The Homosexual Dilemma

Hope she can't read your post - if she gets on your PC - LOL

She barely speaks english, and even if she did, she can't read well even in spanish. If you want a real woman, go to the forests of El Salvador. If you need a woman to be completely dependent on you in order to maintain a relationship.....what does that say about you?

Seeing that she has a house, food, and access to events, and she is not physically abused whatsoever, and I get her pretty little pussy every day (sometimes twice and thrice), it's make me a:

Happy Winner.

I even get to continue my music and woodworking hobbies when I get a 50 hour work week instead of 70 hours.

Skylar Google the video: "Angry Mangina Syndrome"

Sounds to me like you need a whore - not a wife my friend . My wife is my life partner - but to each his own.
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Another survey of more than 7,000 seventh- and eighth-grade students from a large Midwestern county examined the effects of school [social] climate and homophobic bullying on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) youth and found that
LGBQ youth were more likely than heterosexual youth to report high levels of bullying and substance use;
Students who were questioning their sexual orientation reported more bullying, homophobic victimization, unexcused absences from school, drug use, feelings of depression, and suicidal behaviors than either heterosexual or LGB students;

LGB students who did not experience homophobic teasing reported the lowest levels of depression and suicidal feelings of all student groups (heterosexual, LGB, and questioning students); and

All students, regardless of sexual orientation, reported the lowest levels of depression, suicidal feelings, alcohol and marijuana use, and unexcused absences from school when they were

In a positive school climate and
Not experiencing homophobic teasing.

LGBT Youth Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health CDC

Bullying Sucks, it always has and always will, but life sucks too and unfortunately bullying and learning to stand up to it are part of growing up - It;s a hardening process and has been since the beginning of time .

Bullying doesn't just 'suck'- homophobic bigots like yourself have inflicted this on homosexuals for decades.

And yes- I am sure you rationalize it as just 'toughening the f*gs up'.

You are just pissed that it is no longer politically correct to go out with 3 of your friends and find some 120 lbs boy you think is queer and beat them up to 'bitch smack' them back into the closet.
Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.


Name a single objective study - I know - yo can't - because you haven't gotten a clue as to what you're talking about .

And not studies from propaganda machines such as UC Davis or the Mattachine Society - ROFL - a single study not produced by a gay activist - you can't - there are none that will prove your point . Go for it Faggot

Well what I can guarantee is that you will not find any study 'objective' that agrees with your pre-determined bias.

But sure.
Homosexuality and Mental Health

In a review of published studies comparing homosexual and heterosexual samples on psychological tests, Gonsiorek (1982) found that, although some differences have been observed in test results between homosexuals and heterosexuals, both groups consistently score within the normal range. Gonsiorek concluded that "Homosexuality in and of itself is unrelated to psychological disturbance or maladjustment. Homosexuals as a group are not more psychologically disturbed on account of their homosexuality" (Gonsiorek, 1982, p. 74; see also reviews by Gonsiorek, 1991; Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walston & McKee, 1978; Riess, 1980).

Hooker's findings have since been replicated by many other investigators using a variety of research methods. Freedman (1971), for example, used Hooker's basic design to study lesbian and heterosexual women. Instead of projective tests, he administered objectively-scored personality tests to the women. His conclusions were similar to those of Hooker.
Gonsiorek- The Empirical Basis for the Demise of the Illness Model of Homosexuality
Gonsiorek- Results of Psychological Testing on Homosexual Populations
Reiss- Psychologocial Tests in Homosexuality
Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walseon & McKee- Pschological Adjustment of Nonpatient homosexuals

1.] Homosexuality and Mental Health .....
"...And not studies from propaganda machines such as UC Davis or the Mattachine Society "

2.] John Gonsiorek ! Seriously ? - why would you quote him when you don't know the first thing about his work ... read up on what you posted and then get back to me - there are some elements of some of his studies that would seem to aid your argument - and also other elements that would work against you - Tread carefully of this one little fella - or I'll blow it up in your face.

3.] Reiss- Psychologocial Tests in Homosexuality

I'm not familiar with this one -care to post a link ?

4.] Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walseon & McKee- Pschological Adjustment of Nonpatient homosexuals

This paper critically reviews research studies comparing adjustment levels of nonpatient homosexuals and heterosexuals, and concludes that findings to date have not demonstrated that the homosexual individual is any less psychologically adjusted than his heterosexual counterpart.

Produced by the APA - a political tool of the Gay Agenda - I am not familiar with its content - and it is not available online so obviously neither are you - other than the fact that it has a title which suited your needs . When you manage to get beyond the title perhaps then we can chat . Facts such as how the study subjects were chosen, from what sector of the population were they chosen, were they random or like most other studies produced by Gay activists were they chosen with the objective of arriving at a predetermined findings.

You know nothing about this study , other than its title - and it is highly unlikely that the authors would divulge information about how they chose their subjects seeing what happenned to previous propagandists who attempted this.

'produced by the APA'- the largest association of psychiatrists in the United States.

Yeah- meanwhile you cite your own looney tunes website.

Look- I clearly can't stop your bigotry- I am not responsible for whatever sad excuse of a life has caused you to hate Americans so much- but I will continue to point out your bigotry- your homophobia and your hate.

APA ? Below is Just the tip of the iceberg - The Rind Controversy. And although the APA may be the largest association of psychiatrists in the United States it is run by a small handful of powerful leftists - the remainder squabble at times about the BS they have been putting out - but like society at large - the fire is still smoldering - the inferno is up the road a tad.

For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal.The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year.The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda, while others charged that Congress’s and the APA’s actions amounted to censorship and would have a chilling effect on scientific research.Numerous articles were published in the popular and professional press over the next two years.The controversy was rekindled in 2001 when a psychologist’s critique of the APA’s actions was accepted for publication in another APA journal, then rejected just before publication.This site details the events of this drama, and links to articles published in the professional journals.

The Rind Controversy
Sounds to me like you need a whore - not a wife my friend . My wife is my life partner - but to each his own.

Lose your house and job. See if she stays. Guaranteed she'll have another guy within the week (assuming she hasn't hit the wall)

Been there done that - years ago . Picked up the pieces . But then again not everyone can be married to Cinderella like I am - some prefer tinkerbell.
Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Another survey of more than 7,000 seventh- and eighth-grade students from a large Midwestern county examined the effects of school [social] climate and homophobic bullying on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) youth and found that
LGBQ youth were more likely than heterosexual youth to report high levels of bullying and substance use;
Students who were questioning their sexual orientation reported more bullying, homophobic victimization, unexcused absences from school, drug use, feelings of depression, and suicidal behaviors than either heterosexual or LGB students;

LGB students who did not experience homophobic teasing reported the lowest levels of depression and suicidal feelings of all student groups (heterosexual, LGB, and questioning students); and

All students, regardless of sexual orientation, reported the lowest levels of depression, suicidal feelings, alcohol and marijuana use, and unexcused absences from school when they were

In a positive school climate and
Not experiencing homophobic teasing.

LGBT Youth Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health CDC

Bullying Sucks, it always has and always will, but life sucks too and unfortunately bullying and learning to stand up to it are part of growing up - It;s a hardening process and has been since the beginning of time .

Bullying doesn't just 'suck'- homophobic bigots like yourself have inflicted this on homosexuals for decades.

And yes- I am sure you rationalize it as just 'toughening the f*gs up'.

You are just pissed that it is no longer politically correct to go out with 3 of your friends and find some 120 lbs boy you think is queer and beat them up to 'bitch smack' them back into the closet.

Trying to frame the argument are you ? Sorry Pal - that shit don't fly . The discussion is not about beating up Gays , [and incidentally - your stereotype of a 120 sissy boy doesn't fly either -I seen some fags that would put Schwarzenegger to shame ]

The argument is about Gay propagandists forcing their views on society and in particular Children. They feel they have the right to over ride the family on issues of morality, they feel they have the right to falsify scientific data to suit their needs. They feel they have the right to inundate the AMerican Home with unabated deceitful and misleading brainwashing and propaganda on a daily basis . This nonsense about bullying is simply just another tool.

You are just pissed that it is no longer politically correct to go out ....find some 120 lbs boy you think is queer and beat them up

It never was "Politically Correct" and it rarely happened -

You seem to be pissed off because the jig is just about up - America is starting to wake up and grow weary of the queer shenanigans - there will be a backlash .
people give too much importance to sex.


I tend to agree. In my opinion, one of the least interesting things about a person is how they get their nut.

get a nut? what a silly way of talking

i don't know where you come from...your background

I wasnt raised with that language

walnut macadamias pistachios...that's what i know

you don't make sense in my family mind

I don't think I like you
people give too much importance to sex.


I tend to agree. In my opinion, one of the least interesting things about a person is how they get their nut.

get a nut? what a silly way of talking

i don't know where you come from...your background

I wasnt raised with that language

walnut macadamias pistachios...that's what i know

you don't make sense in my family mind

I don't think I like you

Laughing....if you judge if you like a person on one turn of phrase, then you're probably not anyone I want to get to know.

Its probably best if we don't ever talk again. Ever.

They did initially. But after decades of studies, they could find no actual psychopathology associated with homosexuality.

Wrong - you my friend are one sad slimy little buttfucker -you haven't got a shred of independent free thought in your minute little cranium .

Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.

Your hatred of homosexuals- and fear of being anally raped fuels your obsession.

There's confirmation bias. There's the cherry picking fallacy. And then there's Green. Who twice now has cited and ignored the exact same sources.......citing them when they agree with him, and ignoring them when they don't.

Where by any rational standard, either a source is credible or it isn't. For Green.......he'll ignore any source that doesn't say what he believes. Even his own sources.
Sounds to me like you need a whore - not a wife my friend . My wife is my life partner - but to each his own.

Lose your house and job. See if she stays. Guaranteed she'll have another guy within the week (assuming she hasn't hit the wall)

Been there done that - years ago . Picked up the pieces . But then again not everyone can be married to Cinderella like I am - some prefer tinkerbell.

When's the last time she bought you flowers? (or anything)?
the libs in this thread keep talking about no need to procreate; not surprising since they defend millions of babies being slaughtered.

Why am I not surprised that the same people who don't want equality for homosexuals also oppose a woman controlling her own body.

I think you meant controlling her own body AND another (innocent) body- you know; murder.
What speaks volumes is my last four relationships. In the end I was swindled and bled dry.

What is the old saying?

Fool me once....shame on you.....

Right, never again. I hold all the cards. Even the pussy card.
Way to make sure to be alone.

So you've demonstrated yourself to be the typical spoiled American woman. There are plenty of manginas and white knights out there for you.

The Earth isn't enough for you, you want the moon and stars.
I'm quite happily married without being a tyrant. :D
You're not married.

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