The Homosexual Dilemma

GreenBean and Where R My Keys talking about science? Hilarious.
Gotta admire people like Jake Malarkey - managed to complete grade school after 16 years with a miniscule IQ and he's still able to get online and try to debate people with 3X his IQ and 10X his educational level - takes a lot of courage ... or possibly just plain ignorance ... hmmmmm
Yup, got nothing at all. SCOTUS will rule this year in favor of marriage equality and not even consider your arguments. Tough to be you, little buddy.
Yup, got nothing at all. SCOTUS will rule this year in favor of marriage equality and not even consider your arguments. Tough to be you, little buddy.

SCOTUS will rule this year in favor of marriage equality

I should care ? When have you EVER seen me post against Gay Marriage - I have always said that if 2 degenerates want to cohabitate , play house and so forth - being consenting adults they have the same rights as sane people - Gay Marriage degrades the institution of marriage, but excluding adult Americans from their equal rights degrades the constitution

Gay Marriage - SCOTUS - So What ?
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

Redfish is stupidity redux.

About 1% of the population is gay, yet the majority supports marriage equality.

I don't know if Redfish is gay but he is certainly latent. He is ready for the right guy to make his own.
ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?

gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.

slavery and marriage are not analogous, although some may consider them to be.

the legal arguments for gay marriage are EXACTLY the same arguments that will be made for bigamy, polygamy, and all other forms of "marriage". Those making the arguments will use gay marriage as a valid precedent.

Its coming, is that really where you want civilization to go?

And NAMBLA will walk through all those doors opened for them by their friends in the gay movement. A winning playbook.

Yeah- and once again the homophobes attempt to equate homosexuals to pedophilia.

Didn't happen when the Supreme Court recognized that bans on mixed race marriages were illegal, won't happen when the Supreme Court recognizes that bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional.

And bigots in both cases were very, very sad.

I hate Fascists, Murderers, Serial killers, child molesters, and homosexuals - not much of a difference between the last 2 - not much at all - some types of bigotry are actually healthy and justified.

"Discrimination" ... is actually healthy and justified... .

Bigotry implies an irrational component. Otherwise, without the irrational component, the word is simply meaningless.

The same holds true for "Hate" and "Racism"...

If it helps... the 'best' good sign of bigotry, is found in the use of the word. Axiomatically, the projection of the concept "intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself", is, a profound demonstration of intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Pretty cool, huh?
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We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.
Hardly. More than 50% of the nation supports it, and they are leaving you and your kind where you belong, in the past.
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55
We are talking legal marriage equality, not private gay marriage.

This will be legal nationally, and all you will do is yell as you always have without effect. Your opinion matters not in the scheme of things.

are you gay, Jake? Is Rightwinger your "partner"?

Uh oh...somebody sounds jealous. Intellectual curiosity, right?

Nope, but its funny that 98% of the supporters of gay marriage are gay. Jealous???? not hardly. sympathetic to sick people? yes.

You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55
5% and that's about as good as it will ever be. The other 40% are still waiting for Jesus to arrive, even though he's 2.000 years overdue.
You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?


Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?
Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?


Are you laughing because you can almost taste being a one-trick pony?

I'm laughing because Left-think is the perspective of the irrationally subjective female, thus as with all comedy, it's funny, because it's true.
You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

These polls are absurd.

The Majority of People in the Majority of the States, elected the majority Legislatures which established in law, legal protections which recognized marriage as the joining of one man and one woman.


This is where you run to note that 36 of 50 states have made pretend marriage legal. Then I point out that except for a tiny minority of states, the REST of THEM have VOTED TO PROHIBIT THE LOWERING OF THE MARRIAGE STANDARD, and that a TINY MINORITY within the judiciary OVER TURNED THAT MAJORITY'S LAW.
You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

These polls are absurd.

The Majority of People in the Majority of the States, elected the majority Legislatures which established in law, legal protections which recognized marriage as the joining of one man and one woman.


This is where you run to note that 36 of 50 states have made pretend marriage legal. Then I point out that except for a tiny minority of states, the REST of THEM have VOTED TO PROHIBIT THE LOWERING OF THE MARRIAGE STANDARD, and that a TINY MINORITY within the judiciary OVER TURNED THAT MAJORITY'S LAW.
What part of the minority being protected from the whims of the majority did they not teach you in school?
You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

These polls are absurd.

The Majority of People in the Majority of the States, elected the majority Legislatures which established in law, legal protections which recognized marriage as the joining of one man and one woman.


This is where you run to note that 36 of 50 states have made pretend marriage legal. Then I point out that except for a tiny minority of states, the REST of THEM have VOTED TO PROHIBIT THE LOWERING OF THE MARRIAGE STANDARD, and that a TINY MINORITY within the judiciary OVER TURNED THAT MAJORITY'S LAW.

yeah, yeah, yeah, but the will of the people just ain't fair------------------------:)
You've made some ridiculous statements, but that's gotta be in the top 5.

Same-Sex Marriage Support Reaches New High at 55

These polls are absurd.

The Majority of People in the Majority of the States, elected the majority Legislatures which established in law, legal protections which recognized marriage as the joining of one man and one woman.


This is where you run to note that 36 of 50 states have made pretend marriage legal. Then I point out that except for a tiny minority of states, the REST of THEM have VOTED TO PROHIBIT THE LOWERING OF THE MARRIAGE STANDARD, and that a TINY MINORITY within the judiciary OVER TURNED THAT MAJORITY'S LAW.

yeah, yeah, yeah, but the will of the people just ain't fair------------------------:)
Hey, you got one right. How did that happen?

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