The Homosexual Dilemma

That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

Below is a picture of Neil Patrick Harris' twins, born of his and his partner's DNA. They are privileged to be ensconced in a loving and safe environment where they will be afforded the opportunity to grow and thrive. If they learn of sexual biases it will be from fear mongers such as you.
Living in harmony would be ideal, but we are a culture of many different people, and some of us are not open to equality.


That is not just false, it is hysterically false.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Marriage is such, because that is how nature designed the human species, with two distinct, but complimenting genders.

Marriage provides for the traits respective to each gender to nurture and train children though the distinct perspectives common to each. By lowering the standards of marriage, the Ideological Left has long since injured the institution of marriage... resulting in exponentially more children being born into single parent homes, encouraging divorce, rendering two gender families into one gender families...

The evidence is conclusive that children living in homes where one gender is represented children tend to grow up absent sufficient training, thus lacking the discipline to provide for them the means to focus cognitively, thus producing the epidemic of drug addles youths through the ill-advised treatment of the psychological alphabet soup maladies; ADD, ADHD, ODD and so on and so forth of fictitious 'disorders' which has lead generations of children who have failed to develop into sound, well balanced adults.

Adding further devolution of the marriage standard is only going to promote more perverse iterations of poorly founded children with little means to function independently and exponential growth in children who develop disorders wherein they identify themselves as homosexual or some other form of sexual and maturation abnormality.

Ronan Farrow's father left when Ronan was only 6 years leaving Ronan to be raised by his mother. He's proven to be highly intelligent and very successful despite his father's incestuous affair with his adopted sister and his father's sexual abuse of another adopted sister, which I think you would agree certainly lowered the standards of marriage.

AS I stated and Science agrees "Homosexuality is a product of early childhood trauma" and apparently Mr. Farrow had plenty.

He's not gay.

You sure about that ?

Does Ronan Farrow s Sexuality Matter VICE United States

Actually I'm not sure any more than you are. He's a great-looking man, highly intelligent, and I would respect him whatever his sexual orientation. I've always found people of intelligence to be fascinating, and there are a myriad of subjects to discuss without bringing a person's bedroom habits into the equation.

I agree - leave Doogie Howser alone - so far as I know he's respectable until proven otherwise. Queer or not
Fecal Faggot fornicating fellatio-fiends are what they are: Unnatural.

Yet so superior to bigots like yourself.

A gay man played the trombone while I played the organ for my own composition. He has many talents to boast of in the music world that I don't.

However, that doesn't make his fecal fornication any more natural.

All of my gay friends know that I do not approve of their behavior. They usually find out when they try to touch me thinking I'm a closet homo.
Compulsive homosexuality is a symptom-complex associated with extreme personality distortion. This extreme personality distortion demonstrably has its roots the earliest childhood and even infantile experiences of the individual and perpetuated by the compulsive strategies evolved during the course of his existence.

These constitute a neurotic aspect of the individuals personaliy and orientation structure. Homosexuality is essentially an outgrowth of acquired conflict relating to the whole person. It is the symbolic expression of a person's inner conflict in sexual language.

Dude, this is from 1957 from a guy named Harry Gershman. If you're going to ape someone, the least you can do is attribute the quote. And of course, all of Gershman's conclusions are drawn from an era when ALL research into homosexuals was from the prison population or mental hospitals. With many of Gershman's sources being from the 1930s.

When you drew from the population at large, as was done Evelyn Hooker, gays and lesbians are as functioning and well adjusted as the population at large. There's a reason that homosexuality was recognized as a mental illness for only 23 years by the APA.........the conclusions didn't hold up.

With legions of research since the APA's recognition that homosexuality wasn't a mental illness affirming this conclusion. But you got back to when the first season of I Love Lucy was still on the air as your primary source and ignore everything since?

That's ridiculous.

The American Journal of Psychoanalysis

Homosexual people tend to experience more mental health problems than heterosexual people, research indicates.

Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents.

Four percent had a depressive episode in the last week, compared to two percent of heterosexual people. The rate of alcohol dependence was ten percent versus five percent, and for self-harming it was nine percent versus five percent.

The proportion of homosexual people who described themselves as being fairly or very happy was 30 percent, versus 40 percent for heterosexual people.

In the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, participants chosen to be representative of the UK population gave information on neurotic symptoms, common mental disorders, probable psychosis, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug use, as well as aspects of sexual identity and perceived discrimination.

And when you look at the EXACT same source, it tells you why:

He stated that, although the level of discrimination was low, it was still significantly higher than against heterosexual people. This “lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” he says....

......The study is published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Dr. Chakraborty and his team write, “Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation predicted certain neurotic disorder outcomes, even after adjustment for potentially confounding variables.”

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals Psych Central

This is your source. And they indicate its DISCRIMINATION against gays, not homosexuality that results in the negative outcomes.

And just as you ignored Dr. Cummings while at the same time citing him, you ignore the very researchers and study you cite while at the same time citing it. That takes cherry picking to a brand new level. There's simply no source you won't ignore if they don't say what you already believe.

You'll even ignore your own sources. And this you call 'objectivity'? You clearly don't understand the meaning of the word. You're engaging in rampant confirmation bias yet again.

And of course, still can't assimilate or even address the evidence that utterly obliterates your claims:

Now, prior to Evelyn Hooker, all of the research in homosexuality-- all of it-- was done on people who were already under serious psychiatric treatment. Let me repeat that. In the history of psychiatric research, no one had ever conducted a study on a homosexual population that wasn't either in therapy, or prison, a mental hospital, or the disciplinary barracks of the armed services.

Evelyn thought about this. And decided that this kind of research was distorting psychiatry's conclusions about homosexual populations. To test her theory, Evelyn came up with an experiment. Through her former student, she located 30 homosexuals who had never sought therapy in their lives, and matched those homosexuals with a group of heterosexuals of comparable age, IQ, and education. Evelyn then put both groups through a battery of psychological tests, including a Rorschach test, the famous ink blot test.

After disguising her subjects, Evelyn gave the results to three experienced psychiatrists and asked them to identify the homosexuals. She figured that if homosexuals were inherently pathological, the psychiatrists would be able to pick them out easily. But the judges were completely unable to distinguish the homos from hets. Equally important was the fact that the judges categorized 2/3 of both the homosexuals and the heterosexuals as perfectly well adjusted normally functioning human beings.

Transcript This American Life

How do you deal with these results? The same way you deal with Dr. Cummings, the same way you deal with the researchers you just cited. You ignore them and pretend they don't exist. If only reality worked that way. Your willful ignorance is not a standard of science or objectivity. But desperation.

And of course, you demanded a source for my numbers and I gave them to you.

In a study of 269 cases of child sex abuse, only two offenders where found to be gay or lesbian. More relevant was the finding that of the cases involving molestation of a boy by a man, seventy-four percent of the men were or had been in a heterosexual relationship with the boys mother or another female relative. The conclusion was found that "a child's risk of being molested by his or her relative's heterosexual partner is over one hundred times greater than by someone who might be identifiable as being homosexual." -

Gay and Lesbian Adoptive Parents Issues and Concerns - FindLaw

Backed by this study: Are Children at Risk for Sexual Abuse by Homosexuals

Which you then promptly ignored...for no particular reason. You ignoring evidence doesn't mean the evidence ceases to exist. You refusing to acknowledge these studies doesn't mean that we can't see them.

And there's still your own comic 'logic' to mock and enjoy.
Gay Men comprise about 2 - 3 % of the population - yet are responsible for about 35% of Child Molestation cases
Indeed... there is nothing objective about "SCIENCE!"... which is the propaganda network of Leftists in academia who deceitfully use the inherent credibility of science, just as they subjectively use the inherent credibility of the government to subjectively and simultaneously push the same agenda.

The obvious problem is that you're not being objective. Almost all sexual molesters of children are self identified heterosexuals. With 74% of the abusers of boys being heterosexual men in heterosexual relationships with the mothers or other close female relative of the boy they molested. So per you reasoning, a self identifying heterosexual man, who is sexually attracted to women, who is in a heterosexual physical relationship with a actually a gay man?

Laughing....that's absurd. Your reasoning is hopelessly broken, your standards are wildly inconsistent with you ignoring your own sources repeatedly, and you're deeply commited to Confirmation Bias, as you will ignore any source if they don't say what you believe.

Even if the source is your own. You can't teach that kind of willful ignorance.
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Hope she can't read your post - if she gets on your PC - LOL

She barely speaks english, and even if she did, she can't read well even in spanish. If you want a real woman, go to the forests of El Salvador. I met her through an El Salvadorean immigrant at my job when I went to El Salvador with the immigrant. I didn't return immediately, even though she went back to the states, because I found something I couldn't let go of - a 100% unspoiled woman.
Hope she can't read your post - if she gets on your PC - LOL

She barely speaks english, and even if she did, she can't read well even in spanish. If you want a real woman, go to the forests of El Salvador. If you need a woman to be completely dependent on you in order to maintain a relationship.....what does that say about you?

Seeing that she has a house, food, and access to events, and she is not physically abused whatsoever, and I get her pretty little pussy every day (sometimes twice and thrice), it's make me a:

Happy Winner.

I even get to continue my music and woodworking hobbies when I get a 50 hour work week instead of 70 hours.

Skylar Google the video: "Angry Mangina Syndrome"
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Hope she can't read your post - if she gets on your PC - LOL

She barely speaks english, and even if she did, she can't read well even in spanish. If you want a real woman, go to the forests of El Salvador. If you need a woman to be completely dependent on you in order to maintain a relationship.....what does that say about you?

Seeing that she has a house, food, and access to events, and she is not physically abused whatsoever, and I get her pretty little pussy every day (sometimes twice and thrice), it's make me a:

Happy Winner.

I even get to continue my music and woodworking hobbies when I get a 50 hour work week instead of 70 hours.

But you can't maintain a relationship unless the woman you're with is completely dependant on you. Where shes' illiterate, doesn't speak the language, has no marketable skills, and without you would go homeless. Its only in such an uneven power structure, where the women you're with have no power at all...

....that you can maintain a relationship with a woman.

That speaks volumes.
Except for the studies which disagree with your anal and feces obsessed brain.


Name a single objective study - I know - yo can't - because you haven't gotten a clue as to what you're talking about .

And not studies from propaganda machines such as UC Davis or the Mattachine Society - ROFL - a single study not produced by a gay activist - you can't - there are none that will prove your point . Go for it Faggot

Well what I can guarantee is that you will not find any study 'objective' that agrees with your pre-determined bias.

But sure.
Homosexuality and Mental Health

In a review of published studies comparing homosexual and heterosexual samples on psychological tests, Gonsiorek (1982) found that, although some differences have been observed in test results between homosexuals and heterosexuals, both groups consistently score within the normal range. Gonsiorek concluded that "Homosexuality in and of itself is unrelated to psychological disturbance or maladjustment. Homosexuals as a group are not more psychologically disturbed on account of their homosexuality" (Gonsiorek, 1982, p. 74; see also reviews by Gonsiorek, 1991; Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walston & McKee, 1978; Riess, 1980).

Hooker's findings have since been replicated by many other investigators using a variety of research methods. Freedman (1971), for example, used Hooker's basic design to study lesbian and heterosexual women. Instead of projective tests, he administered objectively-scored personality tests to the women. His conclusions were similar to those of Hooker.
Gonsiorek- The Empirical Basis for the Demise of the Illness Model of Homosexuality
Gonsiorek- Results of Psychological Testing on Homosexual Populations
Reiss- Psychologocial Tests in Homosexuality
Hart, Roback, Tittler, Weitz, Walseon & McKee- Pschological Adjustment of Nonpatient homosexuals
That speaks volumes.

What speaks volumes is my last four relationships. In the end I was swindled and bled dry.

The common denominator in your last 4 relationships....was you. Do you think you may have had something to do with it?

Yeah I think we have all met people like him before- always complaining how everyone he marries or dates or is room mates with or works with etc, etc is the reason why everything fell apart.

Is it a shock he blames homosexuals too?
That speaks volumes.

What speaks volumes is my last four relationships. In the end I was swindled and bled dry.

What is the old saying?

Fool me once....shame on you.....

Right, never again. I hold all the cards. Even the pussy card.
Way to make sure to be alone.

So you've demonstrated yourself to be the typical spoiled American woman. There are plenty of manginas and white knights out there for you.

The Earth isn't enough for you, you want the moon and stars.
And solid, tangible benefits to society.

Yup - and it's also wonderful that gayness can be enjoyed and shared this way - every kid has a right to experience inter generational intimacy - isn't that right skylar ?

Every kid has the right to be free of homophobic bullying and battery.

Homophobes are pissed off about that.
How often are homosexuals being bashed.....or is this another "back alley abortion" argument?

Another survey of more than 7,000 seventh- and eighth-grade students from a large Midwestern county examined the effects of school [social] climate and homophobic bullying on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning (LGBQ) youth and found that
LGBQ youth were more likely than heterosexual youth to report high levels of bullying and substance use;
Students who were questioning their sexual orientation reported more bullying, homophobic victimization, unexcused absences from school, drug use, feelings of depression, and suicidal behaviors than either heterosexual or LGB students;

LGB students who did not experience homophobic teasing reported the lowest levels of depression and suicidal feelings of all student groups (heterosexual, LGB, and questioning students); and

All students, regardless of sexual orientation, reported the lowest levels of depression, suicidal feelings, alcohol and marijuana use, and unexcused absences from school when they were

In a positive school climate and
Not experiencing homophobic teasing.

LGBT Youth Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health CDC

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