The Homosexual Dilemma

the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
There's confirmation bias. There's the cherry picking fallacy. And then there's Green. Who twice now has cited and ignored the exact same sources..

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my
5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?

When Green finally comes out of the closet, I predict it will look like this…


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my 5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?

Like I predicted from the beginning- you would always find reasons why any studies which disagree with you cannot be accepted.

Such is the way of the Goggles of Bigotry.
The government should have NOHTING to do with marriage, nothing.

Anyone who suggests otherwise wants government in the bedroom. That way they can give a thumbs down to the polygamist and thumbs up to the gay or straight couple.

Government is now everywhere with their hands in everything. Pretty soon they will want us to take video of our activities in the bedroom so they can regulate it and make sure we are using safe sex etc.

Well Conservatives wanted the government in our bedrooms- hence the laws which told all of us what kind of sex we were legally allowed to have- even with our wives. Now those laws have been found to be unconstitutional.

If you want to eliminate legal marriage entirely- well that would be equal- but it just is not going to happen.

But as long as legal marriages do exist- a same gender couple should be treated under the law the same as my wife and I are.
Confirmation bias and lack of critical thinking defines Greenbean's thinking and reactive processes.
It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.
You referring to my wife that way? Really?

No, s/he's not referring to your wife that way. He's only fullfilling the role of "typical bigot against gays". You guys attended the same gay pride parade last year, don't you remember?

StMike needs to refine his acting skills. He's a bit too obvious. And then there's his posts promoting the LGBT agenda that he slips in, hoping readers aren't keeping track of his position from thread to thread. Read his posts, reader, when you get a minute. These guys are not above subterfuge when it suits "smoke and mirrors"...

You are delusional.
Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

Bigots are bigots- it doesn't matter whether their rational is religion or not- People who belong to cultures whose religion says women should be treated as less than men and do so are bigots also.

You were the one who brought the strawman of 'babies being slaughtered' into this thread- I am pointing out that the same bigots who dont' want equality for homosexuals, want to control women's bodies and reproduction also.
I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Criticizing people for being homosexual is no different than criticizing people for being Jewish or for just being black (or as the bigots like to call it nowadays 'thug culture')

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry
So you've demonstrated yourself to be the typical spoiled American woman. There are plenty of manginas and white knights out there for you.

The Earth isn't enough for you, you want the moon and stars.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.
No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Criticizing people for being homosexual is no different than criticizing people for being Jewish or for just being black (or as the bigots like to call it nowadays 'thug culture')

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.
I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Of course it can be bigotry, and is in your case.
The common denominator in your last 4 relationships....was you. Do you think you may have had something to do with it?

You're right, it was. I was a mangina. I even gave the moons and the stars.
Bitterness is your life now, it appears.

It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.
You referring to my wife that way? Really?
You're not married. Shack up carpet muncher is more accurate.[/QUOTE]

Reported as a violation of the rules.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
You live in a world of self delusion. A piece of paper can't make you married.
You are delusional.

You're right, it was. I was a mangina. I even gave the moons and the stars.
Bitterness is your life now, it appears.

It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.
You referring to my wife that way? Really?
You're not married. Shack up carpet muncher is more accurate.

Reported as a violation of the rules.[/QUOTE]
Good for you! In case you didn't notice, we're not in the clean debate zone. And while I haven't violated any rules, you have by saying you're reporting my post instead of just doing it. You should read the rules and familiarize yourself with them before you warrant an infraction.
[ The FACT that homosexuality is a mental disorder remains to this day UNREFUTED.

Now you are the one who is delusional- or maybe just lying because of your intense bigotry towards homosexuals.

Virtually every professional psychological and psychiatric association in the Western World disagrees with you- aside from a few fringe anti-homosexual fringe associations with memberships in the dozens or hundreds.

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality (American Psychological Association)
No, lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations are not disorders. Research has found no inherent association between any of these sexual orientations and psychopathology. Both heterosexual behavior and homosexual behavior are normal aspects of human sexuality. Both have been documented in many different cultures and historical eras. Despite the persistence of stereotypes that portray lesbian, gay and bisexual people as disturbed, several decades of research and clinical experience have led all mainstream medical and mental health organizations in this country to conclude that these orientations represent normal forms of human experience. Lesbian, gay and bisexual relationships are normal forms of human bonding. Therefore, these mainstream organizations long ago abandoned classifications of homosexuality as a mental disorder

LGBT-Sexual Orientation (American Psychiatric Association)
No. All major professional mental health organizations have gone on record to affirm that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association’s Board of Trustees removed homosexuality from its official diagnostic manual, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Second Edition (DSM II). The action was taken following a review of the scientific literature and consultation with experts in the field. The experts found that homosexuality does not meet the criteria to be considered a mental illness. therapy.pdf
The British Psychological Society has published guidance
which says:
‘As same-sex sexual orientations… are not diagnosable
illnesses, they do not require any therapeutic
interventions to change them.’ Position statement on homosexuality.pdf
British Psychoanalytic Council
The British Psychoanalytic Council opposes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
It does not accept that a homosexual orientation is evidence of disturbance of the mind or in
development. In psychoanalytic psychotherapy, it is the quality of people’s relationships
which are explored, whether they are heterosexual or homosexual.

Royal College of Psychiatrists:

The College wishes to clarify that homosexuality is not a psychiatric

The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) takes the position that same sex orientation is not a mental disorder

What you consider to be a 'fact' is contrary to the consensus opinion by virtually every psychological association in the Western World.
Sounds to me like you need a whore - not a wife my friend . My wife is my life partner - but to each his own.

Lose your house and job. See if she stays. Guaranteed she'll have another guy within the week (assuming she hasn't hit the wall)

I wish you had a wife like mine. She's a partner in everything, good times or hard times. It's sad that you haven't met the right woman yet, but they're out there.

I agree- same with mine- over 20 years- couldn't ask for a better partner- good times and bad- great mother, my best friend- wise and beautiful.
Way to make sure to be alone.

So you've demonstrated yourself to be the typical spoiled American woman. There are plenty of manginas and white knights out there for you.

The Earth isn't enough for you, you want the moon and stars.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible.

Your bigotry makes you ignorant.
ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .

Essentially he is correct though- bigots are bigots.

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry.
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.

Criticizing people for being homosexual is no different than criticizing people for being Jewish or for just being black (or as the bigots like to call it nowadays 'thug culture')

Whether you also hate blacks and Jews and women and Italians and Mexicans and Chinese is irrelevant.

You are no different from the person who hates other Americans just because they are black or just because they are Jewish or just because they are a woman.

You are no different from someone who calls an African American a 'n*gger' or a woman a 'c*nt'.

Just a different chapter in the book of bigotry
Criticizing people based on lifestyle choice is not bigotry.
That depends. Regardless, it's not their "lifestyle", it's your "fears".
Homosexual dilemma - Being gay is wrong or not?
Answer is pretty obvious - WRONG
01) Being gay is not natural.
02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay,
03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior.
04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all;
05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed;
06) Gay marriage is not supported by religion.
07) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.
08) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms.

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