The Homosexual Dilemma

gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc
You fear Biblical Marriage?
I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?
No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Bigotry is intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. Read your statement, "Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry." Are you able to comprehend your lack of understanding?

Then you people are bigots by your own definition. Thank you kindly.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Do yourself a favor and read Jill Ann Spaulding's book. I don't for one minute believe Hugh Hefner is gay.
Homosexual dilemma - Being gay is wrong or not?
Answer is pretty obvious - WRONG
01) Being gay is not natural.
02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay,
03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.
04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all;
05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;
06) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.
07) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.
08) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

I almost feel like this is a spoof.

If not- it should be.

LOL.....if anyone's marriage is less meaningful because two gay guys get married, then the problem isn't with the gay guys marriage.
Homosexual dilemma - Being gay is wrong or not?
Answer is pretty obvious - WRONG
01) Being gay is not natural.
02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay,
03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.
04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all;
05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;
06) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.
07) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.
08) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

Do yourself a favor and listen to Zach Wahls' speech about his two loving lesbian mothers. He is the epitome of healthy and intelligent success.
Apparently you are unable to adapt to new and improved ways of life, but others are not.
How in the world does one encourage others to be gay? Didn't Jerry Sandusky's victims try and kill themselves?
"Gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior." Do you think the murderers in Paris were gay?
Pope Francis said 'God is not afraid of new things'.
"Being gay is not natural." How natural is it for teenagers to kill themselves because they feel they don't belong in our society because people such as
you spew your hatred and ignorance on a daily basis. Are you natural?
"Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all." Seems to me that people like the Kardashians are instigating all kinds of changes.
Your moral character is lacking as evidenced by the way you choose to marginalize people.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

Speaking of unlikely unions, you're only seeing one side of my marriage. My wife is a left leaning independent and her parents are hard core Leftists. Two very good friends of mine are a lesbian couple, one of them being my favorite teacher in school. My kids adore them and love having them babysit. Now that GM is legal in Idaho, their wedding is set for this June. We'll all be attending.
The asshole rabid anti-gay me is all you've seen so far.

I just thought you deserved a peek past the curtain.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.

slavery and marriage are not analogous, although some may consider them to be.

the legal arguments for gay marriage are EXACTLY the same arguments that will be made for bigamy, polygamy, and all other forms of "marriage". Those making the arguments will use gay marriage as a valid precedent.

Its coming, is that really where you want civilization to go?
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

I'm glad that you are happy, but you are not married. you both have female genitalia ( I assume).
Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

I'm glad that you are happy, but you are not married. you both have female genitalia ( I assume).

You're not married either. No, you really aren't. Because I say so.
It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

I'm glad that you are happy, but you are not married. you both have female genitalia ( I assume).

You're not married either. No, you really aren't. Because I say so.

wrong, but you knew that.
Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

I'm glad that you are happy, but you are not married. you both have female genitalia ( I assume).

You're not married either. No, you really aren't. Because I say so.

wrong, but you knew that. really aren't married. I said so, so it must be.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Do yourself a favor and read Jill Ann Spaulding's book. I don't for one minute believe Hugh Hefner is gay.

does having multiple partners make one gay?
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.

The piece of paper makes us civilly married. Our enduring love makes us spiritually married.

I'm glad that you are happy, but you are not married. you both have female genitalia ( I assume).

You're not married either. No, you really aren't. Because I say so.

wrong, but you knew that. really aren't married. I said so, so it must be.

gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.

slavery and marriage are not analogous, although some may consider them to be.

the legal arguments for gay marriage are EXACTLY the same arguments that will be made for bigamy, polygamy, and all other forms of "marriage". Those making the arguments will use gay marriage as a valid precedent.

Its coming, is that really where you want civilization to go?

And NAMBLA will walk through all those doors opened for them by their friends in the gay movement. A winning playbook.
gay marriage will lead to all forms of group marriage and multiple partners of all kinds.

The arguments for multiple marriage will be exactly the same as for gay marriage----discrimination, equal treatment, being allowed to marry who they love, etc

Yeah that whole slippery slope argument- I can do it too.

Legalizing slavery will lead to letting blacks vote, which lead to women getting the vote, which will lead to women being allowed to use contraceptives, which will lead telling the government that they can't tell Americans how they have sex, which will lead to gay marriage.

What we do know gay marriage will lead to?

Couples in love getting married.

Just like my wife and I did.

And the haters hate that.

slavery and marriage are not analogous, although some may consider them to be.

the legal arguments for gay marriage are EXACTLY the same arguments that will be made for bigamy, polygamy, and all other forms of "marriage". Those making the arguments will use gay marriage as a valid precedent.

Its coming, is that really where you want civilization to go?

And NAMBLA will walk through all those doors opened for them by their friends in the gay movement. A winning playbook.

yep, the ACLU is already gearing up to fight for multiple marriage.

If SCOTUS approves gay marriage, what legal doctrine do they use to limit it to two persons?

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