The Homosexual Dilemma

St. Mike is back at the old role-playing again I see. Drum up any sympathy for the LGBT crowd yet St. Mike?
There's confirmation bias. There's the cherry picking fallacy. And then there's Green. Who twice now has cited and ignored the exact same sources..

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my
5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?

When Green finally comes out of the closet, I predict it will look like this…

There's confirmation bias. There's the cherry picking fallacy. And then there's Green. Who twice now has cited and ignored the exact same sources..

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my
5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?

When Green finally comes out of the closet, I predict it will look like this…


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted...
The common denominator in your last 4 relationships....was you. Do you think you may have had something to do with it?

You're right, it was. I was a mangina. I even gave the moons and the stars.
Bitterness is your life now, it appears.[/QUOTE]

It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.
The common denominator in your last 4 relationships....was you. Do you think you may have had something to do with it?

You're right, it was. I was a mangina. I even gave the moons and the stars.
Bitterness is your life now, it appears.

It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.[/QUOTE]
You referring to my wife that way? Really?
It might be yours too, once your shack up carpet muncher gets a prescription for Trydikagan and dumps you. That's the problem with immorality, you can't complain when it's taken to the next level.
You referring to my wife that way? Really?

No, s/he's not referring to your wife that way. He's only fullfilling the role of "typical bigot against gays". You guys attended the same gay pride parade last year, don't you remember?

StMike needs to refine his acting skills. He's a bit too obvious. And then there's his posts promoting the LGBT agenda that he slips in, hoping readers aren't keeping track of his position from thread to thread. Read his posts, reader, when you get a minute. These guys are not above subterfuge when it suits "smoke and mirrors"...
The government should have NOHTING to do with marriage, nothing.

Anyone who suggests otherwise wants government in the bedroom. That way they can give a thumbs down to the polygamist and thumbs up to the gay or straight couple.

Government is now everywhere with their hands in everything. Pretty soon they will want us to take video of our activities in the bedroom so they can regulate it and make sure we are using safe sex etc.
Yea I never understood why or how The became involved in they marriage industry... I thought separation of church and state?
Yea I never understood why or how The became involved in they marriage industry... I thought separation of church and state?

It is separate. Civil marriage and religious marriage have nothing to do with each other. Good luck getting rid of civil marriage. Gays will continue to marry by the thousands while ya'll work on that, okay?
Way to make sure to be alone.

So you've demonstrated yourself to be the typical spoiled American woman. There are plenty of manginas and white knights out there for you.

The Earth isn't enough for you, you want the moon and stars.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

Your delusion does not change the fact that she is legally married to her life partner...and enjoying all the associated benefits. World ending yet? :lol:

It's an exercise in make believe. Same genders are biologically, mentally, and spiritually incompatible. Please refer to the blocks for a visual depiction of this principle:


Hang on...Yup, I was right. Your opinion did not make my marriage license disappear nor did it change the benefits we get for being legally married. Sucks to be you! :lol:
Yea I never understood why or how The became involved in they marriage industry... I thought separation of church and state?
Not everyone gets married in a church, you know.
The only other place is justice of the peace right? did that twice, is there another?

Oh crap forgot about my 1st wedding, I took 3 girls to Vegas in the 80s and on a dare, a one of the girls dragged me to one of those quicky weddings :) fun times
Yea I never understood why or how The became involved in they marriage industry... I thought separation of church and state?
Not everyone gets married in a church, you know.
The only other place is justice of the peace right? did that twice, is there another?

Oh crap forgot about my 1st wedding, I took 3 girls to Vegas in the 80s and on a dare, a one of the girls dragged me to one of those quicky weddings :) fun times

Why are we trying to deny consenting adult gays equal access to civil marriage again? The "sanctity"?
Btw thank you, I was never against gay marriage one of my best friends is a lesbian, well I forgot the girl at work also cool people, love those two
There's confirmation bias. There's the cherry picking fallacy. And then there's Green. Who twice now has cited and ignored the exact same sources..

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my
5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?

When Green finally comes out of the closet, I predict it will look like this…


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted...

I gave you a challenge - you were unable to meet - cite some viable studies that do not come from the primary propaganda LGBT propaganda sources UC Davis and the Mattachine society - you were unable to meet the challenge . You instead cited studies that you had no idea whatsoever of their content - you simply liked the titles - somewhat what one of my 5th graders would do - just curious how old are you ?
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

ah, typical accusations. People who dislike homosexual actions and the agenda are not bigots; hate the sin, love the sinner.

No- I mean the same bigots who don't want equality for homosexuals also want to control women's bodies also.

You can't win for loosing can you ?

You desperately try to enlist the Blacks and civil rights as your allies - when that doesn't work you try to enlist women in general and because a handful of demented lesbians jump on your bandwagon - you try and paint it as a womens issue

- you can't win on a level playing field - which is why you HAVE TO use deceit and slander - YOU CAN"T WIN .
Marriage Equality is here to stay.

SCOTUS will rule for it later in the year.

Best advice for haters on both sides? Don't marry some you don't like.

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