irrational component, the word is simply meaningless."

The perfect definition of the hetero-fascist far right. Their fear is irrational; there is no proof at all that shows same-sex and hetero parents are more dangerous than the other group.

Their is plenty of evidence that Where' ignores that shows just how much damage the overwhelming hetero population causes among kids.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.

slavery and marriage are not analogous, although some may consider them to be.

the legal arguments for gay marriage are EXACTLY the same arguments that will be made for bigamy, polygamy, and all other forms of "marriage". Those making the arguments will use gay marriage as a valid precedent.

Its coming, is that really where you want civilization to go?

And NAMBLA will walk through all those doors opened for them by their friends in the gay movement. A winning playbook.

Yeah- and once again the homophobes attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophilia.

Didn't happen when the Supreme Court recognized that bans on mixed race marriages were illegal, won't happen when the Supreme Court recognizes that bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional.

And bigots in both cases were very, very sad.

I hate Fascists, Murderers, Serial killers, child molesters, and homosexuals - not much of a difference between the last 2 - not much at all - some types of bigotry are actually healthy and justified.

yep- like I said- you are just a bigot.

Bigots like yourself see no difference between a serial killer and a person who attracted to the same gender.

No different than the racists how hate blacks for being black or Jews for being Jewish.

Bigots all.
Hatred of marriage equality and the "irrationally subjective female" are strong here.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?


Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.
You ask many people, perhaps even most, they'll tell you that they don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedroom, they just don't want it rubbed in their face.

So what has the homosexual movement been doing for the past several years?

Yeah, you got it.

Consider how pervasive the gay agenda has become.

1. The forcing of gay marriage not by persuasion and winning hearts and minds, but through judicial activism. Never in U.S. history has there ever been an overturning of the will of the people that didn't lead to war.

2. Workplaces have become a nightmare as gays and transgenders are given special rights and considerations and political correctness is enforced so that everyone is forced to walk on eggshells

3. Schools. Now parents have to wonder if their teenage daughter has to share the girls restroom with a boy who thinks he's a girl. The homosexual and transgender agenda is pushed unabashed onto young minds.

4. Football. Players seek fame not the old fashioned way, through athletic accomplishment, but by "coming out". Since when is being homosexual an accomplishment?

5. Homosexuality pervades our media, our television, and virtually all facets of American life. Why do these people think they're so important? What if Christians or Jews acted like this?


But I haven't even gotten to the dilemma. Gay activists have noted a rise in anger toward homosexuals and point to it as proof that the nation is riddled with homophobia. They fail to notice that the rise in anti homosexual sentiment happened in direct proportion and timing to the belligerence of the gay movement. When people said they don't want homosexuals' lifestyle shoved in their faces, they meant it.

Conservatives don't hate homosexuals, we just don't care as long as it's kept private. But here the aggressive homosexual lobby has made sure that it's our business. So now we're noticing you and now we're pissed.

If you homos had any inkling what unrelenting instigating assholes you've become, you'd blush in embarrassment. But instead, you take the reaction of people who are sick of hearing about you as proof that you have more work to do. Talk about a destructive circular paradox!

So I have something to say to you on behalf of America. F*** you.

BTW, Notice the picture? Even Kenyans don't like things being shoved in their faces.
I repost the original posters's thread here. And I totally agree with it. Homosexuals, or anyone else that are so overassertive and hostile, let alone as well moneyed and lawyered up like gays are, are just antagonizing folks. And all this does is re enforce stereotypes of gays a spoilt self indulgent and childish, let alone perverts. Really?
Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?


Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.

Does it?

LOL! OK...

Pray tell, what does it say?
The homosexual dilemma...



Chemical castration?

Spay and neuter?

Shock treatments?

Psychiatric commitment?

Exile to Queer Island?

Disinfectant by the 55-gallon drum -full?

So many choices... so little time.

What a dilemma !!!

Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.

Does it?

LOL! OK...

Pray tell, what does it say?

You couldn't take it.
I am sorry, I just don't see homosexuals as a discreet group that NEEDS any more protections than are already guaranteed by the constitution to all of us, anyway. And YES, given that, people should be given leeway to accept or reject people on sexual preference, because choice transcends petty sexual matters, and THAT should be the capitol issue. In my humble opinion, anyway...

Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.

So you are highly concerned with subjective females. Says a lot about you.

Does it?

LOL! OK...

Pray tell, what does it say?

You couldn't take it.

So... Ya got nuttin'?

Color me SHOCKED!
And NAMBLA will walk through all those doors opened for them by their friends in the gay movement. A winning playbook.
And again, you school us about NAMBLA.
Or I utilize logic and assume they will go with proven legal strategies.

BTW, would love a response to my previous post to you.
The one about bigamy, et al? What is it about gay marriage that makes such things valid that we don't see in straight marriage?
No, the one where I told you a little about me. After you read it, you'll never take me seriously again.

You're making an assumption that we took you seriously in the first place.

So you didn't read it. That's disappointing.
are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

The key to that poll lies in its opening statement ...

support for the law recognizing same-sex marriages as legally valid

Which simply means they recognize the validity - had I myself been polled I would have polled in favor of its legal validity - that doesn't mean they recognize its sanity - in addition the article title ....

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55%

cites a two year climb from 53 - 55% - anybody who knows anything about statistics and polling is well aware that 2% is statistically insignificant

In addition , even f it were significant - which it is not - any experiment or observation that involves drawing a sample from a population, there is always the possibility that an observed effect would have occurred due to sampling error alone

Actually- anyone who knows statistics knows that you can't claim that that 2% is insignificant without looking at the statistics involved.

Gallup tells us the statistical margin of erro
For results based on this sample of national
adults, the margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

So roughly speaking that range would be between 51% and 59% approval.

People like yourself tend to ignore statistics they don't like, claim statistics say something that they don't and then crow about statistics that they do like.

Right now support for 'gay marriage' is roughly where support was for mixed race marriages in about 1996.

And we know how that trend has continued.

It's hard to believe those numbers when California voters approved of a ban on gay marriage by popular referendum. When it was struck down in court, they passed another referendum adding a ban to gay marriage to the California constitution. Yeah, Blue State California. Compare this to New York who pulled some shady tricks to pass gay marriage in the middle of the night before any opposition could be mounted to it. And that was the legislature, not a popular movement, so they can hardly be seen as representing the people in doing that. When it comes to the laws that are backed by popular support, gay marriage is trumped by those who want to preserve what real marriage is.
Yup, got nothing at all. SCOTUS will rule this year in favor of marriage equality and not even consider your arguments. Tough to be you, little buddy.

I'm guessing that your idea of SCOTUS ruling for "marriage equality" means striking down any law by which a state defines what marriage is. I'm also guessing that the SC saying that states should decide this issue, which is the constitutional stance, would be "anti marriage equality" even though the SC didn't actually rule AGAINST gay marriage but instead FOR democracy.....which you people hate.

So the truth is, you crouching bigots and hidden morons don't want your ideas to prevail in the political arena, winning hearts and minds, you want to get your way through judicial fiat.

That's just.....unamerican.

But we already knew that about Leftists.
But even if the marriage equality crowd were not winning the popular opinion as it is, Jacksonian democratic majority does not govern civil rights.

The rest of America will not be governed by a hateful narrow-minded small minority from the far right.

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